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Messages - Revenge10

Quote from: Dillh on March 21, 2012, 03:48:27 PM
lol yeah gramps, very good show, i try and make sure everyone is happy in this guild, so there is no need to worry lol:P love u loads gramps but not in a gay way lol
+1 that :D
okei now i can say don't kick niether me not him .. we will give him a secong chance not for him for me .. i prefer to give him a 2nd or maybe 3rd chance this time i gave him punshmint in my own way .. the next time we are all doing the punishment by kicking him .. but now don't kick him and i give him 1 more chance .. Yugi "this is your last chance take it or leave it" okei????
you should prove that you changed and became a loyal member of the guild .. read our rules .. respect others not only co-leaders or Mod Ice .. okeii????
i need you to promise not to be bad guy anymore don't flam any one .. if any 1 bother you just tell one of the co-leaders , leaders okei?????
thats my opinion if you guys still want to kick him as you like but i prefere giving him another chance :)
i wanna buy the whole set for 170m (arm,body,head,shield,shoulder,trans)
Normal Server / Re: Selling cool stuff
March 21, 2012, 09:31:49 AM
170m for full set
Quote from: boutcheetahz on March 21, 2012, 09:22:50 AM
I posted to apply for this guild(obviously) and if ever that someone would get kicked out, I'll take the slot, unless someone had reserved it earlier than me.

IGN : SurgeLegendZ
Lvl : 150
Speciality : Sectoring

I'll accept any reply but I'll really appreciate if you make me join, Thanks!!!  ;D

+1 for him i guess i saw him in game he is familiar :)
Quote from: sasuke6548 on March 21, 2012, 08:59:30 AM
Quote from: Revenge10 on March 21, 2012, 08:56:46 AM
Finally a Wise Man Talking  :D  ;D
I'm just stating the truth, man he's been pissing me off as well.
we will see what Ice & Dilh say and the disicion will be there :)
Finally a Wise Man Talking  :D  ;D
LOL i said a bad word to your friend?????? let someone check the logs and lets see if i did  lolz .. and i said denied giving explanation
if you will act the same like - you will be declined you should have applied alone .. that what i exactly said ok??? .. and do you consider "mother ****er" as a defending??? .. and you say iam a leecher .. lets see what Mod OG ICE , Dilh , Tze , Fuzz ,Dark say if iam a leecher okei???? .. and i still saying it
choose 1 or 2
1) kick me from the guild for doing nothing
2) kick him from the guild for insulting & un rescting me
Suggestions / Flamming , Swearing Avoiding
March 21, 2012, 08:30:28 AM
Okei my idea isn't that big but it can be useful .. it will lower the rate of Flammers here ..
thnx for kenny&allie for patching multi clienting :)

the idea is that when people say like "**** why me" "SHIT" etc. a pop up window shows warning "No Flamming / Swearing" and what he said won't appear to others :)
Thats it
i hope you like it  ;D
Okei now iam done with that Yugi guy .. now choose one of two things :-

1) kick me from the Guild
2) kick him from the Guild

its 4th or 5th time he insult me
no 3rd choice

this pic. show him saying " Revo the leetcher"
i didn't get 1 GP with leeching till now

he said revo the leecher and kicked me
before it 2min. ago he said "STUPID REVO" and kicked me
yesterday he said "I HATE REVO" and kicked me iam done with that guy
choose 1 or 2 no 3rd choice

Edit :- i added a pic for his insult now kick him DIRECTLY
Quote from: BonzoDog on March 21, 2012, 06:56:30 AM
for the rb pack I offer 2.7m bot stract. I know you probs don't want, but the offer's there.
Nope Sry Bonzo i don't accept bot stracts
Quote from: 123bomb123 on March 21, 2012, 01:13:46 AM
I buy rb pack for 70 gigas.
yea sure if you forgot to add 0000,000 so its 700,000,000 i can accept that LOL
Edited :P
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