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Topics - xbaras

General Discussion / When do we get the TopGuild Flags?
September 28, 2012, 03:17:05 AM
I'm sorry for being pushy about it, if it's annoying anybody :/
Suggestions / Change the skill prices
September 26, 2012, 08:13:26 AM
Please read the ENTIRE LOT before commenting.

You wanted to avoid the giga inflation, right? I was thinking you could increase the prices of the non-II Active / Passive skills. They are used pretty much always (with the occasional II-Skill noob) during PvP, which has grown increasingly popular since stakes were added. Take a look yourself, Rush alone only costs 2,200 gigas. All of the other skills are extremely cheap too, and their prices haven't changed for a long time.

Something else I noticed. How come Ion-Wave costs more than Rush? Ion-Wave is a less popular skill, so their prices need to be changed. All in all, I think the prices of every non-II skill in the shop needs to be tweaked and increased no only to avoid the giga inflation, but to make sense so that the most popular packs cost the most (the same rule already applies to transes).

I get the feeling that maybe I'm wrong about the most popular skills being the most expensive etc, and maybe it's meant to be that the most powerful and best skills cost the most instead. Either way, Ion-Wave should still cost less than Rush, and for the sake of another way to avoid giga inflation, all of the non-II skills should cost more.


The unfortunate thing is, if the price of the skills DO rise, newbies of Boutcheetah would be unable to purchase them and therefore have a harder time leveling up. While even paying 220,000 gigas for 100 games of Rush may see cheap to a high-level or rich person, it would be impossible for a low-level person to obtain it and it would take them much longer to get the money (as they can't play maps like 172 where the most expensive (when sold to the shop) parts drop).

Because of this, maybe it's a good idea to allow players to buy II skills for gigas by paying a high-but-reasonable price. If you don't like this idea either, then there is still the option to allow players to pay for II skills by using both gigas and coins. By this I mean that in the shop, you would be able to buy a II skill (100 games) for 20,000 coins, and see the same skill next to it but being sold for gigas instead (I don't know how much yet).
Suggestions / Add special packs into the shop
September 26, 2012, 07:51:47 AM
No, I'm not talking about HP's and RB's. I was thinking about stuff like Trans-ups, but instead of filling your trans bar all the way like they do in sector, they would fill only a portion of it up like they do in PvP. Also, maybe stun-charges should also be purchasable. Before any of you say that you might as well get that Stun Attack active skill, notice that it would be different from it because:

-Pressing G will allow you to create a 360 degree stun field that targets multiple enemies
-It's easier to use, and very accurate (if viruses are within range)
-You can repetitively press G for multiple uses (if this turns out to be a problem then you can just raise the price of the pack)

It might also be a good idea to allow players to buy bombs from the shop (in the case of bombs not being put back into sector mode), as long as they are not usable during PvP. Here is a summary to the packs I am thinking should be added into the game:

-Bomb (sector only)
-Stun-charge (all game modes)
-Trans-up (all game modes)

It would also give you a way to get people to spend gigas to avoid the inflation. In a sense, it would add more 'flavor' to playing the game because so far, the only field packs are HPs and RBs, kinda old now don't you think? It would also make the Field Pack section of the shop a little more interesting.
Suggestions / Add bombs back into sector?
September 26, 2012, 07:28:03 AM
They'd make playing Sector more special as there are more than the common Trans-ups, Recharges and Stun-charges (and occasional HPs / RBs). Why were they even  taken out in the first place? Maybe they could even be added to PvP but be tweaked so they're not OP.
Suggestions / Remove HP's from PvP
September 26, 2012, 07:25:21 AM
They can create unfair situations and arguments. Imagine if you were about to win, and the person you were trying to kill picked up two HP's and killed you instead. Here are some ideas I have to help this situation:

-Replace HP's with those stun charge thingies (and give them a slightly lower drop rate)
-Reduce the amount of HP restored when a player picks up a HP pack
Suggestions / @room commands
September 26, 2012, 03:23:17 AM
I'm not entirely sure this would be a great idea, but just wondering what you guys think of it:

What about a new command called the @room command which allows you to chat to rooms. For sector, you would type @sroom<room number> <message>, for PvP you would type @proom<room number> <message> and for BvB you would type @broom<room number> <message>. I suppose itt would be useful, but I'm just worried about people abusing it to spam rooms.

So say I wanted to chat to room 21 in Sector Mode. I would type:
@sroom21 Hey there.
I can't see a difference between putting an {e} in from of my room name and not putting anything there at all  :o
General Discussion / What's YOUR favourite map to PvP on?
September 25, 2012, 06:07:04 AM
Vote above!
Suggestions / My brainwave for the giga inflation
September 25, 2012, 05:44:30 AM
Why not reduce the amount of gigas gained when an item is sold to the shop? It's still my primary way of getting gigas after I complete a Sector game, which is kind of sad but yea...
ScreenShots / A very quiet Tuesday
September 25, 2012, 12:06:29 AM
Not many rooms open today  :o
Off Topic / Bit of a newboy question :)
September 24, 2012, 11:50:15 PM
Erm...what does QQ mean?  ::)
General Discussion / Ice Kong is a BOSS trans
September 24, 2012, 04:02:24 AM
Recently, I began trying out and testing various transes in the shop. After a few, I tried Ice Kong and it is freaking awesome. Take a break from your usual lanterman / ladyvalor / halloween transes and try it on map 206. You'll love it, It attacks fast, runs pretty fast (walks slowly) and has a slightly dodgy jump attack, but it's main four-hit combo is amazing because of it's attack speed and long range. Go, give it a try  :)
Normal Server / Selling Elektra +6 body for Surge
September 23, 2012, 07:02:52 AM
Gigas, please. Offers start at 31mil.
September 23, 2012, 12:07:25 AM
Preferably for a Discus +4 OR Ice minibot +4.

If you don't have those, then gigas will do.
General Discussion / The lag...
September 22, 2012, 11:22:21 PM
Yesterday I had about six or seven people mention / complain about my lag. Ever since we bought a new modem with four times the memory we had before, everyone's internet except mine has been crap.

Now what I don't know is whether this lag is being caused by my computer of my distance from the modem or the modem itself. Everyone else's computer has Windows 7 or higher and I suppose not older than two and a half years. My own computer runs on Windows XP and is about five years old. My sister's computer is a laptop about the same distance from our modem, is new and has perfect connection (so she says).

Finally, people are almost always 'R' to me and I have cause people to disconnect themselves during PvP because I don't die on their screen, thus the game doesn't end. I also experience massive lag on Meteor Landing which causes me to face unnecessary difficulty.

tl;dr - Is my insane lag being caused by my computer, modem or distance from the modem?
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