June 02, 2024, 04:39:57 PMLatest Member: jachary

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Topics - Optimism


It'll be interesting to see how these advance. I loved the WCIII use map settings games. Alot of them are pretty similar. Used with the Dota 2 Reborn engine.
Off Topic / Need a new PC guys D:
June 22, 2015, 10:56:46 PM
Well guys, I'm too ashamed to post this on Facebook, but between monthly student loan payments/bills, I'm having trouble saving for a PC. I'd like to start streaming on twitch if I can raise enough to buy components for a new one. Below is my GoFundMe page (I know, **** that's embarrassing). If anyone is willing, by all means, toss me a buck or two. The old HP DV 5000 just isn't cutting it anymore. If this breaks rules, my apologies, you can delete the post. At any rate, here's my page below:

Since GoFundMe won't allow public donations, you can donate to my PayPal directly here and post a comment below (**** you GoFundMe):

[email protected]

Hey guys, I've been an avid gamer all my life and have always wanted to take up streaming on twitch but my current set-up (a Hewlett Packard DV 5000) would never allow me to do so. I'm a graduate from The Ohio State University in Columbus with degrees in Microbiology and Nursing. I am employed full time as a nurse but between monthly bills and student loan payments, I can't find it in my budget to save for a better computer. The laptop I use is from all the way back in 2006 when I first went to college. It's been a great notebook and is an absolute tank but the new-age games just don't run smoothly and If I'm to open Twitch while gaming the Laptop overheats within a couple of minutes! I feel awful coming on here and asking for a few donations but this laptop is on it's last legs after 8 long years. I've set the goal at $1,000 but even $500 may be efficient, as I've looked into building my own computer after buying the individual components (way cheaper than buying a pre-made model). Well guys, I'd appreciate any help I can get! Thanks in advance! Toodles!
GFX / Can I grab a new sig?
April 12, 2014, 11:17:03 PM
I'd appreciate it guys. Thanks ;3.
GFX / Need some help
September 26, 2013, 12:05:17 AM
Can anyone get these things without the logo being blocked by pay site text?


Off Topic / Dota 2 team
September 05, 2013, 11:45:50 PM
Any guys here want to make a team? I need good players, i.e., 300+ wins or people who have come from DOTA 1.
General Discussion / On for some...base
May 30, 2013, 12:39:12 AM
Come tag along bitches.
GFX / New site background [competition]
November 03, 2012, 07:56:34 PM

- Administrators must approve of the design.

- The image must have the same dimensions as the current background (999 by X [1000-1500 in length]).

- Feel free to make the background one image or two images. If two images, make sure that the top image is larger than the current image, similar to here: http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?topic=33597.0. The reason your image must be larger than the current image is because the spacing between the tabs and the top portion of the Hello user and search bar section of the forum will be extended.

- It must be a dark theme to fit the current outline of the site. Other colors can be added; however, try to use colors that match our new logo.

- Our new logo must be used, found here :http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?topic=28487.0.

- Other than these requirements, the design is free style.

Rewards: a rare jack head, attack bot V3, BOUTCHEETAH EF and 500,000 coins
GFX / New background for site, thoughts?
November 03, 2012, 07:50:50 PM
General Discussion / Trivia time!
October 17, 2012, 10:59:29 PM
Trivia will start in 15 minutes! Come online to earn some free one year coin items with correct answers (the questions will be easier this time, although, there will be a few difficult ones).
Announcements / New General Rules
October 05, 2012, 07:54:40 PM
1) I've had some recent complaints regarding certain guilds, which shall remain nameless to mitigate drama, attempting to "steal" members from other guilds through gigas, membership incentives, coin items and so on. From this point forward, any evidence forthcoming regarding this matter will result in a permanent ban for those found responsible for violating this rule (forum and in-game).

2) Also, there is quite a bit of passive trolling/inflammatory remarks going around as well. This will stop, and, if those players who have a history of this continue, they will be muted for a week. Moreover, if, upon their return, these players further break this rule, their forum account will be banned and their in-game account will receive equal treatment (a permanent ban).

For those of you who wish to view the rules directly, please click on the following link: http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php/topic,6256 (rules 16 and 17).

Here at Zylon Gaming, we wish to protect our members from the few players with surreptitious motives -- the subsequent rules will allow and maintain this protection.

Kind regards,

GFX / BOTS!! Render Packs
September 26, 2012, 08:26:29 PM
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, within the sticked topics are the render packs Infestor51 released to the community. The links no longer work.

Do any of you still have the files in full or in part, and, if so, can you please post them here.

Thank you :].
General Discussion / Trivia
September 21, 2012, 10:28:34 PM
Trivia starts in 5 minutes; win and obtain some free one year coin items!
You all knew this was coming. Anyways, I just wanted to mention a few things with regard to the previous 17 page long debacle of a discussion about PVP rankings/history/etc.

What many people don't seem to address or even consider when comparing the old generation with the current generation is one, the pool of talent and two, the knowledge base of the players, which dovetail into each other indefinitely. Before I retired here on BC, the aforementioned pool was much deeper than it was in 06' and 07. Because of the individuals who were willing to instruct new players and pass knowledge on, we have a somewhat decent PVP community here. This wasn't the case in 06', 07' and even early 08'. The talent pool was abysmal at the very best on the original Acclaim server. There were a few top tier players, and even then, these high tier players lacked the knowledge required to ever become "the best". In 07' and early 08', I was one of these players. Then, in late 08', came the onslaught of PVP guilds, where knowledge was passed around (I'll talk about this in a bit) and the community strengthened exponentially (Sanctuary, Death_Factor, etc.). The best drew from each other's talents and built their own skill sets. We had our arguments; however, we respected each other and enjoyed the competition. We entered rooms of 8 and watched as each of us took a turn in round robin tournaments to decide who was the best at the time. Save a few delusional individuals, we all knew who was the best and what needed to be done to become better. Yes, in 07' and early 08', S_A was indeed the best PVP in the game. I'm not going to take anything away from the man -- he held the most knowledge and detail about the intricacies of the game (more than anyone at the time).

Then, myself and Saphira decided to sit in a room together for probably 2 hours and delve into the gaps of our knowledge in an attempt to better ourselves. During these two hours, we discovered the glitches that only S_A possessed, amongst other things. We made a promise to never let these secrets out; however, I broke this promise when I made Sanctuary. Unlike S_A and Saphira, I wanted to spread this knowledge to better our community and better the game. I was sick of defeating all but one individual. I wanted more competition. I wanted more fun. And as time past, I developed my own abilities and skills that were independent of what anyone had seen in the game. I have no one else to thank for this but those I trained, who gave me great games so that I could hone my skills further in an attempt to acquire the top rank. To be as concise as I can with the inaccurate description of S_A's skills with regard to the information zeitgeist within BOTS!!, I'll describe the following situation. In late 08' / early 09', I had been beating S_A 50/50 for quite some time during our private 1v1 matches. We were both very curious who was the better PVP. We decided to do a best of 5.. I won 3 games straight, surviving in red, orange and orange respectively. Despite having an identical skill set and an account belonging to S_A himself, this avatar (who was really S_A) claimed that he wasn't S_A, but rather, his cousin playing on his account. Now, this may bring back a few memories about certain players (Nitex, for instance) -- certain people cannot handle losing big matches. They consistently find an excuse for why it is happening. S_A was no different.  However, no one had the opportunity to see this side of him, save myself at the time, as I was the only one capable of bringing him down at a consistent level in 1v1 matches. At this moment, he was no different than Nitex.

The purpose of these details isn't to kick S_A while hes not around, it's to emphasize the importance of the information transition within this game (the only reason I was able to become better and beat S_A). It is ridiculous to hold S_A as the "gold standard" today, when, during his time, he denied himself competition by refusing to share his secrets with others. He lived in a time where the best player external from the group that consistently played together was a newb. Times have changed; The talent pool is greater; We all understand the game better. During our best of 5, even my knowledge was infantile compared to what it is today (continual information dissemination). Many of you now would fare better than even I did then during our best of 5. This is something many of you seem to leave out when describing the "best PVP ever". His time was then. Your time is now at a very different stage in the game's development. The players today have knowledge and information at their hands that we never had in the game's early stages. Comparing then to now simply can't be done (it is an ENORMOUS fallacy). A great analogy to this is Mixed Martial Arts. The sport has evolved so greatly, the talent pool has increased so much, that the best of 10 years ago wouldn't stand a chance in hell against the best today (there is simply so much potential that is readily developed and refined with the new-age techniques and information that those who previously held this information to themselves would be out shined). Many of you are living a dream, a delusion; you've never moved on. It's time to move on and admit to ourselves that the old generation of players (06', 07' and 08') simply can't compare to the best of today with the current knowledge available. The PVP realm within this game is an information war. Those who have it succeed; those without it fail. Anyone can press buttons. With timing and this information, you have a great chance at making it into the top tier.

So, can we all stop arguing about who is the best? Go in-game and show it to each other. Honesty is something we all held in high esteem during the old days of play (most of us). Today, it simply seems that lies, a sharp tongue on the forum, and yes, even lag (Tricky [remember, I've seen you play without it]), can make you a top tier player.
Off Topic / Genki Sudo
August 13, 2012, 06:11:30 PM
This man is a great fighter, great philosopher, great singer and a great dancer:


Just started looking into his stuff. Pretty neat.
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