
Other => Spam => Topic started by: Santa on February 26, 2012, 08:53:22 PM

Title: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: Santa on February 26, 2012, 08:53:22 PM
Alvin: Hi, my name is Alvin. How may I help you?
kenneth bullock: hello, i keep trying to finish this question
kenneth bullock: but everytime
kenneth bullock: it shows i have a incorrect answer
kenneth bullock: and when it shows
kenneth bullock: correct answer
kenneth bullock: its the exact same
kenneth bullock: as the one i entered
kenneth bullock: lmao
kenneth bullock: i told my instructor about the problem
kenneth bullock: he said he cant fix it
Alvin: I apologize for the difficulty you have experienced while accessing the test
kenneth bullock: test?
kenneth bullock: its homework
Alvin: Kenneth, I realize your concern but If you believe that your homework is not scoring correctly, please contact your instructor for further assistance.
kenneth bullock: yes alvin, i did
kenneth bullock: but he said
kenneth bullock: he cannot fix it
kenneth bullock: so i came back here
Alvin: Your homework files have been created and are managed by your instructor. Therefore, only your instructor can alter or re-set homework grade.
kenneth bullock: well its from your system
kenneth bullock: and my instructor said
kenneth bullock: he cannot fix it
kenneth bullock: and i paid money for this
kenneth bullock: so im mad
kenneth bullock: im tired of getting low scores
kenneth bullock: because you cant fix it
kenneth bullock: everytime i come in here i get the same answer
kenneth bullock: contact your instructor
kenneth bullock: but he does not fix it
kenneth bullock: i keep trying
Alvin: I know this is frustrating but your instructor have to make the change to the grades for the incorrect answer which you have received in the assignment.
Alvin: Pearson 24/7 Technical Support is prohibited from making any changes to an  instructor's course assignments .
kenneth bullock: okay but
kenneth bullock: answer this
kenneth bullock: how can i get it fixed
kenneth bullock: if the instructor
kenneth bullock: will not fix it
kenneth bullock: this makes no sense
kenneth bullock: lmao
Alvin: You can show this chat script to your instructor and have him/her to contact us with regards to this issue
Alvin: You will receive an email with the incident number and a transcript of the chat after the chat has closed.
kenneth bullock: i already did that
kenneth bullock: from the last chat
kenneth bullock: i had with you guys
kenneth bullock: he still has not fixed it
kenneth bullock: oi
Alvin: Kenneth, as I mentioned earlier Pearson 24/7 Technical Support is prohibited from making any changes to the grades which you have received in the assignments in your instructor
kenneth bullock: what good are you then
kenneth bullock: if you cant do anything
kenneth bullock: why do you even get paid
kenneth bullock: to do nothing
Alvin: Please recheck with your instructor and if the problem still persists please have your instructor to contact us
kenneth bullock: who is the person that receives the money from my bank account
kenneth bullock: because this is not right
Alvin: Kenneth,  we can assist you with any technical issues you encounter while using the site like logging in, registering for the website, But your instructor handles the course settings and only he/she can make the changes to the grades or the assignments in which you are having issue.
kenneth bullock: god damnit what ever
kenneth bullock: good bye
kenneth bullock: thanks for nothing, yet again.
Alvin: I am sorry if I made you feel bad by my responses
Alvin: Thank you for contacting Pearson 24/7 Technical Support.  Have a good day.

Alvin has disconnected.
Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: 123bomb123 on February 26, 2012, 09:22:29 PM
Quote from: Santa on February 26, 2012, 08:53:22 PM
kenneth bullock: what good are you then
kenneth bullock: if you cant do anything
kenneth bullock: why do you even get paid
kenneth bullock: to do nothing

Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: Allie on February 26, 2012, 09:32:06 PM
In other words..

Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: Pokeh on February 26, 2012, 09:53:18 PM
community college #1
Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: Nucleaon on February 26, 2012, 10:40:59 PM
Quote from: Allie on February 26, 2012, 09:32:06 PM
In other words..

ha ha. anal.
Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: hawk5005 on February 27, 2012, 12:59:50 PM
Is it weird that I have similar homework for tomorrow?
Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: mhj on February 27, 2012, 01:29:26 PM
LOL. Very helpfull Alvin dude.
Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: Kevin on February 27, 2012, 08:30:58 PM
My dad Alvin has the best job in the world stop making fun of him
Title: Re: lol @ chat log with my math lab (college homework place)
Post by: KillerPig on February 27, 2012, 10:44:24 PM
ah good times

finding the range for the domain in range