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Messages - nourr993

Suggestions / low rate server exp needs a boost
January 07, 2013, 04:07:59 PM
well as u know low rate server exp is low (VERY low) it would take a decade to reach 221 sincce the exp was 4 times of the current exp it was halved when high server exp was halved and it got halved again
I used to get 800 exp in 172 but now i get only 280(with t3 +40%bonus) with membership ofc but without mem i get 140
( btw u get 50 exp in 172 but in high u get 440 exp)
So it would be much much apreciative if u make it at least double exp in week-end eves like in bots(i'm not sure when is it) cuz srsly Bots is very crowded compared to the low server
oh and did u have to cap 137 {s|h} exp to 2606
Announcements / Re: New Year Staff Additions
January 07, 2013, 03:29:11 PM
Gz i...guess
Announcements / Re: Removal of the accoung sharing rule
January 07, 2013, 03:10:25 PM
this is getting funner and funner and you could have summarized all that with
"the law doesn't protect ignorant"(or sumth like that)
Spam / Re: PEIN!
January 05, 2013, 07:11:38 PM
meee meee meee meee meee meee meee mee mee...........mee AAAGH AAAAGH AGH CRACK UUuf uuf tzzzt tzzz
pretty selfish huh one thing i agree with "play it again"
spam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spamspam spam spam spam
Off Topic / Re: Oh how times have changed
January 05, 2013, 06:45:27 PM
u were a moderator and now ur moderated  how ironic
and why do u keep bringing this up
and i think ur wont be a mod if keep doing so
Spam / Re: happy birthday ross!
January 05, 2013, 06:34:05 PM
this post was not counted
GFX / Re: Head mod, recolor
January 05, 2013, 06:29:13 PM
6/10 (maybe) now upload that pic so i can use it too
ScreenShots / Re: Dual Wielding Light Guns
January 05, 2013, 06:22:23 PM
we all it is impossible a man can dream :)
and surge will be like a battleship or someth like that
GFX / Re: ITT Post epic sexy wallpapers *WARNING BIG*
January 03, 2013, 11:21:14 AM
i had to bump on this
and wow too many grammar rapists
wow u suck my averrage is 13.57 can't u kill the bubbles (sometimes i also kill some codes cuz of the glitch)
It only bothers me when i find the item i'm lookin 4 priced at 99999999
and yes idk where's the fun in puttin a useless item for 100m just to make my search harder
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COMAS (or w.e u call it)
u shud know better
GFX / Re: For Hawk CnC
December 25, 2012, 06:42:28 AM
need some more brightness it's a bit dark
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