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Messages - Bubu

Spam / Re: stop kicking me meta
December 26, 2010, 05:27:25 PM
wow? iri ur a member of the staff act like one...
and lulz zum. xD meta boot u of his room or wut?
General Discussion / Re: Wish List
December 26, 2010, 04:23:11 PM
Woo! i got a xab. <3
ty :D
General Discussion / Re: Wish List
December 24, 2010, 09:32:08 PM
Bubu's Wish List:
-Illu +5 set
-1 year xab merc.
ScreenShots / Re: [Domination] and [Pwnage]
December 20, 2010, 11:42:00 AM
first one is not pwnage or domination... is so hard to jump to their base and spam xc? no matter how much people was spaming u, you couldnt get pushed so thats just spams .-. and gj about second  one O_O
General Discussion / Re: For teh Mods/ GM's.
December 17, 2010, 01:44:43 PM
also they will not ask your pass .-. if they ask ur pass they r fake
GFX / Re: Rate The Sig Of The Person Above You Game!
December 16, 2010, 12:25:44 AM
Zom we has a problem. Karan left n tried to join Warriors, but ob. as our allies they rejected .-.
did u already sent him the event prize?
Here are the final results of the GP event:
OmegaHater: 29712GP
Sniper: 5532GP
coolkaran: 5773GP
BloodStain: 4078GP
Resolve: 0GP
Rexar: 2012GP
Somecake: 839GP
Simon: 794GP
ManaBlitz: 719GP
Rossbach: 513GP
Mr.Snow: 0GP
Loli: 385GP
Brighten: 366GP
FasterThanDark: 0GP
GoldenCheese: 34GP
Finite: 35GP
tanqq: 0GP
xHcT-: 0GP

As u can see the winner is OmegaHater and second place is to coolkaran, gratz to the winners, sent tre prize to Jay, Zom will send the prize to coolkaran when he comes.
Zummy answer ur question, membership benefits r listed in the screenshot, also check the membership buttom in the upper part of the forums to check its price O_O
No jayson is omegaHater and thats it, he is an old friend that i has since bots and made him join this game.
General Discussion / Re: Fav Mod/GM
December 09, 2010, 12:44:26 AM
i think we all luve meaty cuz he is nice .-.
Well, the ones that wanna join guild go ingame when zum is online, cuz seems that aply function is not working, and btw 4 nao zum :P
General Discussion / Re: since it is two servers now
December 08, 2010, 10:24:26 AM
yars.. many people plays alot in lowserver O_O
we still got 2 empty slots i think .-.
Low Rate Server / Re: Selling some ram parts +4
December 06, 2010, 06:19:02 PM
k send the gigas to -Bubu- or see u in game O=
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