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Messages - Allie

Quote from: qolderman on October 10, 2014, 06:03:02 PM
gigas like 10m, coins 200-500k
items that are worth like 10-50m

I refuse to give gigas/coins as it would lead to inflation (have we learned nothing from the free coins for members?)
As for items, that's exactly what I was asking for opinions of. Perhaps an item from a randomized list, and every other day after your first swaps list with one with better rewards?
They would of course all be random and chance of anything actually good would be *rare*.
Quote from: AskTheDust on October 10, 2014, 06:10:11 PM
In sector would be fun to add 2-3 zeon instead of 1, for 1 hour and who manage to finish map first get the prize
In pvp some kind of tournament on a specific hour or maybe play vs all 4-5 gods
And in base idk lul   :P

That gives me an interesting idea, what about a fun map where all five gods attack you at once.
Can enable 4 people to fight them, in an arena where you can't push. That sounds fun.
Quote from: Robocop7ant on October 09, 2014, 02:00:20 PM
make rt1 not able for members

Most of the non-members already have RT1 though. Sounds like a way to make a lot of people quit, rather than purchase membership.
Quote from: power1surge on October 10, 2014, 03:30:37 AM
1. a daily login reward system where you play BC for at least 30 min and get a reward starting at like a 1 day rare and it builds up to a 7 day for each day of the week and have them cycle weekly or monthly

I like this, a lot. Any suggestions or thoughts on what would be a good reward?
General Discussion / Re: 100,000 users!
October 10, 2014, 02:16:05 AM
Quote from: Thornz on October 10, 2014, 02:12:51 AM
And then you realize that only around 25-30k of those have even achieved lv 100 :(
A little over 5k have gotten Lv 200...

It's important to remember that non-members being above 200 has only been a thing for like a year. And the last year has not been good for us due to the kenny situation.
But that's been mostly resolved, and we're back to fixing the game back up.
Quote from: Cooky on October 09, 2014, 10:49:38 PM
i would leave this thread open for like a week then make a poll where we can vote on our favorite ideas like maybe let us vote for the 3 we like best

I would rather keep it a discussion. I want everyone's opinion on it.
ross thats 235.
General Discussion / Re: Ban Appeals
October 09, 2014, 07:55:32 PM
We are, however, considering doing a mass ban wipe later this month.
We're unsure of the criteria under which we'll unban. There are over 5,000 banned accounts.
General Discussion / Re: 100,000 users!
October 09, 2014, 07:53:55 PM
Do we have a public record of that?
There are indeed 100,085 in-game accounts as of now.
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday cooky
October 09, 2014, 06:48:10 PM
Quote from: Cooky on October 09, 2014, 10:46:14 AM
thanks  :D    today i turned 21 years old !!!

here i am with the cake lol

Is it wrong that my first thought was "Did you make a cake for yourself"
Quote from: qolderman on October 09, 2014, 03:38:40 PM
Quote from: z0co2 on October 09, 2014, 12:00:38 PM
I don't like the fact that you need to be Patch to even be able to clear Raid Maps (221 and 235 Map, never tried 250), no fun for those that are Ram and Surge.. We need to rely on a Patch to get us Raid Armor, would be more satisfying if you at least could help and get the parts. There are 8 players needed to even start Raid, but in the end it´s just Solo play by a Patch thats some BS if you ask me..
i support this

8 players need to start raid and then 1-3 patches just solo that's bs
yeye, i know that there are transed mobs which requires patch with full td to kill, but still that's bs

It's important to remember that before it was a full fledged difficult map, but no one bothered to even attempt it, let alone progress on it. It was nerfed into the ground. If you have any thoughts on how I can make a map difficult, have quality rewards, but make people still run them, I'd like to hear them.
Perhaps making them 4p instead of 8p, so the content can be challenging but smaller groups can attempt them. But this would make them more hackable.
Quote from: Madprox on October 09, 2014, 03:32:22 AM
The fact that someone can reach level 225 (max non-member) in less than a day. LEGIT.
The fact that you can join a game completely new, play with people, and end up reaching the highest possible level (F2P), by the end of the day.

Yeah, not a big fan of that.

I agree, but the game is fairly repetitive. How can we make the level curve more fun (in order to make people who try it stay) while also solving your issue?
Would like to hear some thoughts.
Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:31:57 AM
If we're trying to get the game active then I suggest a welcome back gift to players who haven't logged in for 3 months or so. I don't think unbanned players should be able to get these though to encourage good behaviour but doesn't matter in the long run. You could do the welcome back gift two ways.

1) Randomized decent item. Could be gigas, coins, a +5 part within the players level area (would be better if you could sell armor for gigas if we do it this way) 30 day items perhaps? 1 day rare cosmetics?

2) This is the way I think it should be done. Welcome back old players with all the necessities they need to get back into the game.
7 Day Coin Head
7 Day Wings
7 Day Mercenary
7 Day Trans
10x use RB Pack
1 Day Event Flag of some kind?

Me and Kenny have been discussing about that, we're thinking an item (or items) and a free 7day membership.
The 7 day set sounds legit aswell, but I'm unsure on the RB packs, given they're not actually obtainable in-game.
Updated into first post, we also want to know what you don't like. Tell us here.
Quote from: Yz on October 09, 2014, 02:13:07 AM
- Making higher level armors giga items (so people can sell Elektra)
- Gigas Lottery
- Starting Package system for new players / bots
- Merging Different items together (cosmetic change / keep highest stats)
- Mystery box prize item

For the alliance idea, it seems legit, but it wouldn't be something we'd focus on immediately as our playerbase has dwindled quite a bit. Would be a guaranteed addition should the game liven up and guilds become relevant again.

Transmog is something I've always wanted. It'd be incredibly tough though. Maybe sometime in the future.

Mystery box..idunno. Would need more feedback.
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