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Topics - Santa

Updates / ZylonShield has been updated.
August 24, 2011, 02:25:50 AM
We have finally been able to stop 99.9% of the hacks for BoutCheetah.  This being said, you should not see any hackers in-game, if you do, then please do continue to report them, and I will investigate what hack they are using, and patch it.  If you find any bugs with the new addition to ZylonShield, please post them here or on "Report a bug", as this is a work-in-progress.


I forgot to re-enable a function last night that I disabled to prevent the list from showing noone online, when I was testing the updates prior to releasing them.

I will fix this shortly, then update when this has been resolved.

edit: This problem has been successfully resolved.  Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused anyone.

Updates / Game Updates
August 12, 2011, 01:32:04 PM
Hello everyone, I will explain in detail what has taken place in the latest update.

1.) A brand new map has been released, level 149.
2.) Block list now works 100% via setting in-game.  There are certain restrictions as to who you can block though, names such as "GM", "Admin", "MOD" are automatically disallowed by default.  When you do block a bot-name, that user will not be able to whisper you, type lobby chat to you, send trade requests to you, send guild invites to you, send friend requests to you, this discludes room chat, as that is P2P based. I have also placed a limit of 50 blocked user names per account.
3.) Trade has finally been repaired to auto refresh the items in the trade, instead of auto exiting the trade.  This being said, it is now possible to trade multiple times during a trading session, instead of once.
4.) Two brand new special transes have been added.
5.) Two brand new transes have been added to the shop.


Hello, we are currently having a major problem with peoples accounts being "hacked".  I have confirmed who is hacking everyone who has signed up for the other server's accounts, and that person would be "Zirak" from the other server.  It's amazing how some people can be so immature.  If you signed up for an account there, and used the same password, we recommend that you change your password right now. We also recommend that you change your e-mail's password also, as it seems Zirak will do anything he can to make people think that this game has account hacks.  I also recommend that you change your security questions, if you find out that it has been changed without your knowledge.  I have also removed all staff from the game until we get this issue taken care of with all of them.

You might also want to take the time and change every password for every site you go to, if you used the same one as you did on the other server, as Zirak will have full control of your account(s), and can do anything he wants.

(If you do not know how to change your password, simply go to Community -> Profile -> Account Related Settings)


General Discussion / I'd like to clarify some things
August 09, 2011, 12:02:55 AM
Quote from: jrharbort
.. We made our server. In fact, we made BC's server too.

This being said, I do agree that they made their own server.  I do not agree that they made BoutCheetah's server.  If you would like to make your own 'Ugly Ponieslution' server, you can download their source from: http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/general-gaming-discussion/614572-new-server-files-bots-acclaim.html

They can brag all they want that we used their 'source' to create our private server, but they cannot continue to say it months and months after we have completely recoded the server.  Fact is fact, and right now they use BoutCheetah to complete their buggy server.  Either way, try running that source I just provided you with, and comparing it to ours.  You will see that the source in that link does not compute with ours.

I'd also like to take the time to talk about some other things that 'they' talk about:

1.) They do not want to create copy's of levels already added to the game like we do, because that's just quote 'stupid'.  Yet, they make duplicates of items, and do not think that is 'stupid'. What I am getting at here is, maybe they do not know how to create a copy of a level like we can.
2.) They claim that everything we do copy's them.  Yet, if it was not for us, they would not even have a complete server to do anything with.  I'm saying this because, they use our game to record the packets required for certain functions of the game to work.  They are still even doing this, months after they went closed beta.
3.) They talk about how we are hiding the fact that we basically killed the original BOTS!! acclaim.  That one is definitely not true.  We talk about this all the time in threads, in-fact, we used to have a paragraph or two on the front page of how we started, which was written by Optimism.  We took that down because it just didn't fit the new theme.
4.) They do not even know how to open models, and view them in a model editor, nor edit them, and they call that plain stupid as-well(Only because they cannot and will never be able do it.).
5.) They are also claiming that we copied their marketplace / theme idea.  That's complete bull shit, mainly because well, to say were copying someone, you have to actually have a marketplace or a theme first.  They will be technically copying us when they do eventually create one.
6.) They claim that we took packet data from their java server, that simply did not happen.  They took the packet data from acclaim, the same way we did.  Half of their findings were horrible anyway, we had to completely re-do their legendary packet system.
7.) Also, to clear up one final issue,
Quote from: jrharbortthey have hackers as admins
, yes we do, I'm not going to deny that, but you also do as-well.  Points at their new coder zirak, who took place of tokxilchaosz because he could not code so well, as you can clearly see in their source in the link above.

What I'm posting here, is not to brag about BoutCheetah's accomplishments, it's more like a truth session for everyone in a way, mainly the people who read what the lying admins on the 'other servers' forum says about BoutCheetah, in hope of attracting them as a potential player.

(This is probably the biggest post that I've ever made in my life.)

The main reason why I posted it here, was so their admins could not delete it.

Announcements / Informing everyone on the situation
August 07, 2011, 10:57:20 PM
Hello, I am informing everyone that changing your password(s)/other account info will be offline for awhile, as we are currently upgrading one of our other game servers, and all accounts are linked, so we had to disable this service while we work on migrating the new server.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

If anyone does this from now on, your request will be automatically denied.  I will not even respond to the PM.

Sorry that I had to post this, I just get annoyed with people PM'ing me when I'm offline saying this:

Hey, can you unban me?

(This was an actual PM)

basically today I got about 15 PM's from one guy who was banned, that is what made me make this topic.


Feedback/Rants / Tired of people making threads here
August 02, 2011, 12:04:27 PM
Updates / Regarding the marketplace
August 02, 2011, 08:05:28 AM
Hello everyone, I have made a few scripts to remove all items that have expired in the marketplace, and disable all items that have been added to the marketplace from a banned account.

The script runs once every hour of every day.  If you would like to see other improvements on the marketplace soon, you must vote in the thread in general discussion for it.

I hope everyone likes this update!

Updates / Regarding a recent forum addition
August 01, 2011, 05:39:39 AM
Hello everyone, I have recently received a suggestion to create a guild info bbcode for the forum.  If you would like to use this, select the new G buttons (first one is for the high channel, second one is for the low channel), then type your guild name in the middle of the bbcode, and it will display your guild information.

We had to limit it to one use per thread, as it could be abused.  It is currently in development mode, so if you find any problems with it, please post your issues here.

General Discussion / Next update:
July 30, 2011, 10:45:25 PM
Please vote!

Announcements / Forum - Game Maintenance
July 29, 2011, 11:40:11 PM
Hello, I will be performing many tasks soon, to better ensure that no users have problems logging in / etc.   I will be cleaning up all of our databases and purging old useless data from our systems.  During this time, you may experience slower-than-normal delay responses from our web-site and or game server(s).  It is likely that no-one will even notice anything changing.  I am simply posting this to let you all know what is going on, and what can potentially happen if something goes south.

I will edit this post when the maintenance has been completed.

(All servers will continue running normally, and should not need to be rebooted in order to execute these tasks)


Edit: All maintenance has been completed successfully.

Updates / Relay server has been re-released
July 28, 2011, 07:34:38 AM
After many hours of hard work, the relay server has been fully recoded.  Before, it failed horribly, but with ZylonShield and many other things, I have finally put the connection issue to rest for good.  You may notice that people have blue icons, and are connecting still, don't be shocked by this, as that is the relay server in action. If a user is blue, they might have a slightly higher ping to you, as their connection is being handled through the server, not directly client to client.

Sorry it took so long to implement this. If you are still having connection issues in-game, please let me know.


Updates / Buy Credits Created (By popular demand)
July 27, 2011, 10:03:36 PM
I've been getting many requests about how to purchase coins and gigas.  I usually do it manually, but recently I have been getting too many requests to process manually.  If you would like to purchase coins and gigas automatically starting now, you may do so with the "Buy Credits" button above.  This is not a requirement that you do so, and no rates in-game have changed.


The name changer is now completed.  If you would like to change your bot name, please do so by clicking the "Name Changer" tab above.


Have a wonderful day.

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