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Messages - CyberSox

ScreenShots / Re: 1
January 02, 2012, 06:39:44 PM
Wonderlandd <3 nicely done alliee :p (an merc for making rooms <3 )
BC Events / Re: The Gods
January 02, 2012, 06:02:55 PM
New god suggestion..Mercyura..the god of mercs..mercs ftw :D
Player Sponsored Events / Re: Random events
January 02, 2012, 04:35:18 PM
General Discussion / Re: New Client
January 02, 2012, 01:13:36 PM
I got a Mac, but I just run bootcamp on it on for windows.
BC Events / Re: The Gods
January 02, 2012, 08:36:32 AM
Quote from: NeoKiller on January 02, 2012, 08:30:16 AM
Quote from: hawk5005 on January 02, 2012, 07:51:26 AM
Quote from: Delta on January 02, 2012, 07:42:46 AM
Quote from: hawk5005 on January 02, 2012, 07:38:07 AM
Not sure if camping in a corner with ion and then qqing that you're being shot at because you don't move is considered skill, but oh well. ::)
u shoot with DM and 1mil bs
and i didn't camp i killed u
Yes, you did camp, and I only had 900k bs. ::)
I'll probably challenge you again later without any BS so you wont ragequit.
Just use a coin gut with 20-50k bs.
Won't do too high dmg I guess.

if he's camping in the corner and you just want to make him move, then surely it doesn't matter what gun you use, so like neo said just use any. :D
Normal Server / Re: Sell BS/GiGas.
January 02, 2012, 08:35:29 AM
Quote from: hawk5005 on January 02, 2012, 08:29:55 AM
Quote from: BonzoDog on January 02, 2012, 08:25:46 AM
Quote from: CyberSox on January 02, 2012, 08:22:47 AM
Quote from: BonzoDog on January 02, 2012, 08:19:24 AM
lol no one will give u 1mil GP for 1mil gigas. thats such a rip! it should be like 1mil GP for 10mil gigas tbh.

A) I just corrected him with the correct GP for Gigas (if he follows his bs for gp)
B) Don't spam the thread. If you don't like it, don't post.
C) He can choose the exchange rate he likes. It's not up to you to decide it. If it works, then he will find out, and the same if it doesn't, but it's not your choice what he chooses. Please let other people think for themselves, without you commenting stupidly on everything.

(I don't know whether C made much sense, it didn't to me :D )

it wasn't a stupid comment, its fact. 1mil gigas is piss easy to get in BoutCheetah, I can get that in under 3 minutes (literally)! whereas runescape someone may spend a week getting it. so basically i'm just saying the exchange rate doesn't seem fair.
Hey bonzo, remember you topics, remember how you hated when people said other things instead of following your "rules"? You're doing the same.

^ exactly. anyway bonzo, I already told him he had made a mathematical error, and it should have been 125,000gp for 1mil bs, and he acknowledged it. No need to repeat what I already said.
Normal Server / Re: Sell BS/GiGas.
January 02, 2012, 08:22:47 AM
Quote from: BonzoDog on January 02, 2012, 08:19:24 AM
lol no one will give u 1mil GP for 1mil gigas. thats such a rip! it should be like 1mil GP for 10mil gigas tbh.

A) I just corrected him with the correct GP for Gigas (if he follows his bs for gp)
B) Don't spam the thread. If you don't like it, don't post.
C) He can choose the exchange rate he likes. It's not up to you to decide it. If it works, then he will find out, and the same if it doesn't, but it's not your choice what he chooses. Please let other people think for themselves, without you commenting stupidly on everything.

(I don't know whether C made much sense, it didn't to me :D )
Suggestions / Re: trans
January 02, 2012, 07:59:25 AM
+1 for secksie shining transes
Normal Server / Re: Sell BS/GiGas.
January 02, 2012, 07:39:51 AM
Umm..I think you have the exchange rate slightly muddled..Gigas works on the 1k bs for 2mil gigas. So, if 1bs is 2500gp, then surely 1kbs is 250,000gp. So, 250,000gp is equal to 2mil gigas, and if you are following that exchange rate, it will be 125,000gp for 1mil gigas, 1/8 of the price you suggested  :D
Player Sponsored Events / Re: Random events
January 01, 2012, 06:34:00 PM
tomorrow (damn you grim you got there first :D )
Normal Server / Re: Merc guild The Company
January 01, 2012, 06:21:57 PM
Mercs never die.. :D
Normal Server / Re: Merc guild The Company
January 01, 2012, 06:12:09 PM
Off Topic / Re: Bear or Sea-Lion/Seal?
January 01, 2012, 02:52:29 PM
awww..both so cute <3 uhh..the face of teddybear is cuter but its body isn't as cute, so on average I'd choose seal, but if just for face then the bear wins :D
GFX / Re: New siggie (with rubbish text :D )
December 31, 2011, 03:12:14 PM
Quote from: ReSigNeRs on December 31, 2011, 02:38:07 PM
make the face look more closer, and make the mouth open. and the text will be RAWWWRRRRR!!  :P

lal..might try a siggie like that one day :p
I got 3 steps to fixing it :D


How about instead of bs being earnt through PvP, make it earn through dedication to the game. For example, it will be say 100 bot stract (or whatever) per day you sign in (have it work only once per ip address), and then after a week increase the daily income to 150, and so on. This will promote activeness to the game and more people will be 'forced' to play it to get their bot stract. This will stop bot stract farming, and it will mean the more bot stract a person has reflects their loyalty and dedication to the game.


Next, a lot of the bot stract needs to be flushed out of the game.First, quite simply, everytime bot stract changes hand, someone buys something off another player, a specific amount of 'commission' is paid. For example, everytime someone trades/gifts bs, 20% of it will go. This not only gets rid of bot stract, but revives the economy by increasing prices. Next, simply set up a forum shop where you can buy gigas/coins for bot stract. This is a method of slowly taking bot stract out of the game. Personally, I think doing this is best, and if you were to do anything too major with bs, many people would quit the game, so simply slowly draining the bs is the safest and most secure method. I think this is a problem that will take time to fix, and there is no solution to fix it overnight.


The final problem is the 'op' ness of things, thanks to the stat boosts. Nothing drastic can be put into place here, as it will once again scare away players. Remove the current stat boosts, as I find there is no solution that can be implemented by keeping this. My 2 solutions are:
1) As grim (i think) suggested, it could be used for hp boosts for all 3 bot types, although this might devalue the differences between them (if you get what i mean)
2) They affect what each bot type is mainly known for. Firstly, each bot type gets a multiplier of their current stat x their level. By this I mean:

Lvl 1 surge = base stat of - 1 x 10gun damage
Lvl 200 surge = base stat of - 200 x 10gun damage
Lvl 1 ram = base stat of - 1 x 10 trans gauge
..and so on (patch having ta)

This intensifies people to buy membership, for stat boosts.  Then, bot stract affects each bot type directly, like the current system does. It will work like this:

Botstract on a surge effects their speed
Botstract on a patch effects their attack (basic)
Botstract on a ram effects their attack (trans) (NOT TRANS BOT ATTACK)

This is because surge is know for the speedy sort of bot, ram is the long trans bot, so it has higher damage as a trans, and patch is sort of the strong, ground mercenary, so it has higher basic attack. The effects of the bs on these won't be enough to overpower them, but enough to make a difference and inspire the gameplay

I hope you like my ideas and they may be implemented into the game, or if you dislike any steps of my 3 step solution feel free just to use the ones you think will work. Thanks..

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