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Messages - Materger

General Discussion / Re: Staff team-
February 09, 2015, 05:09:50 AM
Quote from: english on February 09, 2015, 05:04:40 AM
Yh probaly is their personal life. Im just replying to your question and trying to help in anyway i can. I may have been confused over the names but  i see Oreos alot so its not him
yeah, I've heard of Oreos being pretty active. Personal lives would be a problem if the player base was larger, but with the current player base I don't think it's as bad. Another question, what do you think would help staff members get in-game more? I'm asking because a lot of staff and old players don't play anymore because they lost their spark, their love for the game maybe.
General Discussion / Re: Staff team-
February 09, 2015, 04:57:32 AM
Quote from: english on February 09, 2015, 04:55:01 AM
Yh everyone has their personal life which is understandable. most inactive i notice is Osiris and Max but i can always get max on skype if needed.
did you mean Oreos? Because that staff member listed is no longer a mod. So you think it's mostly their lives that keep them busy and away?
General Discussion / Re: Staff team-
February 09, 2015, 04:51:10 AM
Quote from: english on February 09, 2015, 04:48:59 AM
I think all staff are good people but its just they are not so active.
do you think there's a reason besides their personal lives that they're inactive and out of every staff member who do you think is most inactive?
General Discussion / Re: Staff team-
February 09, 2015, 04:35:56 AM
Quote from: Madprox on February 09, 2015, 04:35:03 AM
I think our chemistry is off  :'(
ohhhh no that's not a good thing. That has to be fixed
General Discussion / Staff team-
February 09, 2015, 04:33:35 AM
Hello people of the community. I wanted to know what you guys think of the current staff team and if there's anything they can do differently to improve the game all together. Lots of staff members have been inactive, but the need of a staff member from what I've seen in the last few days isn't really needed. Most players are more likely to ask a staff member to help them gain something of personal interest like leveling up or gigas. Do you guys see a connection between the staff members or do you think their chemistry is off by a long shot? Just voice your opinions here about individual staff members or the staff as a team.
Spam / Re: Account Issues
February 09, 2015, 02:32:19 AM
Quote from: Despairful on February 09, 2015, 01:11:22 AM
but there isnt a designated forum section for support  :-\
and no, i didnt get any response whatsoever, not even confirmation that my email got through

Try sending a Admin a private message, sometimes they may not check whats in spam for whatever reason or might not expect a serious question here.You could also wait for them to reply here although it may be taken to PMs for things to be private.
Spam / Re: PVP room 1
February 02, 2015, 11:33:39 AM
Time to rumble!
Spam / Re: Free Merc
January 22, 2015, 01:34:31 AM
Spam / Re: Marc
January 22, 2015, 01:33:49 AM
Spam / Re: Marc
January 22, 2015, 01:29:30 AM
Spam / Re: Marc
January 22, 2015, 01:27:04 AM
Spam / Re: Marc
January 22, 2015, 01:21:52 AM
Spam / Re: Marc
January 22, 2015, 01:16:40 AM
Quote from: KillerPig on January 22, 2015, 01:15:43 AM
get erckled nerd
dude where is Selene ?
Spam / Re: Marc
January 22, 2015, 01:11:21 AM
Quote from: MasterMerc on January 22, 2015, 12:58:06 AM
Finally, I have decided to open up about myself and apologize publicly. I know I'm evading, but it's only for good. By this topic and further posts, you will see it. I'm ready to accept any punishment I deserve. What I'm saying is deep bottom from me and please be patient to read it.

I've been asked by BoutCheetah people, "Why do I act this way?", I act this way because I can. It's about having fun right? So I created a fabulous alter ego. This is BoutCheetah after all! Of course I have another reason, and this reason is why I even bother to log in every day.

Few years ago, I was going through one of my most depressing moments in my life. Bullied every day and being all lonely. I didn't have much going on for me so I just sat in front of my computer and watch funny videos. I then stumbled upon BoutCheetah and found it. I was skeptical at first, but as I played my first game after I made my account I had fun. It was awesome! The game was something about destroying robots with another robots. By today's standards, it would be just a great place, but I saw different.

So now why am I talking about my first time playing BoutCheetah? It is because it was the beginning of a great sentiment.

I was at a social place in BoutCheetah. I was in an argument with some scrub. This was during the time when the only words in my vocabulary were "noob" and "stupid". Unfortunately, I was losing this argument and it seems I might ragequit...again. But suddenly, some guy (not mentioning him) came in and told the other guy off with such wit and class. After some time, I asked him how he'd done it. He told me that it was all about "finding the humor in everything". That quote stuck with me ever since. And ever since that day, I can see the humor in most of my tragic and lonely moments. I brightened up. And I stood up to my bullies one day. I tried to be witty after he insulted my mom, but failed. And I ended up getting into another fight and beaten up....again. Fortunately, the principle was lenient on my side so he let me off with a warning and suspended the bully for a week. After I got home, I thought about what just happened. I laughed at myself for being so silly! Saying those things trying to be witty and all.

This new perspective on things helped me get through some hard moments in my life. I sometimes play BC just to vent my emotions either by playing some players, causing arguments at social places, and watch some incredible matchs by players, or other awesome things. So basically, BC has become one my tools for me to cope. And goodness it's a good tool to use to cope. Not only has BC helped me through my hard times, but it also inspired me to do better at things. I can't really explain, but it's the feeling of accomplishment. Of wonder. Of excitement. All of it expressed through the enjoyment and hard work placed into the places in BC.

The time I spent playing BC and interacting with the community changed my characteristics for the betterment. I became more insightful, attentive, appreciative, optimistic, and overall less sociably awkward. This actually transitioned well to how I act in real life. And I made good friends. I felt less insecure about things and I can open myself up even more. Problem with this is that I might place too much feeling into BC. Sometimes it shows through flaming and arguing.

Despite that, I love BC and how it has changed me. This may be just a game to most of you and this lament may be just another TL;DR thread for you to troll on, but this is sentimental to me.
So why did I type it here? Because I love BC so much and it felt appropriate to place it here. I guess I'm done here.

Why? Because I can. And I am just that fabulous. Have a cup of mocha, darling.
all that talk but you ain't no hero jake!!! Fking heli**** your way out of this one, fingerbuster!
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