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Topics - Cooky


How To Join:

Find a pvp room named 'CookysGunShootout!{ia|osk}'

I will wait until the room is full or until people stop joining. All players will fight to the death on holodeck with unlimited ammo and 1 shot kill in effect.

Whoever wins (last man standing) will get to play in the event, the other players can stay if they want to watch or they can leave and I will close their slot. This event is for 1 person at a time.

How The Event Works:

Whoever won the fight to the death must first equip a joy gun before the game begins. If the user is unable to purchase one, I will provide it for them. The player must go to the middle platform on holodeck and wait for me to say go. Once I say go, I will begin to break all of the glass. The player in the middle (without leaving the middle) must attempt to shoot me and prevent me from breaking all the glass. If I break all the glass before I am shot and killed, I win! If the player hits me before I break all the glass, they win!


The shooter is not allowed to leave the middle platform.
The map will always be holodeck.
I am not allowed to rush spam or use skills to break the glass.
I am not allowed to transform.
The shooter is allowed to transform but that would just make them lose anyway lol.
The shooter is only allowed to try to shoot me and cannot use any other attacks or skills.
If I block or evade the shot, it doesnt count as a win.. you have to kill me.
If I fall to my death it counts as a win for the shooter.
You can only have one attempt at the event per day.
If you lose the fight to the death it does not count as an attempt.


For each glass I do not break before you kill me or I fall, you will receive 1 million gigas!

Example: If I die and there is 4 glass platforms left, you receive 4 million gigas.

Here is a sample video of me and Materger playing the event:

Cookys Joy Gun Shootout!


Match #1 - MisterZ

ill pay you gigas or buy u membership.. please
I am resigning from my moderator position because I am simply not mature enough to be a mod.. I will maybe try again after I have matured but its going to take a long time and I doubt I would be given another chance anyway but we will see. Ironically, this is probably the most mature thing I have ever done.

No one told me to say this.
No one suggested this.
No I am not 'avoiding demotion'.

I will still be active on Bout Cheetah and on the forums doing my events, and yes I will still continue to report rulebreakers to help out.

It was nice being a mod again and im thankful I was given a second chance but I realize its just not right for me. To the staff, thanks, it was fun working with you!

I apologize for leaving you guys short but hopefully you can quickly find someone to replace me.

Long live Bout Cheetah!


Spam / funny/cool gifs and pictures
March 19, 2013, 01:38:42 PM
theres a random pictures thread so heres a funny  gifs and pictures thread

ill start

Off Topic / Timelapse gif of the clock at my job
March 16, 2013, 03:35:51 PM

Duration:  March 17th-March 24th

How to Join:  

During the period of the event, keep an eye out for any pvp room named 'CookyStPatrickEvent{ng}', joining this room is how you can enter the event. I will always announce in the lobby before I make the room to let people know. The first 7 players to join the room will get to participate in the round.


To win Cookys St Patricks day event will take a lot of luck! The rules are simple..

The map will always be holodeck. I will first suicide (so I can watch everyone).Then I will announce that players have 10 seconds to pick a spot! All players must go to one of the spaces on the map as shown by this diagram:

After 10 seconds is up I will tell all players to stop and they must remain in whatever spot they are in. The middle is not a valid spot and any players in this spot when I say to stop are disqualified. I will then (with the help of random number generator) pick a random number from 1-6. When a number gets chosen, I will announce it, and whichever player is in that spot will be disqualified. If there are more then 1 players in the spot, they have to fight to the death and only 1 player may survive.

For example, if there are 2 or more players on spot 3 when I say stop, and I call out number 3, those players must fight and whoever survives gets to remain in the game. If there is only 1 player on spot 3, that player is immediately disqualified. Keep in mind that when I say the number, the battle may immediately begin, so reaction timing is key. Know which spot youre in and be ready for a fight if you are on a spot with other players. If you attack another player when your spot did not get called, you are immediately disqualified. If you win a fight to the death, the next round you win immunity and cannot be eliminated. You must go to the middle spot during the round so that you do not interfere with the other players.

Keep in mind that during the fight to the death, you are not allowed to leave the spot you are in!

After a number has been chosen and a player or players have been eliminated, I will begin counting down from 10 again and players can either stay in their spot or move to another one. Remember, you can go in the middle spot but if you are there when I say stop then you are disqualified. .

-There are no limits on equipment, anything goes.
-There is no hitting allowed whatsoever until a number has been called.
-Hitting is only allowed for the players on the spot that gets called.
-If you fall to your death at any point during the match, you are disqualified.
-Transforming is not allowed unless you are in a fight to the death
-Players who are not in a fight to the death should be looking out for gunshots and long ranged attacks like mandragore, because they may get hit by them accidentally.
-If a player is transed at the end of a fight to the death, I will wait until their trans has ended before starting the 10 second countdown


When there is just 1 player remaining, that player is declared the winner!
The player will receive 1 million gigas and a 1 week Lucky Aura!

I will be using this thread to post the winners and show who has won the most. Please feel free to ask any questions about the event or leave comments.
Suggestions / Interesting idea I thought of today
March 12, 2013, 01:56:25 PM
I thought of this idea just now and well Im not exactly sure if it would be good or bad but figured I would share it and see what you guys think

My idea is that..

When you press Z to trans.. if you get hit before the bar fills, your trans is cancelled and your trans gauge will go back to empty, effectively losing the chance to transform. This will make trans speed a lot more relavent, improve rams (because they give +trans speed on their bodies), and also make it so people who go full TA or TD will have to sacrifice trans speed which could cost them. Because as it stands now.. when having the decision of TA, TD, or TS, theres really no reason to get trans speed. I have seen a few people who can instant trans when they press Z which is cool but when you think of all the more damage they could have been doing or the less damage they could have been taking, it makes it not worth it. With my idea, people would have a tough choice between TA/TD and TS and would make trans speed a lot more relavent.

This could also improve things like..

Teamwork in sector (or in team pvp)
-When someone is transing people would want to defend that person a lot so they dont lose their chance.
-People would want to coordinate their trans so they dont all trans at the same time and leave no one to guard them

Charging would be more interesting of a skill to use
-Charging II would be a little less OP (im sure not everyone thinks its OP but to me it is)
-It would be more risky to use because you could take the time to charge but then get hit while transing (if you dont have full trans speed)

Sector and PvP becomes a little trickier
-Sometimes after you press Z to trans you keep fighting right the enemies right? Well that would be too risky now.
-People would want to run away or block and trans to make sure they dont lose their chance.

There could also be a new passive skill..

'Trans Save'
-When hit while transing, your trans guage will not become empty.
-I think this skill would get a lot of use for people who dont have any trans speed.

What do you guys think?
Off Topic / Cookys gaming/entertainment area
March 11, 2013, 02:19:08 PM

right now I have my PS3 on the small TV but I can switch it at anytime to the big TV

Marketplace / Selling Memberships
March 11, 2013, 12:48:55 PM
100m gigas for 1 month

I give all of my gigas away for my events as the prizes so think of it like a donation if u want  ;)
Feedback/Rants / **** my life
March 10, 2013, 07:54:19 PM
was gonna gift myself some (E) parts to clear room in my inventory

sent about 4-5 of them (about 30-40$ worth) to cooky, including 1 of the parts to my favorite sets.. my red C.A.T body

then I remembered im mod cooky

I dont have any account named cooky

turns out I sent them to some lvl 17 korean who last logged in january 20th and theres no way I can get them back


Off Topic / Daylight Savings Time
March 09, 2013, 12:16:53 PM
at 2am we move our clocks forward 1 hour

and because I work overnights (until 6:30am), I have to work 1 hour less because once its 2am it automatically becomes 3am  and we still get paid for 8 hours even though only there for 7 8)


It was the opposite when we had to move the clocks BACK - at 2am we had to change it to 1am and it was like we never worked the last hour. We didnt get paid any overtime either, it sucked.

Thankyou Allie for introducing me to World of Warcraft and for your motivations
Off Topic / This Seriously Happened Today
March 06, 2013, 11:54:20 AM
At the airport some lady got off a flight around 2am and she was standing outside waiting for her ride and she was on the phone with the person picking her up and she was saying that she was right where the guy said to meet and the guy said he was there too but he didnt see her. So my co worker asked if he was at the right airport and .. long story short..

The lady was flying from Washington D.C to Portland, Oregon and her flight got cancelled. The airline, in rescheduling the flight, accidentally booked her a ticket for the flight to Portland, Maine instead.

I asked the lady 'didnt you think it was weird the flight was so short' and she replied 'i just thought the plane went really fast'.

For those not from the USA, here you can see how far apart the 2 Portland cities are..


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