Yea, pretty late, but I was too lazy to test it, I had lots of errors with this...meh, finally fixed them and here is my new mod:
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well, if u like it, here's the DOWNLOAD LINK (!
Quote from: snatorawesome
I love ya
Btw that website to download shows an adverstiment of a pretty girl with big b****. Not porn im downloading i hope -.o
Quote from: bangaer2 on December 25, 2010, 04:45:40 PM
I love ya
Btw that website to download shows an adverstiment of a pretty girl with big b****. Not porn im downloading i hope -.o
lol, they're just stupid adverts...close 'em and start the download.
Finnaly someone with a link nice job mr v
Quote from: XENo on December 26, 2010, 12:26:40 AM
Finnaly someone with a link nice job mr v
Like mine doesnt have a link >_>
Anyway thats pretty good ^^
What do i extract it to?
Thx for replies! :D
that is sweet dude how come it ussually does not work to get that!!!!!!
I think it's ruined by the flat white surface.
If it was plain white ground, it would be ruined by extremely heavy BOTs walking on it, thus making it not flat white.
If it at least showed a bit more detail regarding texture, it would be more believable.
its a game, it doesn't need to be soooo realistic... >_>
Realistic = graphics.
Good graphics = good game (in some cases)
This is the difference between the BC we have now and the screenshots of BOUT, xbox 360 version.
well Xbox version shocks me everytime I see a screen of it...those maps were awsome, but I won't bother to do any of them...not in this little holiday anyway...
How do you make mods. >_<
thanks for reviving a topic
thats a sick mod.