how long will my warning last?
I was warned 1,5 month ago and didn't break any rule since than once, also I'm not looking for any trouble or arguments with staff or anyone else anymore and I'm sorry for making fun of cooky, I won't do that anymore, sorry Cooky.
Here's the post I got warned for.
http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?topic=38574.msg358135#msg358135 (http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?topic=38574.msg358135#msg358135)
Imma lock this so only staff can reply.
Thanks for your attention.
i dont see a reason to remove the warning. at all.
its not like you're being limited in what you can do here by it.
It's staying. You're not sorry at all.
I know you've been warned for a while, I watch all the warnings and when I feel like you truly are sorry or learned your lesson I will remove it.