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Topics - gombo08

Off Topic / Rage quit!
July 10, 2012, 06:22:51 AM
Humpy going rage quit few days because of things going not smooth :(
Normal Server / RichMOFOs Fetched a guild already!
July 08, 2012, 02:44:38 AM
Welcome to the new guild created by billionaire HumpyDumpy :)
Since humpy couldnt join silence cause its full, he decided to create a guild all by himself :)...... Guild Name: RichMOFOs
Simple ways to get you in this guild are...
Have 1bil gigas.
Make Humpy happy
And be smart :)
Benefits: Members of this guild each would get 100mil from humpy if they are smart.
You would get respected by some people
Thats all.
Updates coming up............
Spam / Yz's love confession :)
July 07, 2012, 12:46:40 PM
Hi all ,
Recently i met another admirer and his name.....(Drum rolls please) Yz ( A.k.a Tricky that ghey kid). He said he love me that much that he will die if he dont see me everyday :O And his hawt on me recently :(
* I predict that my post would soon be touch by tricky in the next 1min or less.
Heres a little screenie>>
Off Topic / Hello Bruno Mars-Grenade
July 07, 2012, 12:19:11 PM
Hi guys Humpy here,
I recently signed up for a talent singing competition in search of a new kpop star. I was hoping if you guys can give me some opinions. Is Grenade by Bruno Mars high pitch or low? Please comment, need it very much.
General Discussion / HELP ME SANTA!
July 05, 2012, 01:12:01 PM
Eh, i forgotten my password and id for my acc ign :Tasty_Merc . I hope that santa can pm me my id and pass for that acc. Prove to show that  the account is mine as it has been all login by the same ip adress. Its really my account ! You can check the previous posts all made by me. THANKS Santa please help out PLEASE!
Hi all, I am looking for someone to make me a Cool HumptyDumpty Siggy. Must have light and bright special effects. Also, with a text saying Cassanova.
Willing to pay a couple million of gigas for it, depending on how good i like it. Please post the siggy in this thread when your done, and your ign. And i will give you the gigas once i receive it.
Normal Server / Humpy bankruptcy shop T.T
June 30, 2012, 08:55:55 AM
Hello everybirdy, Humpy's selling his items cause he needs gigas to proclaim his title and pay the bank :"3
Hmm I am selling.....
Dark surge E set
Meteorium set
Halloween set (full) x2
Pink tricillor E set
Blue tricillor E set
Yellow Tricillor E set
Elektra+7 Set
Pumpkin head (perm)
259 days Jura - War God
Rbs x 9990
5.5mil coins
Blue tricillor e Arms and body( Extra parts) Sobs Sobs T.T
Shoot me your best offers. I will try to get online to sell those items if its good , but if i cant make it. Too bad :P
Btw. When did Boy Johnny became the mod? :D

Suggestions / New type of game play/ rules!
June 19, 2012, 05:02:09 AM
Supp guys, its humpy again.
I was recently thinking of a new game play/ rule , after playing a certain game and thinking of some weird stuffs in my mind, hoping that the admins and rest would like it and bring it to play!
Here is how it goes,
(1st game plan)This game play/rule is a type where a random computer or player in the room is chosen as the monster or boss so called, and must try to destroy all the other players in the game room. The rest of the players must unite together to ) destroy it. (2nd game plan)Or in another situation, where a random computer player will be placed in the map/ game , making things hard for the player, by damaging them or blocking them in certain ways or delaying them from killing each other, while the rest of the players must try to eliminate each other and be the last one standing (FFA).*Can be played in teams too*.
Hope you guys and the admins would like it. PLEASE COMMENT THANKS.Bye
Suggestions / New PVP MAPS!
June 19, 2012, 04:56:57 AM
Hey all,
Humpy here again. I was thinking of some new pvp maps, in hoping to revive pvp by much.As i personally feels that the pvp maps now are kind of boring when played, cause of repeating plays. Therefore i was hoping that the admins would come up with new map ideas or hold a competition for new pvp maps.
How the maps should be like,
1) Maps should be big ( for more people to play and more preferred) Or small, medium sized.
2) Maps should have some cool power ups or stuffs, etc. To enhance the bots power , or attk, etc. Unlike hp pack and trans up. I meant invisibility, camouflage power to make the maps MORE FUN AND INTRESTING
3) Big/medium sized maps should have lots of jumping stones/steps to make it fun!
4) New stuffs should be introduced to pvp play , rather than the plain old hp ups and trans up. Instead make power ups , or etc. Like i just mentioned to make it more fun.
5) New utilities should be brought into pvp maps, such as jump boosters( Its a type of utility placed at a fixed spot, helping other to increase their jumping height for once when they step on it, to their certain destinations.)
6) Making the maps move or change as time pass by to make it harder.
Alright, thats all i can think of now. Hope that the admins and the rest would like it .Please COMMENT Thanks.Toodles~
Hey all,(1st Game Plan)
Humpy was thinking about a new game plan, and here is what i thought of. A boxing match =D
Okay, the rules are
1) No jump attack ( Jumping is allowed)
2) No guarding
3) No guns
4) No halloween trans and S E.F, rudolf shoulder , santa shield and any other items that adds speed( As they add speed and its unfair)
4) No special or passive skills ( only breakfall is accepted)
5) Everyone is only allowed to transform once.(Transform rules are the same as above)
6) Players are only allowed to wear the head, arms and body parts.Rest are not allowed.
7) All must only play against the bots type of their same kind. E.g.( Rams with rams only, this is to make sure theres no unfairness.)
8) Maps played must be big as it makes it more interesting and fun (Prefer to play in maps like hoverbyte city and stardeck)
9) Pushing is allowed. ( Lag hit is something that cant be blamed, as people might be from different countries, resulting to lagness)
10) All player SHOULD OBEY THE RULES to make the game fun and fair for others, regardless of who you are.( Except for allie, you know why)
Hope that you all would like it, and its important for all to obey the rules.>>>>Read on for second game plan below>>>
Jumping Fight ( FFA)
1) No dark metos and gm guns are allowed.
2) Map must be played in Hoverbyte City ( The jumping steps/stones area, as its the only place where there is jumping steps/stones in every map)
3) No guarding (optional)
4) No halloween trans and S E.F, rudolf shoulder , santa shield and any other items that adds speed( As they add speed and its unfair, but optional too)
5) No guns (optional)
6) No special skills ( only breakfall is accepted) (optional)
7) Pushing is allowed
8) All must only play against the bots type of their same kind. E.g.( Rams with rams only, this is to make sure theres no unfairness.)(optional)
9) All player SHOULD OBEY THE RULES to make the game fun, fair and succesful for others, regardless of who you are.( Except for allie, you know why)
10) Aim of these games is to be the last one standing, no going out of the jumping stones, or your disqualified.
Thats all i got to say, hope you like it.PLEASE COMMENT THANKS.
Signing off,
Buying Discuss +4 and Omnikeeper +4. Please leave your ign and offer thanks.
Solved Bug Reports / HELP ME ADMINS (URGENT)
June 16, 2012, 09:35:37 AM
Hi All,
The problem with my comp now is that it cant even acess into boutcheetah. It would say that the program is not responding and pop out the windows( the screenshot i uploaded).Please help me ASAP thanks.
Signing off,
GFX / Humpy siggy wanted
June 14, 2012, 11:31:25 PM
Hi all,
I am looking forward for someone to make a humptydumpty signature or snorlax signature for me. Any background would be able. Just need it to be KEWL and good looking. Flashy effects would make it better. Thank you! :3
Signing off,
June 13, 2012, 12:25:46 PM
GFX / How do i upload my sig PLEASE HELP ME T.T
April 11, 2012, 09:01:02 AM
Please teach me how to upload my sig into my profile instead of having to click the website instead....
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