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Topics - VirusInject

GFX / My First Mod
November 16, 2010, 01:15:34 AM
Yesh this is my very first mod/re-colorize It turned out better then i was hoping
what do you think?
rate 1/5 click images to make them bigger.

Normal Server / Unholy Knights
November 15, 2010, 06:59:16 AM
Unholy Knights
Official Guild Thread

We are rank: 46
Members                                                                                        PvP Team

ManaBlitz - Leader                                                                                                ManaBlitz
Scrapm3tal - Co-Leader                                                                                        Scrapm3tal
k_oas - Member                                                                                                    k_oas
MasterBlitz - Member                                                                                            [freeslot]
InfiniteEvil - Member
ZaLoWaRrIoR - Member
EvilBot_Tony - Member
IndianaJones - Member


1) No hacking or leeching
2) No flamming other guilds
3) Be active as much as you can
4) Dont give the guild a bad rep.
5) Prizes will be given out to those who gain gp.

If you would like to join this guild just apply or meet ManaBlitz In game thank you for your time.
General Discussion / Is anyone playing right now?
November 13, 2010, 05:29:54 AM
PLease post if you can get into boutcheetah it wont let me in.
Normal Server / Palangian Official :D
November 12, 2010, 12:15:39 PM
Hey everyone ManaBlitz here...
This is the official Thread of the guild "Palangian"

We need more members that are active.

Join Palangian and together we can take control.


1) No hacking or leeching
2) No Flamming other guilds unless in guild war
3) No spamming in guild chat
4) Follow rules to boutcheetah



1) Leader - ManaBlitz
2) Co-Leader - Scrapm3tal
3) Member - FireKnight
Many open spots join while you can.

PvP Team:
1) ManaBlitz
2) -open for person-
3) -open for person-
4) -open for person-

Anyway this is my first guild on boutcheetah and well this is all I got.
please be nice and keep the flamms to a minimum.
Spam / ManaBlitz :D
November 12, 2010, 12:07:27 PM
I'm ranked 75 in pvp withn 4 hours of playing and I'm level lv 46+
Not a bad start wouldn't you say?
General Discussion / !Official!
September 21, 2010, 10:06:23 AM
Hello Everyone, this is my offical goodbye to everyone that were my pals
or someone I knew while playing Bots ("offical. not a private server").

   I had some great times playing bots, sure their were times that I was
thinking about quitting but I never did until now... Sectoring, PvPing,
BvBing those where some great times... So many guilds that I had joined
and made. I even had one that was rank 45 at one time [legit no hacking]...
Everything that seemed so fun at the time made me so happy, but due to
bots failure to stop hackers like "Fira" "Zirak" "RedShadow" and a
Weird korean dude, and bots lack of updates it eventually was shutdown...
You can throw blame around at anyone but dont blame acclaim. They were
only in it for the money sure, but that is what all gaming company's
are really about... Hackers should be blamed for most of it.

   PvP was my most favorite thing to play. Holodeck, Flop, Heatsink -> fav.
Those where all great. Many people came and went but those who truly loved
it played as long as they could. People like SonicBladeX he is a hero to me
You may not know him but he is a great person. He doesn't play anymore
he still plays roblox under the name kev100. and he plays exteel as
SonicBladeX. Xenshoa or you may of known him as Xirus1912 is also a hero to
me. Takker he may of been a hacker but he was one of the best people on
bots. Xenshoa and Takker own their own Private server of maplestory now.
It is called PalangianStory just google it.

   My accounts that I have owned through all the years bots was opened are
as follows, JustinLee ->name from my bro, Bestbot476, vVprobotVv, MiniZeek,
DiaUndify, Bestbot477, Bestbot478, GM_Probot, AdvertiseX, Hax1_suck,
Fira1_sucks, Stickzone3, 1337_1a, 1337_1b, 1337_1c, vVcodyVv, Cprogram1,
vVsurgeVv, vVramVv, vVpatchVv, 999399393, LagScamHack9, NormalBotV.
There are like 3 others I forgot. 15 surge acc, 5 ram acc, 3 patch acc.
Now onto the list of people I want to say a goodbye to.

-GM Blitz
-GM Titan
-KrazeeKills (really great person!!!)
-moomoopoo (hacker but still awesome)
-vVdroidVv  (i think this was his name)
-Bestbot (I knew the original bestbot he made his account 2 months after beta opened)
-ProtoX (he is kewl)
-Kletz (he is okay I still see him now and then.
-DRIFTER07 (I made a private server with this guy, I still see him now and then)
-Jokerz (this dude was freaking crazy. lol)
-Pokefan (pokemon is gay dude...)
-OmniKeeper (this dude showed up later in bots and has been stalking all the games I play)
-BuddyMan (dont trust him with anything)
-Scammerz (lol he scammed me 12 times but then we became pals)
-KiloHawk (Yep thats right I knew the original Kilohawk guy)

If I missed anyone then I am sorry, I have a bad memory I had to use some of the screenshots
I had stored from when bots opened to when it closed. I would post a crapload of screenies
but I think that would be a bit much... If anyone I knew sees this you can contact me
at [email protected] or at my website http://xengaming.smfnew.com This is all I will
be posting now I am leaving boutcheetah forever, or at least till I get done with
my version of bots that isn't a private server... estimated time till completion: 1yr 6months 24days
Goodbye everyone!
General Discussion / Private Servers.
September 16, 2010, 01:20:12 PM
-Removed By Admins.
Off Topic / Programing Game
August 30, 2010, 01:58:45 PM
Game Name: Dekirem
Game Id Tag: 03020302            -just to identify incase of private servers are leeked by staff of dekirem.
Overall Completion: 1.5%
Date last updated: Aug 27, 2010
Posted: Aug whatever it is today >.>
Website temp URL: http://xirusgaming.smffy.com
Website Perm URL: www.dekirem.xirusgaming.com (not complete)
I still need forum moderators and such but oh well...
General Discussion / Regards...
August 27, 2010, 10:07:50 AM
Bots acclaim is gone... thank you all for playing :D...
I needed some posts from that website but oh well...
acclaim is history...
General Discussion / Bots, Bout, BC, Bots Devo?
August 25, 2010, 01:54:21 PM
What is it with all these different games? Bots Devo isn't even out and I hear people
are donating for basically no reason... It could be a scam. Or a trap who knows?
Bots was once a great game,  but acclaim lost rights to it... Bout's company lost all
its money or something and is gone... now all that is left is BC and it is an okay game.
but compaired to what bots was and what bout was it doesn't add up... What we may
need is someone who can program and actually figure out how to build *new* parts.
not mods or something from bout... Or need to program a new game similar to bots/bout/BC/BD
that way you can fully understand how it works... I am working on a game called Dekirem
which I am programming myself along with graph-ix made by a pal of mine, We have a side
project which is what it is alike bots, Allie, Kenny, cant you do the same? we may have
trouble here and there but it always works out...
Spam / PMs are spam magnets?
August 24, 2010, 02:11:19 PM
You can seriously bug someone by PMing them >.>
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