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Messages - medchiller

Kenny was talking about if the community all left not himself left, if he were to just get up and leave then there would be no server unless Allie were to pay for it or some other form of payment was arranged. It was mostly a joke and hopefully it never comes to that.
Quote from: Robocop7ant on December 15, 2014, 12:09:22 AM
Why is everyone so scared? Yes, kenny haven't been on for a while, but i think he'll be back sooner or later.
This game will die, when everyone quits.. We are the people holding up forum and game, as a community!

Allie wouldn't be here, if no one else was.

So stop asking bout bc dieing, cause it's not, updates or not, the game is still up, and that is good enough for me.

We have hope in rl, so we can have hope for kenny to return :)
Nice speech but what happens if Kenny decides he doesn't want to pay for the server anymore :o?
Feedback/Rants / Re: My ban
December 14, 2014, 04:53:48 PM
Wasn't my case, was actually Max's I just saw the report and acted on it as he hadn't been doing anything on it as of them. I gave you a two week ban for glitching but it is warranted as a perm ban but it is rarely given out as that due to the glitching having little effect on the game or others.
Suggestions / Re: Reporting a rule breaker.
December 14, 2014, 12:01:22 AM
Honestly thought about this before but it comes with a few complications. The biggest one is that new players or ones that aren't on the forums much might not know how to report and obviously the current situation doesn't help that but atleast they are able to look through the forum directory and post that they found a hacker or something. I honestly think there should be and ingame button that when clicked the player can fill out a form to say what happened. Honestly that should be a button on the forums so players aren't confused as to what they need to say and the staff don't need to remind people to put things into their reports.

As for the problem of people changing names and transferring items it doesn't happen often. Mainly because hackers don't use the forums and even if they do they usually aren't well enough established to get a snowball to change their name or buy membership.

The reporting situation of this game definitely needs some work but as you can probably the only ones that can do things like that are Allie and Kenny. They are struggling to even get and event/update out due to Kenny's absence.
General Discussion / Re: Question
December 13, 2014, 05:09:11 AM
Ye like Cooky said there isn't really any way for us to know whether they were hacking if they have a time of 2 mins unless there is a video or a staff member see's it personally.
General Discussion / Re: Question
December 13, 2014, 04:13:20 AM
What chu mean? Someone get banned for dat or smthing?
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday materger
December 11, 2014, 09:04:14 PM
Mat's birthday is in June 0.o
Report A Bug / Re: i can't play anymore :(
December 08, 2014, 09:44:03 PM
Please don't use the question function unless there is an actual question with actual answers.

As for your problem, has anything changed on your PC leading up to you not being able to play? If so try to get rid of what ever it is that it might be. Also make sure you have the required DirectX (http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/7/1/1718CCC4-6315-4D8E-9543-8E28A4E18C4C/dxwebsetup.exe) and re-distributional(http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/1/1/1116b75a-9ec3-481a-a3c8-1777b5381140/vcredist_x86.exe). If that doesn't work it might be something to do with your network. Do your parents control your router and modem? If they do they may have been looking to see where the most money was being spent on internet which may have been the game thus they disable the game or components of them game causing it not to work.
Have fun!
Spam / Re: Gz JudasP
December 04, 2014, 09:51:58 PM
This was brought up by Materger a while ago. He always said that rank doesn't matter and as you can see it doesn't anyone could get rank 1 in PvP if it's based on the number of wins and is easily abuse able. Regardless of whether or not you farmed wins I say congrats you got rank 1 in PvP wins standings but in no way does that mean you're the best PvPer. :D   
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday Yz
December 03, 2014, 09:23:25 PM
Happy birthday man! Hope it's great :D
Applications for Mod position are not open as of now but if you would like to know more you can PM me or another staff member. Please lets get back to the topic. ;)
I think that any could be a mod (other staff might disagree) but its about how much time and effort you're willing to put into it. Most people know what a mod needs to do and to become one you need to show that you would be able to do those things. ex. catch hackers need to be able to catch and report them. So yes you could be but as you should know I'm not the one that picks nor promotes mods, so just keep that in mind.
About the whole"We need more mods" thing, the fact is that there really hasn't been anyone standing out in the community that has been continually active and helpful enough to be apart of the staff team. Yeah people help by telling us about hackers and that's awesome but really it's not consistent it's more just whenever they happen to be in the room they will tell us. So yeah we need more mods but what we need more is people that want to be and are going to try to fulfill the job not just some kid wanting to be a staff member to power abuse.
Off Topic / Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
November 27, 2014, 10:44:08 PM
Happy thanks giving you murican folk and other places that celebrate it at this time. :)

As Ross would say american thanks giving is "slow" ;D
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