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Messages - Yz

Off Topic / Re: pokemon
June 15, 2015, 09:18:21 PM


General Discussion / Re: We Did It
June 13, 2015, 08:58:43 AM
first non korean to clear just so happens to be the last non korean playing lol

but gj
may not be posting officially but ima just lock this cuz we've already discussed these ideas millions of times and at this point it's just a shitshow flame thread

will say again though that these ideas are good, just talked about to death and are either gonna happen when kenny gets into a groove of updating or they're not happening if he doesn't decide to.
Quote from: Eipo on June 09, 2015, 10:47:16 AM
this game is old and boring.

This 100%, it's got nothing to do with all this other smaller stuff people have been bringing up.
-nobody is truly a 'newb' anymore without advertising everyone here's been through sector a billion times
-none of your ideas are even new
-leeching fuelled pvp and bvb as well as 'new' people who had already had maxed chars before
-leeching helps people make alts, which in turn they use to help new people
-low res is not in demand, rest of your post was filler as to 'how it could be in demand but i don't know'
-UI was never a bad idea but never a priority, nobody actually asks for that and everything else under the sun has been suggested
-acclaim was bankrupt, had the worst known management of any known game company, became known publishers likely through extortion, unbanned hackers for $
-bots was glitched, hacked, bugged, abused by staff, abused by hackers, abused by pay2win system, lack of depth as ****

-Your EQ definitely doesn't rival your supposed IQ and that's where I draw the line on intelligence
-and yes i did count the insults
-at this point, definitely no pawn of allie/kenny. just someone who waded through the shitstorm of acclaim from start to finish and actually know what happened to the game, the company and why. turns out free thinkers can think tyrant-run games with no features aren't so great lol
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Nobody should care about what I suggest because I'm rude? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL."

Please, nobody knows who you are. Don't pretend you're smarter than us when you're a stranger making suggestions that have been thrown around all over the forums that were all either shut down or just "eh +1'd". Keep it short and sweet.

Quote from: animosity1 on June 09, 2015, 08:58:01 AM

"Get rid of leechers!" yeah okay buddy, let's make veterans re-level their 25th character for the 25th time having to grind the same level for the 2500th time. Some of us have done way too much of that, we're bored of it.

LOL, how do you not see how ridiculous this is?
You prioritize these high-level vets because there are so many of them! This is the ****ing problem, you gave away too much XP too easily, everyone's at a high level.
Who the hell has 25 characters? I know it's hyperbole, but why would you have more than 1 of each bot type (3 total)? And why do you prioritize these people when the majority of people don't have more than one account?! You spend too much time on the forums and with your vet friends.

This is an outdated, 10 year old game. We don't just gain new players off the bat. Everyone has had at least 3 maxed bots by now or they were never really actually playing this game. Nobody hates leeching except for the suckers who have to carry 8 man rooms. Here's a thought, don't let them leech, then they have to play for themselves. Why remove a feature that made literally 1/3 of sectorers even play Sector to begin with?(leeching also fuelled the pvp/bvb playerbase) And nice touch on the end, gotta throw that in huh, even though I don't actually talk to anyone that has been playing even half as long as I have these days. I just know when the game is healthy and when it's not, and "GIVE ME 1800X1800 AAAAAAAA" doesn't fix a game.

Quote from: animosity1 on June 09, 2015, 08:58:01 AM"Make 258 harder" a required balance change. I see more people leaving rather than people joining from this though. Balance isn't what matters right now, it's the lack of new content and moderation.

I'm unsure what you mean by "required balance" change. It doesn't even have to be harder, it could just be longer.
You're only looking at the direct effects. The indirect effect is slower leveling, and people sticking around longer because of it. When people play games, they invite their friends to play games. The longer they play, the more likely they'll invite friends or more friends.

This is entirely filler. We both agree it needs to be harder, don't need to just fill in the blanks to talk more shit.

Quote from: animosity1 on June 09, 2015, 08:58:01 AM
"Make levelling harder" only good thing here but every map should be tuned down, rather. Still won't make people come back.

I was going to say every map tuned down but I thought you'd say it's not feasible, as you usually do with anything that's more than a line of code.

The rest of what you said is QoL that half the community doesn't give a **** about. As a player, I don't care about max res. I don't care about admin rights. I don't want the old Bots UI, and if they're so professional, why the **** is Kenny making money and they aren't? Cuz the pros hosted a game worse than a kid did. That logic is hardly applicable.

This is almost funny to me. Do you talk to any of the low level people?
You don't care about max res, but so many people do. People don't talk about it because they don't even know it's possible, or have never even thought about it.
You don't care about admin rights because you have admin rights, dude. Think of all the people that are unable to play BoutCheetah (but able to play BOTS!!) because of this. You don't see them, so you don't think about them.
You don't want the old Bots UI, dude? Lol. You're just used to the new one and bored of the old one. I could make one twice as ****ing good as this UI. How would a professional designer make something worse than some amateur on the forums???????? Like, what?

Do low people cry out about it? Because I've seen one person this year apart from you talk about it on the forum. 10 people log in daily. If all they can mention is low res in a game where 10 people log in daily, then their interests are bent. I know you're trying to sound high and mighty as ****, condescending the shit out of me like the choice is obvious while you do it, but sorry I'm still not seeing this as obvious. You even said they don't talk about it cuz 1) don't think it's possible or 2) don't know it exists. That means it's not in demand compared to the things they're actually complaining for?????????????????

Still need to see someone else ask for removal of admin rights in the past 3 years, may have been the occasional yearly visitor in Report a Bug I guess.

UI... just... so what? I played old Bots more than this, there's a remake that Allie and Kenny made and I prefer the UI over there, but I really don't care about a change. "Hey yeah Kenny, game's dead, y'know, no updates in a couple years, let's revert to old UI??"

Quote from: animosity1 on June 09, 2015, 08:58:01 AMNice one. Lol. That's a funny joke that you made. Surely it's a joke, right? You don't actually suffer from an extreme case of mental retardation, right? LOL. Acclaim probably made in one day more than this Kenny ***got has made in a month, ****ing easily.
They shut down by choice. It wasn't lucrative enough to keep going. So, so, so, so many people played BOTS!!, it obviously made tons more money. And they are making money, LOL. The people working at Acclaim probably had very nice degrees and are making a shit-ton more money than you or this Kenny ***got, who is probably 19 or something.

Are you ****ing kidding me? Yeah, Acclaim made more money, but shut down by choice? You can fill all your posts with "retarded" all you want, I'm not gonna try and prove you wrong on that, but let me just say you don't know jack shit about that company. BC lasted 6 years and Bots lasted 2, that was my point, if you didn't get it without only seeing red.

Quote from: animosity1 on June 09, 2015, 08:58:01 AM
This could go into medical textbooks for an extreme case of denial and partisanship.
It takes real ****ing stupidity to make a game WORSE under your management, but that's just what Kenny did.
A) It's so ****ing funny that you think this piece of trash is even 25% as good as the original bots.
B) How can you even compare it? LOL, he stole the ****ing source.
If I steal your sandwich and add mayo, should I be hailed as some ****ing sandwich-making savant?

Original Bots was just the epitomy of a broken, pay2win, hacker-riddled, glitch controlled game, lacking any real depth without $$$ and ultimately in control of the most corrupt company since Nexon. I won't convince you why it was shit, youp robably played for 2 months and thought it was the shit. Oh-so-good only being able to run lvl 8's to gain exp, losing half your games from hourly ****ing lag, getting onehit by a coin user in PvP when you're higher lvl and more skilled, getting your account hacked, getting banned for calling TheHistorian "Histo" as a nickname, etc. could go on. Just another kid who never saw Acclaims dark side.
oh and a little spoiler for you, they went bankrupt and had to unban hackers for money.

26. 45 straight up "you're an idiot" class insults in 2 posts. are you an intellectual for that ridiculously low tolerance?

but i don't think a think tank could possibly help the game as it is anyway. it just comes down to the difference between now and 2011. in 2011, kenny had free time, allie had free time, bc was their #1 priority and they utilized that. in 2015, kenny and allie don't have free time, bc isn't on either of their priority lists and so nothing's happening.

there's nothing else that it's gonna boil down to, this is @ jc's thread as well. "just do this" they woulda done it by now if they were really around. this isn't a payout to them either, they've done this as a semi passion project for 6 years and we all saw this coming, kenny just needs to think about what he wants to do and we can only hope bc is in his mind, and i don't mean just keeping it alive i mean updating it. otherwise, shit happens.
Jesus, with complete assholes like you OP, I'd rather Kenny stays in hibernation mode. You literally typed out 19 insults in that post. Nobody should give half a shit what you suggest, and frankly, none of those suggestions would fix anything.

"Get rid of leechers!" yeah okay buddy, let's make veterans re-level their 25th character for the 25th time having to grind the same level for the 2500th time. Some of us have done way too much of that, we're bored of it.

"Make 258 harder" a required balance change. I see more people leaving rather than people joining from this though. Balance isn't what matters right now, it's the lack of new content and moderation.

"Make levelling harder" only good thing here but every map should be tuned down, rather. Still won't make people come back.

The rest of what you said is QoL that half the community doesn't give a **** about. As a player, I don't care about max res. I don't care about admin rights. I don't want the old Bots UI, and if they're so professional, why the **** is Kenny making money and they aren't? Cuz the pros hosted a game worse than a kid did. That logic is hardly applicable.

tl;dr r00d d00d has odd ideas
People hate you, not your race.
Introductions / Re: It's been what? 5 years?
June 06, 2015, 10:44:42 AM
Quote from: qolderman on June 06, 2015, 10:43:14 AM

people still put minecraft pics on avatars? k den

ikr bro my subscription to meme news weekly told me that minecraft avatars are outdated and doge is still in
Introductions / Re: It's been what? 5 years?
June 06, 2015, 09:58:30 AM
<minitricky lol
Off Topic / Re: Guys is that my fault??
June 06, 2015, 12:33:54 AM
whatever kills any hope of competition for the rest of the game i guess  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ScreenShots / Re: lookin good
June 06, 2015, 12:14:11 AM
killa boys
Off Topic / Re: Guys is that my fault??
June 06, 2015, 12:13:46 AM
leaders shouldn't even be putting their guild drama for everyone out there to see lol, if you're not confident in your decisions/need people to agree with you to make you feel better than maybe you shouldn't have those responsibilities
Quote from: Throttle on June 05, 2015, 01:09:01 AM
Quote from: Nucleaon on June 05, 2015, 12:50:30 AM
I believe it was taken off due to a wider view of the map and it wasn't fair for people with low  resolution displays.

People like you are truly the salt of the earth.
Thank you for skimming, but as I mentioned in my post, it isn't sensible to adjudge a small PvP advantage more pressing than that which concerns the enjoyability and appeal of the game in its totality.
Efforts like this cater only to fanatics and will do no good to foster a community's growth.
Acclaim would have never done something like this; it's absolutely preposterous and a sign of egregiously poor management.

He's salt of the Earth for reciting what he heard from Allie on the topic of upping the resolution? You expect people to take anything you say seriously when you respond like that?

As for Acclaim - they didn't even add windowed mode. I'm not gonna say we make the best decisions, or even any good ones for a couple years really, but Acclaim was literally a moneygrubbing cesspool that left hacks that took down the game, stole accounts and tonnes of gamebreaking glitches unpatched. Do I even need to mention their community manager banning people who couldn't be bothered typing his full name?
If you called him Histo, you'd be gone and out of the game for good. lol. that's poor management.

oh yeah and because you're directing this at the admins specifically I'm just gonna add to the end of this that I'm just ranting about Acclaim being shit, don't let my title fool you I'm just posting as someone who saw Acclaim in their prime lol

but one more thing to add, I do agree that the resolution should be upped and the slight advantage given to the what, 5 people who ever actively played PvP? shouldn't have taken priority over everyone else.
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