July 01, 2024, 01:53:58 PMLatest Member: dable6825
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Topics - mo9

General Discussion / hot forum is hot
July 11, 2011, 01:05:48 AM
what i said up there
a little narrow though
General Discussion / map simulator ?
July 09, 2011, 02:59:21 PM
idk if this should be in graphix

anyway back to the point does one exists ? 
if not is there anyway to make one ?
General Discussion / concerning my elite set
July 08, 2011, 08:50:46 PM
if just now only till lvl 108 were released how is mine released ?
Suggestions / extra exp for playing with low lvls
July 06, 2011, 11:45:49 PM
^^ this will make ppl help new players more often , and keep the community together , just a suggestion
Off Topic / since i cant play bc ...
July 06, 2011, 01:42:24 AM
i got this to replace it XD

rainbows =3
umm yeah i am interested in a new icon for bc the better quality the better chances u win
after all icons are submitted imma make a poll thread to determine which is best my vote is worth 4 XD << my event >:3
Off Topic / cant use my computer
July 05, 2011, 08:32:45 PM
turns out my mouse doesnt need batteries it just stopped working o.O
i re-started and i cant choose my user using a keyboard and since it isnt logged on i cant use tv from this laptop
imma buy a new mouse soon enough >.>
draging and droping is way easyer than the bring in and out bottuns and also it would make orgenizing way easirer
Suggestions / stashes
July 03, 2011, 02:30:56 PM
i suggest making all the stashes available for all the players (non-members too)
cause anyone can just put his stuff at the market place at a ridiculously high price works like a stash ..
^^ i need some help in smth not making it public yet reply here and i'll see if u can help
General Discussion / Technicall question
July 02, 2011, 03:59:46 PM
what happens if u change the bout.exe's priority to high/real-time ?
Off Topic / The Guardians Of Time
July 01, 2011, 08:55:38 PM
Before the world can be free
A bloom of murdered innocence shall be seen
In the woods  above the anciant city of verdian
Where nine identies shall be revealed

It will come to pass that a king shall rule
But not before a leader pure of heart awakenes
And an agless warior with an ancianet
Shall guide with grace and providence

Beware , nine shall se a traitor come and go
From whence a long and bitter war will follow
And the named shall join in unity
Yet suspicion will cause disharmony

A jesture shall protect, a doubter cast a shadow
And a brave young worior will lose his soul to death
Yet none shall be victorious till a lost worrior returns
And the fearless one emerges from a journy led by light and streength

Take heed, two last worriors shall cause greef as much as good
From the midst of suspicion one shall come forth
The other seeded of evil
Yet one shall be victorious while the other victorious in death
GFX / hawt joy gun
June 29, 2011, 09:45:04 PM
video ( watch in 1080p please =3)
pokeball v1
pokeball v2
my original v2
opti's HD v2  (better rendering)
jap music smiley v1  
3 new HQ screenies
original V1
HD v1

if u want the download link for something please tell me


Video (watch in 1080p please =3) :
Joy gun bullet mod

original  (v2) :

HD (v2):

jap music guy (V1) :

pokeball (v1):(add in data\effects in ur bc folder)

pokeball (v2):

GFX / ui mod ..
June 28, 2011, 09:15:07 PM
messein around with some ui and made this should i do it for all the game (my game and if anyonw wants a copy)
or does it need somthin ?
cnc please =3
(btw yeah the bg has to be black not transparent)

Solved Bug Reports / password issue
June 21, 2011, 06:52:28 PM
if i type in my password b4 my username it always tells me it incorrect , this is not a major bug but here it is ..
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