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Messages - FalseProphet

Feedback/Rants / Re: My ban
December 15, 2014, 05:18:30 AM
Quote from: messenger123 on December 15, 2014, 05:16:45 AM
Quote from: FalseProphet on December 15, 2014, 05:13:03 AM
Quote from: Corr on December 15, 2014, 05:04:45 AM
^ Sounds like you are mad cause he kicked you. >_>

Everyone glitches/hacks in the game and doesn't even notice it. Their was a base game where someone 1 hit killed my base and he was on Vish's team. Vish didn't do anything he didn't even know the guy hacked. How else did the base go from full hp to 0?


Annoyed yeah, least i can admit it. i was trying to have a chat with a few people in the room. Well then that's up to them, like i said before only cause everyone does it doesn't mean staff are  just going to sit there and let people do it right in-front of them. That's down to vish being blind then ha, can't put the blame on anyone else since nobody else was there
You even called me a ***got lel

Too right i did, because you were acting like one. You was glitching you got caught out, just suck it up move on. 2 weeks is nothing anyway.
Feedback/Rants / Re: My ban
December 15, 2014, 05:13:03 AM
Quote from: Corr on December 15, 2014, 05:04:45 AM
^ Sounds like you are mad cause he kicked you. >_>

Everyone glitches/hacks in the game and doesn't even notice it. Their was a base game where someone 1 hit killed my base and he was on Vish's team. Vish didn't do anything he didn't even know the guy hacked. How else did the base go from full hp to 0?


Annoyed yeah, least i can admit it. i was trying to have a chat with a few people in the room. Well then that's up to them, like i said before only cause everyone does it doesn't mean staff are  just going to sit there and let people do it right in-front of them. That's down to vish being blind then ha, can't put the blame on anyone else since nobody else was there i assume
Feedback/Rants / Re: My ban
December 15, 2014, 04:48:06 AM
Quote from: messenger123 on December 15, 2014, 04:09:41 AM
Quote from: FalseProphet on December 14, 2014, 06:08:53 PM
Since i was the one to actually report it. It was Max's case via. pm. Max was looking into it, i posted on forums and medchill took action like medchill mentioned he just saw the case took action at the time. So i wouldn't really say it's anyone's fault. Second to that, this wasn't just because of a conversation outside of bc, if i remember correctly you was rude to both robo and i after being reported in-game as-well as the constant kicking from room just because you was mad that i reported you and you got a ban, also saying how you would get me kicked from Utopia even though you got no authority in that as  you have no leading role apart from being a member of the guild. But clearly you didn't mention any of this or anything else.

Yeah he probably doesn't deserve a permanent ban, and yes loads of people do glitch and hack and the sorts. Doesn't mean it's allowed, just happens that they don't get caught/reported half the time. People blame staff but it's only so much one can do, especially since people are being clever like waiting til timer hit's 55+ seconds, and making it look legit so the report would show nothing unless the game was recorded. Not many other games would allow the amount of abusing people do to this game, lol.
This has nothing with ban bro.I can kick max or anyone else how many times i want since is my room and i can be rude to anyone i want

It was baggie's room, you asked him to pass over room master as you said "i want to do something quick" and then booted me and started the game lol. But ok then, if that's how you like to look at life go ahead i'm not stopping you.
Quote from: medchiller on December 15, 2014, 02:36:22 AM
Kenny was talking about if the community all left not himself left, if he were to just get up and leave then there would be no server unless Allie were to pay for it or some other form of payment was arranged. It was mostly a joke and hopefully it never comes to that.

I know :P i never get total serious, i was just saying what i heard. Yeah let's hope not, in all fairness it's a good game and is addictive or the player-base wouldn't consist of the players it does quitting/returning, and believe it or not new members also.

Quote from: Robocop7ant on December 15, 2014, 02:40:47 AM
Quote from: medchiller on December 15, 2014, 02:36:22 AM
Kenny was talking about if the community all left not himself left, if he were to just get up and leave then there would be no server unless Allie were to pay for it or some other form of payment was arranged. It was mostly a joke and hopefully it never comes to that.
So what we are saying is that the server will be runing untill we all quit.

I guess you could say that
Suggestions / Re: Reporting a rule breaker.
December 15, 2014, 02:45:58 AM
Quote from: Robocop7ant on December 15, 2014, 02:37:29 AM
Quote from: Madprox on December 14, 2014, 09:47:33 AM
This is why many people prefer to send a PM or talk to staff on Skype.
So everything goes private.

If the hacker is foruming, he can transfer the items to another account, but it will be in the logs.

But aren't the logs only accessable by admins? of which don't really deal with bans unless of high interest or concern? but yeah so i'd say my suggestion isn't that much of a fail xd
Off Topic / The Strain
December 15, 2014, 01:44:21 AM
So i've licterually just managed to use spare time to catch up on Gotham, Arrow, Flash, One Piece, Marvel:Agents of shield, Resurrection, Under the dome, Fallen Skies and many more but yeah

Started watching the strain, thinks it's amazing so far! Has a resident evil feel to it in my opinion.
(Please note this should only be watched at your discretion, if you get nightmares not my fault i've warned you.)
Quote from: medchiller on December 15, 2014, 01:18:36 AM
Quote from: Robocop7ant on December 15, 2014, 12:09:22 AM
Why is everyone so scared? Yes, kenny haven't been on for a while, but i think he'll be back sooner or later.
This game will die, when everyone quits.. We are the people holding up forum and game, as a community!

Allie wouldn't be here, if no one else was.

So stop asking bout bc dieing, cause it's not, updates or not, the game is still up, and that is good enough for me.

We have hope in rl, so we can have hope for kenny to return :)
Nice speech but what happens if Kenny decides he doesn't want to pay for the server anymore :o?

there's been question about this before, and i remember seeing a post by him saying that this game will never die and that if anything and worse comes to worse he'll just put it on cheaper servers meaning more problems for players/lag maybe idk but least it'll still be here right?
Marketplace / Re: (On hold) S> Zc + Membership
December 14, 2014, 10:23:08 PM
Quote from: opuiq3 on December 14, 2014, 02:40:12 PM
I offer for perm member.

MetoJack + Darkbot + Meto set + Reaper Set + Perm Meto merc + Hallo 5 piece set + 151 +7 set + Hallo Trans + S EF + Hallo II EF

I also have a jack head or 2

Sounds good to me.
Quote from: Allie on December 14, 2014, 09:24:20 PM
Quote from: FalseProphet on December 13, 2014, 10:29:30 PM
Hasn't Allie got the files from last christmas just to run something similar? like changing boss's to frosty etc, and snowball drops and adding rudolf and santa back to shop?

Technically yes, technically no.
I have the ability to add it to the shop. However, I do not have access to the updater, which means you won't see it in your shop.
If I had the updater, I'd be able to do a number of updates myself. However, we felt it was easier (when we were working as a team), for him to just update everything.

That's fair, a lot to fall under one person if he doesn't show up then.
Feedback/Rants / Re: What don't you like about the game?
December 14, 2014, 06:12:36 PM
Quote from: trashburmy on December 14, 2014, 03:21:12 PM
1.) Make an exp system according to your level so low levels can just leech and instantly be level 200. (Possibly make other maps useful with higher exp outputs according to your level and make elite levels give 1.5x what the normal level has given maybe?

2.) Selling armors up to elektra in shop for gigas

3.) Make story mode give you a chance to get items/rewards at the end of it if you complete it and make the levels harder so people would have to make groups and try to get chances for rare rewards if they finish

4.) Make survival armor give special abilities/stats so that will make people want to do survival

5.) Make 266 a bit easier and make gora not pushable on 258

1. Not sure if i mis-read it or what but i'd rather have it harder to gain exp than instantly be 200, i find leveling a good way to grind since there isn't much to do on this game but competitively climb ranks.

2. Yes

3. I'd have mix emotions i think it was first introduced during an event of which if you completed it you did get a prize and was just left after that.. but mixing things up could be good as long as prize's are balanced.

4. survival is just another set that came out before raid as was the best set in the game for some time but as new updates came out raid is now best. Just like how elektra used to be best :P. I don't think stats need changing at all :)
Feedback/Rants / Re: My ban
December 14, 2014, 06:08:53 PM
Since i was the one to actually report it. It was Max's case via. pm. Max was looking into it, i posted on forums and medchill took action like medchill mentioned he just saw the case took action at the time. So i wouldn't really say it's anyone's fault. Second to that, this wasn't just because of a conversation outside of bc, if i remember correctly you was rude to both robo and i after being reported in-game as-well as the constant kicking from room just because you was mad that i reported you and you got a ban, also saying how you would get me kicked from Utopia even though you got no authority in that as  you have no leading role apart from being a member of the guild. But clearly you didn't mention any of this or anything else.

Yeah he probably doesn't deserve a permanent ban, and yes loads of people do glitch and hack and the sorts. Doesn't mean it's allowed, just happens that they don't get caught/reported half the time. People blame staff but it's only so much one can do, especially since people are being clever like waiting til timer hit's 55+ seconds, and making it look legit so the report would show nothing unless the game was recorded. Not many other games would allow the amount of abusing people do to this game, lol.
Marketplace / Re: B> reapers set + s e.f
December 14, 2014, 01:42:26 PM
Quote from: Madprox on December 14, 2014, 09:26:52 AM
Offer for Reapers + S ef pls

Brought reapers but i heard S e.f is only about 20-30m now but tell me your price if this doesn't satisfy you but right now i'm broke. So i'll have to pm you or something when i scrape some gigas together
Marketplace / (On hold) S> Zc + Membership
December 14, 2014, 08:40:21 AM
1 month - 55m
3 months - 150m
1 year - idk
perm - 1.2b


Or offer in items

items i am looking for:
Metorium set (patch)
Hallo aura II
reaper set
S e.f
perm mandragore trans
perm (blue) ladyvalor w/e trans she is
metodrake perm
any maybe other stuff feel free to offer thanks

Normal Server / Re: Ω.: ::Redtopia:: :.Ω
December 14, 2014, 08:02:59 AM
Resigned from Utopia, since the situation with Aln and he's just being a tool about it.  But yeah, so thanks for having me.
Suggestions / Re: Reporting a rule breaker.
December 14, 2014, 07:26:29 AM
Quote from: medchiller on December 14, 2014, 12:01:22 AM
Honestly thought about this before but it comes with a few complications. The biggest one is that new players or ones that aren't on the forums much might not know how to report and obviously the current situation doesn't help that but atleast they are able to look through the forum directory and post that they found a hacker or something. I honestly think there should be and ingame button that when clicked the player can fill out a form to say what happened. Honestly that should be a button on the forums so players aren't confused as to what they need to say and the staff don't need to remind people to put things into their reports.

As for the problem of people changing names and transferring items it doesn't happen often. Mainly because hackers don't use the forums and even if they do they usually aren't well enough established to get a snowball to change their name or buy membership.

The reporting situation of this game definitely needs some work but as you can probably the only ones that can do things like that are Allie and Kenny. They are struggling to even get and event/update out due to Kenny's absence.

Understandable,  thanks for the detailed reply.
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