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Messages - FireyDevel

Quote from: iridion3 on October 27, 2010, 11:58:01 AM
how much can i +

1 vote designated to each person on the list. i.e Trick voted for 3 of them.

I wanted the voting to be fair, instead of giving power to certain players and not to others so that everyone can voice their opinions.
Quote from: MysteryMan on October 27, 2010, 11:55:21 AM
Who is Crash O.o i have some one in my guild called "Crashler

That is him, he had applied to Redemption, but is now in your guild. I have removed his name from the list.
Quote from: Tricky on October 27, 2010, 11:34:32 AM
gonna have to support him here, firey. a lot of people get given more chances (IE people from silence -.-) so can he be given another also?

No point to having a rule at that point then. He broke the rule numerous times, he admitted to that, and even boasted in the lobby that he was "waiting for a GM to ban him". I am all for second chances, but lets be honest, he casually hacked a game where it is against the rules to do so... He took a chance and got caught.
Normal Server / Trade
October 27, 2010, 11:17:50 AM
Firey here, I am lookin to make a trade...

I have a DH merc 327 days that I am willing to trade for both of these:

Fierce Head 1year (evade)
Top Flag 1year (TD)

I may accept a decent ammount of gigas, though I bought for quite a bit...
Here is a list of the applications waiting to get in, time to vote :P

[0 votes] Level 82 - SilentKiller
[3 votes] Level 137 - Pokeh
[1 votes] Level 13 - RazoR1337
[1 votes] Level 30 - RazorFist
[0 votes] Level 113 - PerfectLove
[0 votes] Level 136 - Honor

I will continue to edit this post as the votes come in.
General Discussion / Re: Suggestions about botstract
October 27, 2010, 11:01:33 AM
Firey (sectorer) feels that it should also be dropped from those levels where boxes are non-existant, such as 215 and X.

Aside from that, im glad bs is now being implimented.
I apprecieate the support guys, I'll try my hardest to be more active.

I don't grind as much now that I am in my first year uni, though I do get on to check things out quite often.

There is currently one spot open in Red, with about 8 people in the waiting list of the guild. Imput on who should be chosen?

EDIT: I'll update the list of the names when I get to school, in about 30 mins.
Normal Server / Re: Selling some coins.
October 25, 2010, 12:14:39 PM
I have a 329 Day DH merc, 2 1y coin items for it??
Quote from: Tricky on October 25, 2010, 09:50:53 AM
Don't bark at me like that when I'm going with the flow here, I didn't suggest you give leadership away.

Next time, lead the guild yourself, if you don't think I do anything - strange how every guild I lead is huge & successful, even though I apparently don't do a thing.

FYI, 50 people were added when I was leader. 2-3 of the new members this time around were cuz of me, and a lot of them just quit anyways >_>

edit - instead of saying how I'm a bad leader, why don't you just say why you should stay leader or what you think should happen?

Now onto another matter, I was thinking - why not kick all inactives with less then 200k GP? Start fresh, yo : O

Dude, I wasn't attacking you at all... I was actually asking you for help, as in "what did you do?" Not calling you out but needing help, because I guess the guild isn't too happy with me. And tbh, I don't think I should be the leader, but since I am, we can either figure out a system or swap me out.

IMO, picking a new guild leader may lead to numerous problems, for reasons such as I feel too many people are above and beyond worth the position title, and picking one and not others could be hazardous.
Quote from: Tricky on October 25, 2010, 09:25:46 AM
Nah, I mean like, if Redemption revives, you should be on more often dude.

Not just daily, at least 3-4 hours, when I see you on weekends - its not long D: Unless you do stay up, but NO ONE is in your timezone?

We are as revived as it's gonna get... And I do know that. Did you forget that I am sittin on 1.82 mil gp atm? And I don't know what you did, you lead this guild for the entire time with >400k gp, and everyones complainin about my activity? I do get on, not to grind so much anymore due to the fact that we either get whored and lose the gp we earn (for UNKNOWN) reasons... 10 people have been added to the guild since I have been given leadership position.

Aside from all that which doesn't seem to matter, I for one am willing to fight tooth and nail against those who dare try to remark Red as a guild any lesser then it is, which has been proven with my many fueds in and out of the thread.

I can admit that I am not as active as I used to be, so be it if a new leader should be chosen. I say let the voting begin, though it's gonna be tough seeing as how there are 5-6 people who really deserve the position.
Wow, well I'm enjoyin' the Redemption love. Been gone for only a day but overthrow me if you shall, it is your decision.

I guess we can vote on a new leader, I am fine with that.
General Discussion / Re: Unmerged
October 23, 2010, 10:40:47 AM
Quote from: Elements on October 23, 2010, 10:39:03 AM
Respect Your Elders. BOI

Truthfully, I don't hack.

I do recall you claiming to hack and be able to get away with it because you paid.

Im soooo sick of this damn elder crap. ICECOLD is an elder, and he acts like a 5 year old. Age means nothing here, it's solely about maturity, which you seem to show lack there of.
General Discussion / Re: Unmerged
October 23, 2010, 10:37:27 AM
How high is your horse, really? You made of gold or somethin man?

Hey everyone look, Silence has ANOTHER hacker.  ::)
ScreenShots / Re: Compilation of my mods
October 20, 2010, 09:30:18 AM
The ram is really nice, I like it!

Especially the design on the head, and it almost glows :P
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