May 10, 2024, 07:42:55 AMLatest Member: poocat

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Messages - bangaer2

If I had your heart
Or borrowed just a part
I could never let it go
Even if it is heavier than my own

And if that would be my desire
Even if it burns mine like fire
My palms would never split
So how could I drop it?

Only the destruction of mine first
Would fade away the blessed curse
So unless you plan to stay
Leaving me is the only way

But my memories would never be erased
Even from hapiness to waste
I'd remember our times inside
Not in my head but in my life
Spam / Re: help me.
January 01, 2012, 11:44:25 PM
I pwn everybody on minecraft, cuz I'm swedish  8) Hehe
Spam / Re: Hello, sup?
January 01, 2012, 11:43:36 PM
Um sorry. I be tired piggy ^^ Someday maybe.. ;)

Yeah ofc i do bro ;) <3 And you know what i think bout u ;)

Omgomgomgomg IT'Z TANQQ!! ;DDD
Tips and Guides / Re: How to type korean in boutcheetah
January 01, 2012, 11:35:36 PM
How come koreans are so awesome?
Spam / Re: Hello, sup?
December 24, 2011, 09:38:21 PM
Oki :D Thx ^^
Spam / Hello, sup?
December 24, 2011, 09:26:33 PM
Probably completetly forgotten by now.... :(
I have been away for social reasons. Girlfriend and such but I now I'm starting to feel more relaxed :)

So if there is still anyone out there who cares(>.<) what is your predicament about me coming back? :)
Red Neokiller
Spam / Re: .............
November 21, 2011, 07:49:10 PM
Quote from: Selene on November 20, 2011, 04:31:03 PM
Quote from: ZeroUH on November 20, 2011, 03:43:18 PM
/RAGE x 10^9000!!!!!
Why don't you go out for a little with your friends and do something? take you mind off your computer and go and have a great time.
Off Topic / Re: Whats your CTRL+V?
November 21, 2011, 07:46:23 PM
Stop having your own thing like me >:(

On second thought... How does it feel to sock? xD
Quote from: Delta on November 18, 2011, 06:40:35 PM
Banned for hack-leeching from RedNeon
Off Topic / Re: Meteors Birthday!
November 21, 2011, 07:25:56 PM


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Your lucky

i came

to visit
Off Topic / Re: How much speed do you have on your surge?
November 21, 2011, 07:24:24 PM
On my 56 = 1000 because i no surge
On my 72 = 4188 because eveybody gets one
On my 12 = 150 because im boss
On my 200 = 10 because i noob
Off Topic / Re: Whats your CTRL+V?
November 21, 2011, 07:18:12 PM
I love boobies
Off Topic / Re: Whats your CTRL+V?
November 20, 2011, 08:37:24 PM
var smf_formSubmitted = false;

// Define document.getElementById for Internet Explorer 4.
if (typeof(document.getElementById) == "undefined")
   document.getElementById = function (id)
      // Just return the corresponding index of all.
      return document.all[id];
// Define XMLHttpRequest for IE 5 and above. (don't bother for IE 4 :/.... works in Opera 7.6 and Safari 1.2!)
else if (!window.XMLHttpRequest && window.ActiveXObject)
   window.XMLHttpRequest = function ()
      return new ActiveXObject(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 5") != -1 ? "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" : "MSXML2.XMLHTTP");

// Some older versions of Mozilla don't have this, for some reason.
if (typeof(document.forms) == "undefined")
   document.forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");

// Load an XML document using XMLHttpRequest.
function getXMLDocument(url, callback)
   if (!window.XMLHttpRequest)
      return false;

   var myDoc = new XMLHttpRequest();
   if (typeof(callback) != "undefined")
      myDoc.onreadystatechange = function ()
         if (myDoc.readyState != 4)

         if (myDoc.responseXML != null && myDoc.status == 200)
   }'GET', url, true);

   return true;

// Send a post form to the server using XMLHttpRequest.
function sendXMLDocument(url, content, callback)
   if (!window.XMLHttpRequest)
      return false;

   var sendDoc = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
   if (typeof(callback) != "undefined")
      sendDoc.onreadystatechange = function ()
         if (sendDoc.readyState != 4)

         if (sendDoc.responseXML != null && sendDoc.status == 200)
   }'POST', url, true);
   if (typeof(sendDoc.setRequestHeader) != "undefined")
      sendDoc.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

   return true;

function textToEntities(text)
   var entities = "";
   for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++)
      if (text.charCodeAt(i) > 127)
         entities += "&#" + text.charCodeAt(i) + ";";
         entities += text.charAt(i);

   return entities;

// Open a new window.
function reqWin(desktopURL, alternateWidth, alternateHeight, noScrollbars)
   if ((alternateWidth && self.screen.availWidth * 0.8 < alternateWidth) || (alternateHeight && self.screen.availHeight * 0.8 < alternateHeight))
      noScrollbars = false;
      alternateWidth = Math.min(alternateWidth, self.screen.availWidth * 0.8);
      alternateHeight = Math.min(alternateHeight, self.screen.availHeight * 0.8);
      noScrollbars = typeof(noScrollbars) != "undefined" && noScrollbars == true;, 'requested_popup', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=' + (noScrollbars ? 'no' : 'yes') + ',width=' + (alternateWidth ? alternateWidth : 480) + ',height=' + (alternateHeight ? alternateHeight : 220) + ',resizable=no');

   // Return false so the click won't follow the link ;).
   return false;

// Remember the current position.
function storeCaret(text)
   // Only bother if it will be useful.
   if (typeof(text.createTextRange) != "undefined")
      text.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();

// Replaces the currently selected text with the passed text.
function replaceText(text, textarea)
   // Attempt to create a text range (IE).
   if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange)
      var caretPos = textarea.caretPos;

      caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text;;
   // Mozilla text range replace.
   else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined")
      var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart);
      var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd);
      var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop;

      textarea.value = begin + text + end;

      if (textarea.setSelectionRange)
         textarea.setSelectionRange(begin.length + text.length, begin.length + text.length);
      textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
   // Just put it on the end.
      textarea.value += text;
      textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1);

// Surrounds the selected text with text1 and text2.
function surroundText(text1, text2, textarea)
   // Can a text range be created?
   if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange)
      var caretPos = textarea.caretPos, temp_length = caretPos.text.length;

      caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text1 + caretPos.text + text2 + ' ' : text1 + caretPos.text + text2;

      if (temp_length == 0)
         caretPos.moveStart("character", -text2.length);
         caretPos.moveEnd("character", -text2.length);;
   // Mozilla text range wrap.
   else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined")
      var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart);
      var selection = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart);
      var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd);
      var newCursorPos = textarea.selectionStart;
      var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop;

      textarea.value = begin + text1 + selection + text2 + end;

      if (textarea.setSelectionRange)
         if (selection.length == 0)
            textarea.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos + text1.length, newCursorPos + text1.length);
            textarea.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos, newCursorPos + text1.length + selection.length + text2.length);
      textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
   // Just put them on the end, then.
      textarea.value += text1 + text2;
      textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1);

// Checks if the passed input's value is nothing.
function isEmptyText(theField)
   // Copy the value so changes can be made..
   var theValue = theField.value;

   // Strip whitespace off the left side.
   while (theValue.length > 0 && (theValue.charAt(0) == ' ' || theValue.charAt(0) == '\t'))
      theValue = theValue.substring(1, theValue.length);
   // Strip whitespace off the right side.
   while (theValue.length > 0 && (theValue.charAt(theValue.length - 1) == ' ' || theValue.charAt(theValue.length - 1) == '\t'))
      theValue = theValue.substring(0, theValue.length - 1);

   if (theValue == '')
      return true;
      return false;

// Only allow form submission ONCE.
function submitonce(theform)
   smf_formSubmitted = true;
function submitThisOnce(form)
   // Hateful, hateful fix for Safari 1.3 beta.
   if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') != -1)
      return !smf_formSubmitted;

   if (typeof(form.form) != "undefined")
      form = form.form;

   for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++)
      if (typeof(form) != "undefined" && form.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea")
         form.readOnly = true;

   return !smf_formSubmitted;

// Set the "inside" HTML of an element.
function setInnerHTML(element, toValue)
   // IE has this built in...
   if (typeof(element.innerHTML) != 'undefined')
      element.innerHTML = toValue;
   // Otherwise, try createContextualFragment().
      var range = document.createRange();

// Set the "outer" HTML of an element.
function setOuterHTML(element, toValue)
   if (typeof(element.outerHTML) != 'undefined')
      element.outerHTML = toValue;
      var range = document.createRange();
      element.parentNode.replaceChild(range.createContextualFragment(toValue), element);

// Get the inner HTML of an element.
function getInnerHTML(element)
   if (typeof(element.innerHTML) != 'undefined')
      return element.innerHTML;
      var returnStr = '';
      for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++)
         returnStr += getOuterHTML(element.childNodes);

      return returnStr;

function getOuterHTML(node)
   if (typeof(node.outerHTML) != 'undefined')
      return node.outerHTML;

   var str = '';

   switch (node.nodeType)
   // An element.
   case 1:
      str += '<' + node.nodeName;

      for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++)
         if (node.attributes.nodeValue != null)
            str += ' ' + node.attributes.nodeName + '="' + node.attributes.nodeValue + '"';

      if (node.childNodes.length == 0 && in_array(node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ['hr', 'input', 'img', 'link', 'meta', 'br']))
         str += ' />';
         str += '>' + getInnerHTML(node) + '</' + node.nodeName + '>';

   // 2 is an attribute.

   // Just some text..
   case 3:
      str += node.nodeValue;

   // A CDATA section.
   case 4:
      str += '<![CDATA' + '[' + node.nodeValue + ']' + ']>';

   // Entity reference..
   case 5:
      str += '&' + node.nodeName + ';';

   // 6 is an actual entity, 7 is a PI.

   // Comment.
   case 8:
      str += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';

   return str;

// Checks for variable in theArray.
function in_array(variable, theArray)
   for (var i = 0; i < theArray.length; i++)
      if (theArray == variable)
         return true;
   return false;

// Find a specific radio button in its group and select it.
function selectRadioByName(radioGroup, name)
   if (typeof(radioGroup.length) == "undefined")
      return radioGroup.checked = true;

   for (var i = 0; i < radioGroup.length; i++)
      if (radioGroup.value == name)
         return radioGroup.checked = true;

   return false;

// Invert all checkboxes at once by clicking a single checkbox.
function invertAll(headerfield, checkform, mask)
   for (var i = 0; i < checkform.length; i++)
      if (typeof( == "undefined" || (typeof(mask) != "undefined" &&, mask.length) != mask))

      if (!checkform.disabled)
         checkform.checked = headerfield.checked;

// Keep the session alive - always!
var lastKeepAliveCheck = new Date().getTime();
function smf_sessionKeepAlive()
   var curTime = new Date().getTime();

   // Prevent a Firefox bug from hammering the server.
   if (smf_scripturl && curTime - lastKeepAliveCheck > 900000)
      var tempImage = new Image();
      tempImage.src = smf_scripturl + (smf_scripturl.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "action=keepalive;" + curTime;
      lastKeepAliveCheck = curTime;

   window.setTimeout("smf_sessionKeepAlive();", 1200000);
window.setTimeout("smf_sessionKeepAlive();", 1200000);

// Set a theme option through javascript.
function smf_setThemeOption(option, value, theme, cur_session_id)
   // Compatibility.
   if (cur_session_id == null)
      cur_session_id = smf_session_id;

   var tempImage = new Image();
   tempImage.src = smf_scripturl + (smf_scripturl.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "action=jsoption;var=" + option + ";val=" + value + ";sesc=" + cur_session_id + (theme == null ? "" : "&id=" + theme) + ";" + (new Date().getTime());

function smf_avatarResize()
   var possibleAvatars = document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("img") : document.all.tags("img");

   for (var i = 0; i < possibleAvatars.length; i++)
      if (possibleAvatars.className != "avatar")

      var tempAvatar = new Image();
      tempAvatar.src = possibleAvatars.src;

      if (smf_avatarMaxWidth != 0 && tempAvatar.width > smf_avatarMaxWidth)
         possibleAvatars.height = (smf_avatarMaxWidth * tempAvatar.height) / tempAvatar.width;
         possibleAvatars.width = smf_avatarMaxWidth;
      else if (smf_avatarMaxHeight != 0 && tempAvatar.height > smf_avatarMaxHeight)
         possibleAvatars.width = (smf_avatarMaxHeight * tempAvatar.width) / tempAvatar.height;
         possibleAvatars.height = smf_avatarMaxHeight;
         possibleAvatars.width = tempAvatar.width;
         possibleAvatars.height = tempAvatar.height;

   if (typeof(window_oldAvatarOnload) != "undefined" && window_oldAvatarOnload)
      window_oldAvatarOnload = null;

function hashLoginPassword(doForm, cur_session_id)
   // Compatibility.
   if (cur_session_id == null)
      cur_session_id = smf_session_id;

   if (typeof(hex_sha1) == "undefined")
   // Are they using an email address?
   if (doForm.user.value.indexOf("@") != -1)

   // Unless the browser is Opera, the password will not save properly.
   if (typeof(window.opera) == "undefined")
      doForm.passwrd.autocomplete = "off";

   doForm.hash_passwrd.value = hex_sha1(hex_sha1(doForm.user.value.php_to8bit().php_strtolower() + doForm.passwrd.value.php_to8bit()) + cur_session_id);

   // It looks nicer to fill it with asterisks, but Firefox will try to save that.
   if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/") != -1)
      doForm.passwrd.value = "";
      doForm.passwrd.value = doForm.passwrd.value.replace(/./g, "*");

function hashAdminPassword(doForm, username, cur_session_id)
   // Compatibility.
   if (cur_session_id == null)
      cur_session_id = smf_session_id;

   if (typeof(hex_sha1) == "undefined")

   doForm.admin_hash_pass.value = hex_sha1(hex_sha1(username.toLowerCase() + doForm.admin_pass.value) + cur_session_id);
   doForm.admin_pass.value = doForm.admin_pass.value.replace(/./g, "*");

function ajax_indicator(turn_on)
   var indicator = document.getElementById("ajax_in_progress");
   if (indicator != null)
      if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7") == -1)
      { = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
      } = turn_on ? "block" : "none";

Off Topic / Re: Whats your CTRL+V?
November 20, 2011, 08:26:31 PM
all of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low qualityall of the bunny images are low quality
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