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Messages - Optimism

Quote from: Sync on September 15, 2010, 04:53:10 PM
I'll buy the seraph wings, 13 mil.

Sold em for 25 mil.

Nya! :O.
Quote from: Mihax on September 15, 2010, 02:42:02 PM
Top 2 pvpers acting like that? Both of you should know better, seriously. =/

Normal Server / Re: Selling my current coin set!
September 15, 2010, 04:01:38 PM
Quote from: Mihax on September 15, 2010, 02:45:11 PM
Selling the Opti set? Pfft. Good luck anyway.  :P

I don't like teh opti set ne more D:.

I've had it for two years TOO long.

Spam / Re: Sanctuary
September 15, 2010, 02:25:41 PM
On for a bit if ne one wants to PvP! :o.
Ok guys, I'm sorta sick of my current coin set, so I'm selling it:

Spartan head
Seraph-hymn wings
2 FineLine flags
Puff minibot

All the above are 344 days and FULL TA

I want to buy the following set and//or trade:

Dragoon head
Titan wins
Valor//All-Stars flag (2)
Demonbot minibot

All the above need to be 344 days+ and FULL TA

If they are higher than 344 days, I will add gigas.

I have a feeling this is gonna be hard D:.

GFX / Re: Newest and fav :3
September 15, 2010, 01:15:19 PM
Wow iri, thats really good o.O.
Spam / Re: Sanctuary
September 15, 2010, 01:14:42 PM
Quote from: Ray_Kalm on September 15, 2010, 01:04:35 PM
Your guild leader pretends to be the best pvper, and can't take losses like a gentleman.

Oh my god. Here we go again. Everyone, for the sake of stability, ignore this child.
Well after entering a room with me, Nitex saw for himself that he was faster (negated his SUPER***Y armor exscuse). Moreover, I hit him far below the damage he originally thought.

Quote from: Ray_Kalm on September 15, 2010, 12:56:18 PM
Optimism is apparently to foolish to keep his promises.

For one, he had his armor on, above that he had his trans on. Even more, I said first to 5, he left after only  having played 4 matches.

(Double post).

I already mentioned all parts listed. With your wings, you were + speed. HP was about even despite your lies (you had more HP than myself). If anything, I was at a huge disadvantage, and you still lost.

Now please, leave me the **** alone.
Best of 5:

Warm up - opti

First game - opti
second game - opti
third game - nitex
fourth game - opti

Nitex had all coins on cept flags. Trans = kow.

Opti = purely coinless. Trans = lanman

Arms were removed. Nitex was + HP and + speed.

Game set match, stfu.
Quote from: Ray_Kalm on September 15, 2010, 12:14:51 PM
If you won't join this tournament, then would you be caring enough to go even with me with at least  the same level equipment before presuming you're better?

Get on now and I'll remove my damn body and still smash you.
Quote from: Ray_Kalm on September 15, 2010, 12:10:01 PM
I thought you'd say something like that.

As for me being terrible,was just me not trying. Why do you care so much about that anyways when I said I'll "prove" to you what I need to in this tournament?

Not to mention that you're a level 200, had all the latest armor/gadgets and I was able to bring you down to red while I'm 150 with no upgraded shoulder/shields.

I laughed. Red? LOL...now the lies.
Quote from: Optimism on September 14, 2010, 09:47:56 PM
Nitex, I just 4-0'd you at 10 percent today on a desktop with a new keyboard (who do I sound like XD).

You're leaps and bounds behind me. I smashed your ego three years ago. Here is a common misconception (your mentality):

You believe that somehow you will beat me for the first time in years in the finals of this tournament. Let me tell you something; the best pvpers win majority vs select opposition. My win ratio against you is ovar 9000:1. You'd have to accomplish far more than one victory over me to claim my title. Simple.

Yea, you smashed me around when I first came to this game. Is this what you are referring to -- my newb days? My friend, I'm a far different player now -- it shows in your losses. You can keep claiming rust while I keep smashing you. Humble yourself. This is the side of you that I was referring to in-game today. Given my skill level far supersedes anyone at this time, I won't waste my time in this tournament. If you have something to prove, then let it be our games daily. You can't possibly claim my title with one measly win, regardless of how much you attempt to hype this one match. As stated previously, it takes a majority of victories to become the better pvper. Only one man has even come close at my epitome of play -- starscream55.

This kind of **** runs in circles with you (hype a match, talk mad ****, then lose) -- and its yet to stop.

Apparently, the aforementioned failed to sink into that thick skull of yours. You lose to me daily, yet you think one hyped match will earn you the title that I now posses? Are you delusional? Only by gods saving grace (every fabled god to have EVER existed within religious text) would you win that one much, given your poor performance yesterday. You're terrible, you're repetitive and you've now lost my respect.

Good day sir. I won't be joining this tournament.
GFX / Re: Resource allocation!
September 15, 2010, 12:04:41 PM
Quote from: Sniper on September 15, 2010, 11:51:13 AM
What do these downloads change in game?

Nothing; they are a variety of renders//stocks for BOTS!!.
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