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Topics - Revenge10

Off Topic / Gramps
February 27, 2017, 06:31:34 AM
Hello Everyone

If any of you have any contact to reach Gramps or his son please PM me as soon as possible, It 's Urgent .

Thanks in advance.
Off Topic / Pokemon Go
July 14, 2016, 04:22:21 PM
Does anyone play that either on IOS/Android? ;)

If yes, how many Pokemons you got and which platform ;)

I Started Yesterday got just 5 pokemons till now :3
Spam / MarketPlace Topics
July 29, 2013, 09:53:04 PM
You can have just one topic and edit it from while to while with the new items you are buying or selling.

it would be better than having 20 marketplace topics
Normal Server / My Shop (Many Rares Included)
July 25, 2013, 10:16:23 AM
Okey so i found some items that may worth some good amout of gigas/coins or even other items that i may need so there you go my list of items, DON'T ask how much the item is, give me an offer and i will accept/refuse that offer :)


Chernobyl (1 Year) Not used
Jura (30 Days) Not used
WhiteKight (52 Days) Used
Jura (176 Days) Used

Shields & Shoulders

x3 Discus +4
x2 OmniKeeper +4


MetoBlade Merc 1 Year (Not used)


Elektra +7 (Patch)

Level 1 Surge (E) Set Terquase (Greenish Blue)
Metorium (Surge)
Firewall (E) Purple
Skimmer (E) Green
Bladium +7 (Surge)
Byte Blaster (E) Brown Colored (I believe its the only 1 in the game) (Surge)
x2 Halloween Set (Ram)
x3 Halloween Set (Surge)
x2 Halloween Set (Patch)

Note:There are 2 Hallo Transes & x4 Hallo Shield & Shoulders in case you want to buy full hallo set


x3 S E.F
x1 P E.F
BoutCheetah E.F
Halloween II E.F
Candy +4 E.F


Dark Bot
Attack Bot V3

Consumable Items
x5 Tc's
x14 Snowballs
Spam / Longest Inactive Period in BC History maybe?
July 23, 2013, 11:13:13 PM
Spam / I miss him
July 02, 2012, 09:09:08 PM
oh yea i miss ZERP :( Zero i missed you i wish you come back
Solved Bug Reports / {s} {max1} BUG
July 01, 2012, 03:37:49 PM
soooo when i tried to do survival with {max1} tag it gave me this error
Suggestions / Staff Payment
July 01, 2012, 10:16:45 AM
ummmmm Allie don't ban me for this :D , i suggest paying the Staff people in Real $$$ ... as a job , being a moderator is a job , being a GM is a job and FM is a job as well and Translator , since they keep the game active & safe i think without Staff the game can't run as the same as it is now! , you will have to work 24/7 to keep it as it is "that if you can" :D , so i suggest to make a determined Payment for them , like example all the staff get 30-50% of the earnings (players payments , Adverts ,etc.)  and the other 50-70% are for the admins to benefir from , btw this mean they really have a job and they will try hard not to be fired :D :D so they will do thier best , and we won't need new staff people etc. it will be like an office (do your job ,stay , get paied) (don't do your job , GTFO , get nothing) you know what i mean? :D , so PLZ PLZ PLZ don't ban me for this :D
Off Topic / Facebook Paypal
June 30, 2012, 01:14:06 PM
guys how do i pay for Facebook games via paypal , i go to the game iam paying then i choose paypal , then it ask me to conecct my Credit Card , who does it need it while i already got  more than what iam paying??? .. and any solution to bypass this? :D i want to pay without connecting my CreditCard / Bank Account
Spam / @Aeon Members
June 30, 2012, 01:06:51 PM
ummmm idk what is this for but idk , i heared that there are some of the members are pissed cuz of what you called "drama" i started .. i didn't mean to make a drama or anything ... i just was exprecing my opinion , i didn't even say "tricky is a bad leader" but each person got his own point of view , i see ice is good , you see tricky is good , other say dill is good , other say revo is good etc. people got difrent opinions about the same subject example : you see the weather is cold , i see it is warm does this make you get upset with me????? HELL NO , i didn't mean to get anyone upset with me anyway , there is my apologize if i hurt any one .. or if someone thought i flammed him or was aggresive to him

Thnx Revo
okeyyy .. i think i may get 2-3k coins in bots .. so i need to know if some of those players willing to pay me in boutcheetah .. if you do .. tell me how many coins do you need and what are you gonna pay?? .. have fun ;)
Normal Server / Sell Metorium Set
June 29, 2012, 09:09:26 PM
Leave Me Your Offers , No Silly Ones Please
Normal Server / Buying Perm Jack Head
June 29, 2012, 07:52:15 AM
Paying a Hallo Set (Head,Body,Arm,Trans,Shield) no shoulder yet and 50m gigas maybe , if you don't like the offer leave me your price :*
ScreenShots / BoxHack Or Bug Or Luckiest Guy Ever?
June 27, 2012, 10:27:08 AM
okey in survival mode i got this amount of boxes is it a bug or iam the most lucky guy in the world? :D :D
Solved Bug Reports / Bug Or Unfair???
June 27, 2012, 12:48:56 AM
BoutCheetah - Failing to survive

in that vedio i can see on the screen on the left an hp pack for 88 time .. ummmm idk if this is a bug or its just normal cuz Mete is a GM .. if its a bug i hope it get fixed , if not so this is unfait and i request to remove this ability from the GMs to keep the game fair :D
edit: i added that when i tried survival mode while my RB pck is equipeed it didn't allow me to start before i un equip it
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