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Messages - GavinGill

Off Topic / Re: Bye.
July 06, 2012, 01:04:18 AM
Will you be coming back now that the guild system has changed?
Quote from: Zap1173 on July 06, 2012, 12:00:14 AM
What will happen to the new people who join? It will take them a shit load of time to get up to a considerable pvp/bvb level
Honestly, a lot of people here suck at PvP/BvB so it won't be too hard for newbies. I'm not trying to be ****y, I'm pretty bad at PvP myself and too rusy to even be considered decent at BvB at this point, but the majority of people here really are terri-bad at PvP/BvB. The more they play, the more they'll improve. And the only way to entice players to PvP/BvB, is to give them better EXP rates than sector. People can still do those ridiculously easy sector runs for EXP and GP, even with it cut in half it's still more than the amount we were given on BOTS!! (I think).

Quote from: mic99 on July 06, 2012, 12:13:25 AMthe whole guild reset is dumb too, why reset the guild cuz u got babies tht cant play the game.
It was reset because the people that don't know how to play are the ones that are making it rank 1, while anyone with skill is sidelined and has to quit because there's no competition. At all.

Quote from: mic99 on July 06, 2012, 12:13:25 AMno1 will play sector, u will have ppl that are gods at PvP and others tht suck (me)
1. Why would they stop doing sector? It's still the only way to get drops and still the easiest way to get EXP.
2. Then learn how to play the ****ing game.

Quote from: mic99 on July 06, 2012, 12:13:25 AMALSO how the fk is a lv 1 supposed to play PVP against a lv 221 to get raised a lv?
Why would a level 1 play against a level 221? Does that make sense to you?

I'm not going to bother replying to the rest of your post because it'd just drive me to drink. And I hate drinking. >_>

Quote from: speedy101 on July 06, 2012, 12:26:43 AM
i like this all exept the sector thing i find this unfair as all PVP/BVBers will be great but what about the people who suck at pvp/bvb and all they do is sector like come on sector is fine how it is LEAVE IT.
Then those people should learn how to play the other 2/3 of the game, shouldn't they? And if you like to sector, then keep playing sector. No one's stopping you.
I'm with everything except the part about having to pay that much for a guild expansion. That being said though, I don't know how long it take to get those many Gigas here so I guess I can't complain. So I guess that about covers everything. If 20 members isn't enough, we always increase it to 25 or 30 later on down the road but for now, it should be good. You might want to announce this a week or two in advance through the updater btw.

I'll probably be playing regularly this summer. ^^
Quote from: Pokeh on July 05, 2012, 03:13:47 AM
Quote from: GavinGill on July 05, 2012, 12:17:02 AM
Quote from: Pokeh on July 04, 2012, 10:17:09 PM
no we can make it so it stays cuz at one point ross was my bitch and he made 2 mil gp for my guild
But then we're left with the same problem. When you lose a guild member, it should be a sacrifice, just like it was in BOTS!! and BOUT. Otherwise people can just join a guild for the sake of grinding GP for their friend, then go off and do the same for other people. That shouldn't be allowed, when someone leaves, their GP should go away as well. That's what the competitive guild ranking system was built upon - not just being able to make the most GP, but being able to keep it as well. It's supposed to be a challenge, something that takes skill and diplomacy.

Then this is parallel to

Quote from: Epic xD on July 05, 2012, 02:53:21 AM
Honestly, I'm surprised you're only disappointed now. The whole guild system in Bots is just pathetic. Ranking a guild by points is a really stupid concept. All it does is show how much people play the game in the first place. You want guilds to be competitive over points? Imo, a guild should be competitive within itself over a specific game mode (sector, PvP, BvB). At least that way, the players actually do something interesting, have fun, and get better at the game.


How the gp system works will directly affect how people should earn gp in the first place. Let's try to get that down. Then, depending on how it ends up we can decide how the gp system would work. :/
We could incentivise PvP and BvB with something like this: http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php/topic,26891.0.html

That way, instead of mindlessly grinding for hours on end for GP, players would be able to get it through the other modes as well. With more people playing those modes, the metagame of the average player is bound to improve and it'd spark interest in PvP/BvB again.
Suggestions / Re: Bring 'em back
July 05, 2012, 01:10:55 AM
Quote from: KillerPig on July 04, 2012, 10:34:21 PM
with chains automatically disabled it's only slightly more op.
It's not just slightly more OP, it shits on every other trans in the game. As for the merc, those shouldn't have been added in the first place, they ruined BvB. At the very least, they should be nerfed.
Quote from: Pokeh on July 04, 2012, 10:17:09 PM
no we can make it so it stays cuz at one point ross was my bitch and he made 2 mil gp for my guild
But then we're left with the same problem. When you lose a guild member, it should be a sacrifice, just like it was in BOTS!! and BOUT. Otherwise people can just join a guild for the sake of grinding GP for their friend, then go off and do the same for other people. That shouldn't be allowed, when someone leaves, their GP should go away as well. That's what the competitive guild ranking system was built upon - not just being able to make the most GP, but being able to keep it as well. It's supposed to be a challenge, something that takes skill and diplomacy.
A 20 member limit would probably be more interesting than a 30 member limit, guilds wouldn't be able to hoard all the good players.
Suggestions / Re: New game type - Guild War?
July 04, 2012, 05:12:03 PM
Quote from: Xx Itz Ian on July 04, 2012, 01:24:25 PM
why not? in pvp you can also use skill II why not in guild pvp?
Because II should never be used in PvP or BvB, especially if GP is at stake.
I'm all for it, but I would rather have it for BvB since that mode needs to be incentivised more than PvP imo.
Quote from: Jason321 on July 03, 2012, 06:39:30 PM
Resetting the GP would result in people who belonged at the guild they were in before the reset to go to other guild, this will start Wars, Flames, Arguements, People quitting the guild.
And why is that? The GP would still be there in the Hallf Of Fame, it's not like it's going to disappear. .-.

Quote from: Jason321 on July 03, 2012, 06:39:30 PMThere is loads of people who are agreeing to this, Why? I dont know.
Because the current guild system has been totally ****ing ruined and we want it to be fixed. That's why.

Quote from: Jason321 on July 03, 2012, 06:39:30 PMI Think the guild shouls just be left alone, We all know that Silence is NOT Legit.
They're people who have basically no lifed this game for weeks, months, some even years to get to where they are, and your just going to wipe all of there hard work, These people will go mental.
Again, that GP isn't going to dispear, it will just be moved to the GP Hall Of Fame.

Quote from: Jason321 on July 03, 2012, 06:59:41 PM
Ahh i give up, you people dont obviously see the risk in it.
I think the problem here is that you don't fully understand what's being proposed. =/

Quote from: Scythe on July 03, 2012, 07:41:55 PM
For those who vote for "Reset,but keep guild slots at 50"

Do you not get people would just make the same guild,all the actives go into one=no rivalry=no challenge

If it would be 20 members per guild,it  would make many rivalry
This. A thousand times this. 50 guild members would only work with a large community, the size of Acclaim BOTS!! (if not bigger). For B.Cheetah, 20 members would be best. But as Corr said, if 20 seems like too much of a change, then 25 should be fine.
Feedback/Rants / Re: Disappointed
July 03, 2012, 06:15:22 AM
Quote from: zepher2211 on July 03, 2012, 01:48:12 AM2. I was disagreeing with competition being the main focus, I believe the social part was the real focus, or else they would have given more weight on gp, such as rewards towards the guilds (thinking about the way other games developers handle it with guild buffs and stuff) as is unless you focus on rankings the only time you'll ever see gp is like a side note in the guild summary thing that some members don't look at lol
Ah, kk. Difference of opinions I guess.

Quote from: zepher2211 on July 03, 2012, 01:48:12 AM3. I was referencing the fact that you said being a guild leader is supposed to take skill such as holding members in your guild, and losing them is penalized by the loss of gp, considering my guilds long running track record with members and gp xD
Oh, duh.  :-X
Zack's right, this shouldn't have been moved to the spam section, spam posts should have just been deleted.
Zack's right, this shouldn't have been moved to the spam section, spam posts should have just been deleted.
Feedback/Rants / Re: Disappointed
July 03, 2012, 01:32:59 AM
Quote from: zepher2211 on July 03, 2012, 01:17:41 AM1. That would work for most people, but there will always be ragers "amg whered all my gp goes??"
If they ask where there GP is, you tell them to check the old rankings, it'll still be there. If they don't like it, that's too bad since the majority of the more informed players don't like the way things are currently being handled.

Quote from: zepher2211 on July 03, 2012, 01:17:41 AM2. I disagree, the competitiveness was only part of the guild system, a huge aspect of it was being in a group of friends whom you can have fun with, and feel as though you've accomplished something as a group. (some guilds have been created for the purpose of not being competitive lol)
You disagree with what? I didn't say that competitiveness is the only reason guilds were added to the game, just that the system was designed with competition in mind. That's why there was such a small guild member limit (10 people), there were GP rankings, GP could be lost, etc. If comradery was the sole focus, there wouldn't have been such an emphasis on the competitive aspects of the guild system.

Quote from: zepher2211 on July 03, 2012, 01:17:41 AM3. Then I must be a god of guild leaders, considering the majority of my members that stayed or left to only come back without me doing a thing to bring them .-.
Ok, not sure what that has to do with the discussion at hand but alright. :P

Quote from: rettknight on July 03, 2012, 01:21:50 AM
That's the reason Gavin also suggested that GMs shouldn't be allowed to be on a guild on their GM accounts.
That was Corr actually. :P
Spam / Re: giving away 300m
July 02, 2012, 08:31:13 PM
Bye, Mr. Pein.

GavinGill (if there are any left over)
Feedback/Rants / Re: Disappointed
July 02, 2012, 08:29:06 PM
Wasn't it 30 member on BOTS!!? Maybe we could reduce the limit by 5 ever 1-2 weeks to sort of ease into it. We could announce it in advance to give guikds time to sort things out.
Feedback/Rants / Re: Disappointed
July 02, 2012, 06:05:32 AM
Quote from: zepher2211 on July 02, 2012, 04:30:15 AM
I mean you could do it, but you'd upset a huge portion of the community, I'm saying that if this had been done long ago, it'd work a lot better.
Simple solution: Split GP into season's/sagas/etc. The current GP would go into the ranks as the first season's standings, then we reset everyone's GP and that starts the second season. People would still be able to see their GP from the first season by checking the rankings. It would still be there so there'd be no reason for anyone to be mad about the reset.

Quote from: zepher2211 on July 02, 2012, 03:58:10 AM
Counter proposal: GP is based on sector, sector is based on amount of time spent on it, and the skill with which you can do it, so shouldn't the principle of the matter be that members have worked for their gp in some form or another, so no matter where they go they shouldn't lose it, lest you say that work never happened
No, that's bull. That defeats the entire purpose of the competitive guild system that was programmed into the game. Quitting a guild is supposed to be a sacrifice, you have to lose something to prevent people from just randomly guild hopping. =/

Quote from: zepher2211 on July 02, 2012, 04:09:50 AMI'd point to a game called Pandora Saga as having a guild system that's admirable, all gp gained by members is basically owned by the guild as a whole so no matter who quits the gp remains with the guild. It cuts guild drama/politics a lot because no one needs to fight over members, if a member leaves, then a member leaves, no big deal.
Running a guild is supposed to take skill. Pandora Saga's system doesn't take very much skill at all given your description of it. You're supposed to be able to keep a guild together and only select a loyal few to join you, if you're not able to keep everyone together - you face the consequences. ie. a loss in GP. If there's no penalty for leaving, then there's absolutely no challenge.

When this game was created, it was designed with 5 competitive aspects in mind:

Sector - alive (5/5)

BvB - dead. (4/5 left)

PvP - dead. (3/5 left)

The competitive market/economy -  dead. (2/5 left)

Guilds - dying (1/5 left)

Allie and Redeyes can't expect to maintain a game when only 1/5th of it is left standing. Who's going to want to play a game like that for an extended period of time? There's a reason the playersbase has dwindled down to so little, and it's because their's absolutely no challenge. None. At all. I stopped playing this game for over a year, I came back, and even on my level 10 I'm able to beat people that are over 10 times my level. Not because I'm good, I'm terrible compared to the average BOTS!! Acclaim player atm (rust D:), but because there's no competition here that challenges people to improve.

This entire game was designed with competitiveness at it's core, but it's shit like this that's stripping all that away. B.Cheetah had the potential to be even bigger than the original BOTS!!. We had an active staff team, the updates were player driven, we had total control over the game, etc. Everything was in our favor. But did we last? Nope. We had a large playerbase at the start while the game was competitive but when the game became les and less challenging as the days went by, people got bored and left.

The guild system is one of the few remaining reasons why people still play this game. Ruin that, and this game won't last. Hell, it isn't lasting. If we want to save this game, we need go back to how things were when we all fell in love with BOTS!! and make things challenging again. And fixing the GP issue is the first step.
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