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Topics - mo9

Suggestions / all the maps would be the same level
June 06, 2011, 10:02:39 AM
this is kinda a long shot , but i suggest that all the maps would be the same level and u choose the map and the level u want to play ofc as the lvl goes higher the mobs get stronger , and in very easy levels (that are easy even if the mobs are hard) more mobs should be added or smth
i repeat "this is kinda a long shot" 
Normal Server / Trading 1 year stuff :)
June 05, 2011, 03:12:22 PM
i am trading some 1 year used stuff

i have a Thunder Junior 329 days( TS) , i'll trade it for a 1 year used crawlie (TA)

Templer 358 Days ( evade )  for a 1 year used spartan/chomp/dire fang (critical)

Mana wing  278 days  evade for a 1year used Tribolt Critical

now i am selling 2 fine line flags TS 328 days i'll sell or trade them if i find a good offer

i will not update the days after this

Orange is what i have  Blue is i wat i want
General Discussion / what port does bc use ?
June 05, 2011, 12:11:26 PM
i wanted to open a port like u do in u torrent when u forward it from the router directly to u torrent so it would have a better connection , so what is bc's 
GFX / For Red Neon have fun with your new sigi (:
June 04, 2011, 11:15:38 PM
hope u like it leave me any feedback and i will work on it when i wake up i gtg now here it is (choose the version u like)
yellow reddish version :[IMG]http://i921.photobucket.com/albums/ad60/_mo9_/redneon.png[/IMG]

Grean Reddish version :

blue purple version :


sublte colors :

GFX / lesbos turn me on sig
June 04, 2011, 09:28:58 PM
opinions ppl and no i didnt make it
it was a gift from an awesome friend Dii <3

^^ soo addictive XD
June 03, 2011, 02:31:00 PM
u have to have steam installed and go here http://store.steampowered.com/app/42700/

ScreenShots / my logon screan :D
June 03, 2011, 11:15:45 AM
cool ay ?

GFX / Help me decide 0_o
June 02, 2011, 12:22:50 PM
ok so i made this sig and felt its kinda empty so i added a quote or slogan on w/e dunno which looks better any suggestions ?

With the Quote :

so i changed it

Without the Qoute :

if all the txt sucks tell me , and tell me what you think would make it better
GFX / wut u think ?
May 31, 2011, 09:24:07 PM
made it with the same tut for one for Eloquent tell me what you think 

(i think one of the c4d's looks bad dunno if its obvious)
oh and ofc tips for the txt cause i need em D: :P
Suggestions / auto locking/deleting some topics
May 30, 2011, 05:58:27 PM
since you cannot edit your first post in the staff app's i suggest adding a feature that automatically deletes/ locks topics that involve editing the first post it will save a lot of us a lot of trouble
GFX / For Toast :D
May 27, 2011, 05:20:40 PM
Solved Bug Reports / cant access the forums
May 25, 2011, 06:14:35 AM
cant access the forums like a few minutes im on and another few minutes i get this

dunno if its cause of the server migration hope it isn't

Off Topic / cant play :(
May 23, 2011, 06:46:27 PM
i cant play for 10 days cause my left hand is in a cast :((  i an still leach thou :p
i'm buying dunno the prices so u offer mostly using gigas :D or trade them for items but not using coinz
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