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Messages - mygodZzZ

Announcements / Re: Seeking a new In-Game Moderator
January 24, 2014, 06:39:08 AM
I'm excited, Good luck to everyone.
Feedback/Rants / Re: This can't go on any more..
January 23, 2014, 04:08:53 AM
Quote from: Iridion on January 22, 2014, 08:51:40 AM
or how about you go into ur files and replace the goddamn white *** knight

Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 19, 2014, 05:44:48 PM
Quote from: hur90 on January 19, 2014, 05:34:34 PM
update your graphic card or reinstall the game or repair client
I did repair clients, re-installed and even replaced that exact trans.
about updating my graphic card, how do I do that?
Suggestions / Re: Base mod tag
January 23, 2014, 04:07:10 AM
Quote from: nanak tatum on January 23, 2014, 04:02:40 AM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 23, 2014, 04:00:45 AM
Quote from: Iridion on January 22, 2014, 02:58:15 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 22, 2014, 10:46:04 AM
Quote from: Epic xD on January 21, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
I'm just going to intervene here...

In reality, this is a bad update because playing a base game with more lives gives incompetent players too many chances after they have clearly messed up 5 times. This gives players way too many chances to fend off an oncoming rush. It also gives people way too many chances to kill mercenaries. As a result, this kind of update will make the game more PvP based (ie stall). If you want to play PvP, then go ahead and play PvP. In my opinion, it's not wise to make BvB like PvP and vice versa. There's a reason that they're 2 completely different modes.

Charmz, you're not good at base. You're actually pretty bad, and ironically, you blame all of your losses on "lag" even though you live in Israel and have a high ping when compared to other players. With a remote location such as yours (and thus, a poor connection and high ping), most of your matches are going to be very laggy. I've never once seen Sirhamtaro (a player from New Zealand) complain about lag when losing. That lag actually works largely in your favor since most of your matchups are going to be the same connection-wise (lag-wise). Think about it this way. A player who does not live in a remote location faces players who live nearby and far away. This means that they have to be prepared for more different types of matchups, unlike a player that lives in a remote location.

This update is bad, and you need to get rid of your ego because you're bad.
BS! you're not better than me, so you can't even say that. go ahead an try to beat me, I know I'm pretty good..
about your other sentence, although I live in far country and I get teleport pushes doesn't make it "not lag", Yes, Maybe is it my fault 'cause I'm living in far country, but it's still a lag.
About it, this is talking PvP, and I Didn't BvB you ever (as far as I can remember) and I never say someone lags when it comes to BvB, so I suggest remembering properly B4 you say something stupid as this..
and what do you mean by ego? I almost never talk to you, and if I'm bad, you're worse..

hes like the absolute god of base
some say, he eats bases for breakfast
some say, he can win base while sectoring
all we know is, he's called the lufe!

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Oh, just saying, I know he's better, but he was talking about ego, and here he is, saying I sux and He's legend and stuff.. anyway made me a bit mad, Dewo, I'm sure you're better, but I'm still good, I'm not bad..
Correct that thread, I made a type mistake, some names mixed up in my mind.. o.0
Suggestions / Re: Base mod tag
January 23, 2014, 04:00:45 AM
Quote from: Iridion on January 22, 2014, 02:58:15 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 22, 2014, 10:46:04 AM
Quote from: Epic xD on January 21, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
I'm just going to intervene here...

In reality, this is a bad update because playing a base game with more lives gives incompetent players too many chances after they have clearly messed up 5 times. This gives players way too many chances to fend off an oncoming rush. It also gives people way too many chances to kill mercenaries. As a result, this kind of update will make the game more PvP based (ie stall). If you want to play PvP, then go ahead and play PvP. In my opinion, it's not wise to make BvB like PvP and vice versa. There's a reason that they're 2 completely different modes.

Charmz, you're not good at base. You're actually pretty bad, and ironically, you blame all of your losses on "lag" even though you live in Israel and have a high ping when compared to other players. With a remote location such as yours (and thus, a poor connection and high ping), most of your matches are going to be very laggy. I've never once seen Sirhamtaro (a player from New Zealand) complain about lag when losing. That lag actually works largely in your favor since most of your matchups are going to be the same connection-wise (lag-wise). Think about it this way. A player who does not live in a remote location faces players who live nearby and far away. This means that they have to be prepared for more different types of matchups, unlike a player that lives in a remote location.

This update is bad, and you need to get rid of your ego because you're bad.
BS! you're not better than me, so you can't even say that. go ahead an try to beat me, I know I'm pretty good..
about your other sentence, although I live in far country and I get teleport pushes doesn't make it "not lag", Yes, Maybe is it my fault 'cause I'm living in far country, but it's still a lag.
About it, this is talking PvP, and I Didn't BvB you ever (as far as I can remember) and I never say someone lags when it comes to BvB, so I suggest remembering properly B4 you say something stupid as this..
and what do you mean by ego? I almost never talk to you, and if I'm bad, you're worse..

hes like the absolute god of base
some say, he eats bases for breakfast
some say, he can win base while sectoring
all we know is, he's called the lufe!

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Oh, just saying, I know he's better, but he was talking about ego, and here he is, saying I sux and He's legend and stuff.. anyway made me a bit mad, Dewo, I'm sure you're better, but I'm still good, I'm not bad..

Oh and just for the record, I didn't have slightness idea you're lyfe, Thought you're Epic by your name. sry bout that..
Suggestions / Re: Weekend's events
January 22, 2014, 01:09:30 PM
Let me tell you this: at first no one have ever survived for 1:30 (if that's even the real time) at survival, and at second you suggested something and right after you said it wouldn't work  :o so if you suggest something go all the way with it, I did like the story mode though, it wouldn't be 10m though, for passing story mode you could get a minor prize of 2.5-5m at weekends on every time you pass story mode. also to make the drop rate higher is a nice idea, I kinda like it. So +1 for those two,
About mod/gm thing, Kinda lame idea. because at 1st, what can you win mod/gm/admin at sector?
at 2nd, winning pvp/bvb when a mod/gm is there is stupid because only OP and high Levels (as myself) will have a chance to possibly win.. -1 for that
Suggestions / Re: Base mod tag
January 22, 2014, 10:46:04 AM
Quote from: Epic xD on January 21, 2014, 04:53:52 PM
I'm just going to intervene here...

In reality, this is a bad update because playing a base game with more lives gives incompetent players too many chances after they have clearly messed up 5 times. This gives players way too many chances to fend off an oncoming rush. It also gives people way too many chances to kill mercenaries. As a result, this kind of update will make the game more PvP based (ie stall). If you want to play PvP, then go ahead and play PvP. In my opinion, it's not wise to make BvB like PvP and vice versa. There's a reason that they're 2 completely different modes.

Charmz, you're not good at base. You're actually pretty bad, and ironically, you blame all of your losses on "lag" even though you live in Israel and have a high ping when compared to other players. With a remote location such as yours (and thus, a poor connection and high ping), most of your matches are going to be very laggy. I've never once seen Sirhamtaro (a player from New Zealand) complain about lag when losing. That lag actually works largely in your favor since most of your matchups are going to be the same connection-wise (lag-wise). Think about it this way. A player who does not live in a remote location faces players who live nearby and far away. This means that they have to be prepared for more different types of matchups, unlike a player that lives in a remote location.

This update is bad, and you need to get rid of your ego because you're bad.
BS! you're not better than me, so you can't even say that. go ahead an try to beat me, I know I'm pretty good..
about your other sentence, although I live in far country and I get teleport pushes doesn't make it "not lag", Yes, Maybe is it my fault 'cause I'm living in far country, but it's still a lag.
About it, this is talking PvP, and I Didn't BvB you ever (as far as I can remember) and I never say someone lags when it comes to BvB, so I suggest remembering properly B4 you say something stupid as this..
and what do you mean by ego? I almost never talk to you, and if I'm bad, you're worse..
ScreenShots / Re: JAR + JARK = MATO JARK
January 22, 2014, 10:35:41 AM
Quote from: Thornz on January 21, 2014, 05:42:45 PM
Idk why some of you are confused. Nicholas Cage is Korean and was having trouble saying Meto Jack and Jack (jark = jack).  It was hella funny cause he kept at it for about 15 minutes, but I still felt bad for laughing at him :P
why racist? who said he's Korean?
Normal Server / Re: CharmZ's Glorious Shop!
January 21, 2014, 04:16:03 PM

6 pieces hallo for ram has been added to the list!
Suggestions / Re: Base mod tag
January 21, 2014, 04:01:47 PM
Quote from: Dewo on January 21, 2014, 03:10:58 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 21, 2014, 02:58:50 PM
Quote from: Dewo on January 21, 2014, 02:30:55 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 21, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
Quote from: Dewo on January 21, 2014, 04:18:31 AM
Base matches can also be extremely time-consuming and intense, at least if both teams know how to play.

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that's why you can choose rather having more than 5 lives or just leaving it at 5 lives.
If you enjoy longer matches and more xp then set it to 6-15, if you like quick matches, then leave it at 5, simple.
I just don't think that we need more lives to make the game last longer.
The players who have OP gear usually just rush the base and end the game within 1 min. The problem is not really the lack of lives but more the lack of balance towards gear.
Havin' more lives wouldn't have helped at all in that situation. Therefore I think havin' more lives seems pretty un-needed.
It will not fit into skilled players game style as well as stated above. So for what group of players is this beneficial to, other than people who are practicing on different aspects of the best mode in the game aka BvB.
At 1st, Admins created a magic tag, called "No OP Items"
2nd, when you play a base game, all you need is to clear the merces 1st right? now, after you're done, your base is defenceless and you can attack it, and you're done, making 6-15 lives makes players to have more chances to defence their base and more chances to survive longer, Make sense?
That's why I said skilled players. They usually have op tag on, if not it is because they want some random players to join op or not.
You don't have to kill all mercs. It variates from match to match. There is no specific way to end a game unless everything goes as planned. You have defenders who will defend the mercs and the base, making it hard for the attackers (merc pushers) to do their job.
The wait time on getting resurrected is not short. Killing a base is pretty easy if your whole team is helping and some of the enemies are dead.

Sooo, no, it doesn't make sense, but that's not your fault. You are just here to help, right? Even though you have zero knowledge about the mode.
I do have allot of knowledge about base, I play base allot.
There are some situations  (as you say in your post) with good  players, and as they push all merces and players, there are no left and they destroy the base, having more lives makes the match longer as you can spawn more times, and defence the base a bit longer.
Just an idea do get Xp cap faster and enjoy a longer game.
Suggestions / Re: Base mod tag
January 21, 2014, 02:58:50 PM
Quote from: Dewo on January 21, 2014, 02:30:55 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 21, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
Quote from: Dewo on January 21, 2014, 04:18:31 AM
Base matches can also be extremely time-consuming and intense, at least if both teams know how to play.

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that's why you can choose rather having more than 5 lives or just leaving it at 5 lives.
If you enjoy longer matches and more xp then set it to 6-15, if you like quick matches, then leave it at 5, simple.
I just don't think that we need more lives to make the game last longer.
The players who have OP gear usually just rush the base and end the game within 1 min. The problem is not really the lack of lives but more the lack of balance towards gear.
Havin' more lives wouldn't have helped at all in that situation. Therefore I think havin' more lives seems pretty un-needed.
It will not fit into skilled players game style as well as stated above. So for what group of players is this beneficial to, other than people who are practicing on different aspects of the best mode in the game aka BvB.
At 1st, Admins created a magic tag, called "No OP Items"
2nd, when you play a base game, all you need is to clear the merces 1st right? now, after you're done, your base is defenceless and you can attack it, and you're done, making 6-15 lives makes players to have more chances to defence their base and more chances to survive longer, Make sense?
ScreenShots / Re: JAR + JARK = MATO JARK
January 21, 2014, 02:40:59 PM
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Suggested something on separate topic, and this is still topic for base suggestions here's the suggestion: Base mode tag
Suggestions / Re: Base mode tag (2)
January 21, 2014, 02:11:01 PM
Quote from: Cooky on January 21, 2014, 01:36:43 PM
sure  why not  +1

u should be posting your base suggestions here I think
oh yeh, you're right ^_^ but still topic is more comfortable to read.
and i don't think someone is reading the base suggestions topic any more, my last post is still there..
ScreenShots / Re: Finally level 235
January 21, 2014, 01:58:16 PM
I was never Lv.235 lol, right after updates I was lvl 245.
should be tough for you though, then Gz.
I'm 270 btw (finaly)
Suggestions / Base mode tag (2)
January 21, 2014, 01:35:51 PM
Make it that you can have an option to see your enemy's chat or not seeing it.
will be helpful because you won't have to whisper, every time you want to say something to your opponent.

What are your thoughts about this one?
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