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Topics - triblion

I most want the meto jack and dark bot but I still need a set of reapers
Post your asking price of those items
Also a asking price on ANY items that you want to sell
General Discussion / Back
August 03, 2015, 04:19:49 PM
I'm back now so anyone who I made any deals with I can sell/buy so just leave your IGN as a reply and what I'm buying/selling
Normal Server / Buying meto jack
July 26, 2015, 11:00:47 AM
Buying Meto Jack

Offer Meto Wing + 50mil can raise my offer a little more
Normal Server / Selling meto wings OR dark meto
July 22, 2015, 10:06:45 AM
Selling meto wings leave a reply with offer if you want to buy.

Sell dark meto OR meto wings not both leave offer and which one you want to buy
Suggestions / Suggestions
July 22, 2015, 07:42:22 AM
I'm not sure if any of these would work here because I'm not sure how hard it would be but I think that this would help catch hackers and rule breakers

If GM's could join a room that was full locked under any different condition even 8/8 full and just join but it not tell anyone so a hacker could be in game and a GM could join without it saying anything or if he was in lobby a gm could join with no message and the slot be free for someone else just like the GM wasn't there, also if there was an option for the gm to be invisible in game to just spectate and see if their hacking or not.

I'm not sure if any of this is alresdy in the game I just thought it would be helpful if it was possible to as into the game for GM's to help catch hackers and stuff.

Just ask me to reword it if I didn't explain it very well
Report A Bug / Client error
April 20, 2015, 06:22:31 PM
When I try and log into my account it just has the connecting box with the dots moving back and forth not doing anything at all, I have turn off my pc on and off Changed my password reinstalled the client turned off the internet and on again waited a day and I have also tried not using wireless non of this is fixing it. Any ideas
Suggestions / Variety
December 28, 2014, 09:04:13 AM
I got this idea from a post in the announments fourm from someone with hax in their name this is his idea I just expanded more on it (I'm not stealing his idea I am just expanding on it because I thought it was a good idea). I have been on this game for years now and I acchived level 270 like a lot of people have now and I am still active and have noticed that almost all of the level 270's all look exactly the same Tier 3 raid armour, meto wings, meto gun, hallow II EF, meto blade merc all the same gear same stats and such, so I think it would be cool if like hax said that we could create our own ef but it still have the stats of the EF that we used so we could use a software upload it to the website and make our ef look like that but still have all of the stats of the Hallow II ef in my case, or the same thing with flags, just something that will make you stand out instead of just being another level 270 who can solo pretty much everything. We should also add new maps and make it 4 players to start raid instead of 8 because it is hard to get 8 level 245+ in a room and we should have events every month not just pvp events either. These are not my own ideas they belong to the people who first posted them but they gave very little detail I just wanted to expand on that and give you guys an idea that is more clear and something that you can actually use to create it and make it real.

Thank you for reading

-SS Trib
Mail me in game or PM me here with offers I am also buying permanent meto blade and dark not I am willing to trade items for them to
Introductions / Hello
June 15, 2014, 08:41:02 AM
Hello I'm SS Trib I have been playing since 2011 so I know a lot about the game and I'm also online most of the day usually 9 hours week days about between 10-12 weekends and I also help anyone that needs it just mail me in game and I will get back in 24 hours. I'm SS Trib hope to see you in game soon guys
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