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Topics - Yz

Hay guys. So I got my first English assignment. Write a 800 word narrative. So damn simple right? Wrong because I forgot to do it. It's now 1:20 AM and I have English at like 2 PM tomorrow. Gonna sleep. Whoever writes me the kewlest story gets a Jura that lasts like 100 days + all the love I can give <3

plz some1 do it for me :33
General Discussion / rbf {revive base, fuarkkk}
February 08, 2012, 04:00:15 AM

time has come 2 revive the good old best mode ever guys.~!

This is wut I'm gonna do. I'ma make 2 'base teams' each with 16 members. Yeah i know it's different from how I said I'd make it but wutever, this seems better.

Each base team is really contributing to the revival of base. join a team if you want to help revive the best mode of all~

i'll hold ****loads of tourneys within the teams to keep people active, using my stuff as prizes. If you don't want to be active, just play base on your own and don't join a team, the teams will essentially be there to show the game who the active basers are.

The team members will be expected to base whenever they can. We'll keep making base rooms till the base rooms appear on their own :3

So in summary...

The Base Teams Will:
1. Be expected to base very regularly with each other and other people.

2. Display the current people who are trying to revive base~

3. Be rewarded for their efforts in helping the game out.

4. Will participate in regular base events to help keep it ongoing

5. Maybe there will be some competition between the two base teams to keep them interested in the future.

6. Every 3 hours on specific days there will be mini-base events that go for 30 minutes each, these will have their own rankings and point+prize system. The thread will be updated soon with more info on this

If you have nothing helpful to say, don't say anything. This might seem like a weak attempt but I have a feeling it'll work so long as I monitor the active peoples.

This isn't guild specific, anyone can join and this has no direct affiliation with Utopia. I'm not the leader of these teams I'm merely moderating them to make sure they're doing their part. My personal feelings will not get in the way of anyone joining a team, basically, don't hesitate to help just cuz we might be enemies, this is for the game after all :P

Just post saying wut team you wanna join and I'll make schedules/rosters and sheeit for the teams to get on and play.

THE TEAMS R GON BE NAMED OFF OLD BOTS GM'S kinda like a school sports day how the teams are named off peoples who helped the school and sheit :P

Team 1: Titans
-Mod NeoKiller
-Divine Dragon
-GM Gramps

Team 2: Hyknights
-Mod Socks
-Mod Meteor
-Jeff (FM EnEsOhFive)

Waiting list:

If you have a better name and get a lot of support for the name then lemme know and I'll just change it.

Post saying wut team you wanna join, will be organizing shit for both teams on the weekend ;) we'll start shit next week

Also post if you have any idea for contributions or feedback, it's all very welcome.

If the teams get up to at least 10 members each I'll sticky this topic for a little while.

As for tournaments, there'll be a kewl point and prize system, and I'll probly film every game and put it on the tubes. Maybe that'll add some spice to it keke, will update soon on those 30 minute tournaments~
i'll just cut to the chase lawl

intro was my favourite part personally, for the people who actually like to watch these, enjoy <3



(DANCE MIX) Audio Ascension - Dj ****
Off Topic / tricky vs wxx (fml)
January 14, 2012, 02:50:29 AM
now u know

Tricky (Yz) vs FML - BoutCheetah

laggiest game ever fo'real, didnt upload another round we played where we both had 5 FPS
Sometimes, good leaders make guilds that don't get the attention they should be getting. With a few more members this guild could get up there with the big names. I recommend you join this guild with spare active accounts that you have.

*Guild Description*
FirebanditsX is a non-competitive guild for fun with no lvl requirements. The leader is active and is looking for active to semi-active players. The guild was getting huge near the end of Bots and would have probably been rank 1 if it had a couple more months time.

Guild FireBanditsX not found!

*To Join, follow this format or apply in-game*

Dead Rising

*Guild Rules*
Everybody Love Everybody
Stay Active
No Hacking

It'd be cool if some people could make art for this guild <3 :P I'll touch this thread up later and probly join it on an alt when I get active again.
Off Topic / FTW Mix (Electro House) Live nd shit
January 11, 2012, 10:15:33 PM
The lava lamp is back!

Anywayz this is some mainstream/grandstand electro house. Probly one of mah best mixes so far when it comes to seamless transitions even though they aren't spectacular in an effects sense. Absolutely rapes the quality of "Sounds of Ecstasy" now that I've configured this new cord ^^
Listen loud~
FTW Grandstand Electro House Mix - Dj ****

Also, I now have a facebook! Like it so I can look cool and shit! <3****/278356498888471

Hopefully I can get like 50 likes on it by next year.. :P Awh yeah going professional!

Soundcloud: (HQ!)****/ftw-grandstand-electro-house
Got a new cord, recording quality is 110% better. Really starting to see a difference from how nooby I used to be compared to now after 6 months.. :) (still ****en suck l0000l)

bass still distorts a little bit but not as much as before. That'll be fixed by next mix which will probly be electro

Quick Happy Hardcore Mix - Dj ****
Think this is one of my better mixes apart from the recording quality ****-up halfway through which lasted pretty much the whole mix after that lol. I'll be recording a high quality version in Virtual DJ soon which will be uploaded to my SoundCloud.. (just lacks the live-ness and some of the mixers effects)

oh nd thanks yoshi for the help with the name :P

Included Pokemon songs for Meta, I'm only a couple/few months late eh buddy? Enjoy~

As usual.. 480p!

Sounds of Ecstasy (Happy Hardcore Mix) - Dj ****

Edit: High quality version is up, no distortion

Sounds of Ecstasy (Happy Hardcore Mix) - Dj **** ([HQ])


Spam / lawl
January 06, 2012, 06:28:35 PM
Foxoak St, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64, United Kingdom - Google Maps

if you can't see it, click and find a way to look up at sky its like click and drag down or some sht lol
Off Topic / B182WISH3 - Electro House Mix
December 30, 2011, 08:26:51 AM
The series of B182WISH3 continues! jajaleleleporraporrakorea~

Hay, Anti, there's coldplay in hurr.

Ty choc for the pic.

B182WISH3 Electro House Mix - Dj ****

Recommend 480p-720p
Spam / vote for this guy if u have time plz k
December 28, 2011, 05:04:03 PM
`~ 7r00p3R ™ says:
so here's a romanian bullshit contest guitar
and I need to gather shitloads of votes
think you can do shit about it?
share it somewhere so people can vote or anything?
I'm in a tight race with like 5 guys

`~ 7r00p3R ™ says:
can you help with your super mod powers and stuff?
I'm like really desperate
it wouldn't be like this if I weren't so close to winning it

Tricky says:
give me all the info
`~ 7r00p3R ™ says:
thanks a lot, bro 
here's the shit
it's a LIL complicated
this i the link
I'm the first on the 5th page
they first have to like a fb page
then it will redirect them to the voting page
and vote for me
and that's it
as in
they click->redirect to facebook->like->vote first on page 5 [number 45/Marar Dragos Eduard]

k help this guy out plox :P

if you've helped then ill send you smth nice just show some kinda proof you helped lolk ty
Off Topic / B182WISH3 - Happy Hardcore Mix
December 26, 2011, 08:45:02 PM
Yup, B182WISH3

Don't ask, but it has a real special meaning, maybe if you actually genuinely care I'll tell you what it means

K here ya go B182WISH3

If you have bad sound quality this WILL SOUND LIKE SHIT I promise you

Hope ya enjoy

Video is only unlisted for now till I can be arsed to do the info
Off Topic / happy holidays mix from tricky [hard electro]
December 24, 2011, 01:24:00 PM
Before I post this I has a few things to say
firstly, **** YOU ANTI **** YOU JEFF
You ****heads.

secondly solly gramps didn't have time to practice HH, new years mix shall be HH 8)

third my camcorder couldn't be used at the time so it's just a pic X_x

fourth I don't wanna sound like a douche but it'd be awesome if you could press like on it cuz it's gonna be my "feature vid" (the vid that I show to people who haven't heard of me before and goes on my homepage) for a long time, like a few months, thanks

K here ya go
Happy Holidays Mix - ****

If it's blocked, here's the Soundcloud link.
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