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Messages - popescu400

2-8 h depends

But if i'm too much innactive and some more active want to join you can kick me :-S
IGN: -Alex3D-
Level: 221  ( more 5 days )
Activity(How many hours you spend in BC): hmm not much but not low
Speciality(Sector ,PvP, BvB):  Sector
After gp wipe I'll stay ( if is space for me ) but I'll not be very active.... ill study ( and more stupid things like this ) but i'll enter to play when i'll have time
ScreenShots / Re: Finally Kow
September 07, 2012, 02:42:18 PM
I die at kow ....... i tryed with digi but same result : Me Died
LOL Diesel why you have me Oo ?

When i ask if he can help me with 1-2 rounds in survivall ... he find " a excuse " to don't come ....

LOL man ... u don't getted alone the set tier3 ( at 219 ) u get helped :|

No one don't want to help me ........ but i got alone body and arms tier 2

Baaaad Englishhhh
And I play :-S but next 4 days I'll not be home.
ScreenShots / Finally Kow
August 31, 2012, 05:42:07 PM

What i need to do now to kill they xD ?

ps: Died.... + I'm Alex3D the first lvl 219 here :)) ( I think )
ScreenShots / Best xp today Friday ( x2 )
August 31, 2012, 08:58:07 AM
Look this ;) My lvl is 218

Not all.  

But is good for lvl 210-221
You 'll find me in now but can you enter faster plz ... ? I want to do gp :-S
Opz :-S I was afk.

C'mon i waited some 4-6 h and nothing .... i think maybe tomorrow i'll find you on
This only 1 of the 10000 reasons
Hello :-S

IGN: -Alex3D-
LVL: 172
Activity: 5-10 h :-?

PS: I'm friend with Diesel =)))
ScreenShots / Re: Triplets!
July 27, 2012, 12:49:13 PM
...........more  exactlyy if you can ..... ?
ScreenShots / Re: Triplets!
July 27, 2012, 12:18:30 PM
Man open the picture with Paint or some and use magnifier at disel name :)) you can see it here on this picture if u look good
ScreenShots / Re: Triplets!
July 27, 2012, 12:11:08 PM
Hehehe :)) Picture is edited :))

Open the picture with paint or some program and looks at Diesel name with magnifier

Diesel isn't in guild :-S ( at this moment )

Madprox Stop edit the picture :))

EDIT: First picture isn't edited :-S 2rd picture is  :-S
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