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Messages - zepher2211

Suggestions / Re: i know its sucks
December 07, 2011, 11:56:18 PM
something that would actually require more than a source edit lol
General Discussion / Re: Official Awards of 2011
December 07, 2011, 11:29:49 PM
Quote from: Rossbach on December 07, 2011, 08:52:30 PM
Ross > Muncay at Patch Pvp.

nop, only thing you're good with is ram jump attack
GFX / Re: Me me me
December 07, 2011, 08:27:11 PM
I'll try making you one myself later lol
GFX / Re: Make me a signature?
December 07, 2011, 07:49:14 PM
I'll be going for it this weekend
GFX / Re: Me me me
December 07, 2011, 07:48:31 PM
Quote from: CyberSox on December 07, 2011, 07:40:35 PM
Quote from: Meta on December 07, 2011, 07:37:24 PM
Quote from: CyberSox on December 07, 2011, 07:34:07 PM
lawl, idc, I don't have all this fancy software to do all this sigs on an I wouldnt know how to use em if i did..plus im kinda bored so i might as well..anyway seriously calm down a bit k? plus the success of someones life isn't determined by their skill to be bothered making a proper sig rite?

i don't like being told what to do by a random, k? i am calm, trust me, i am.. if i wasn't i'd be "flaming" you
btw, cool story, and dont take shit srsly on the net

i told ya wat to do? soz if i did idk, an dw i don't just wen someone says 'im a fail of a life' i dont take toooo kindly to :P

It's not wise to ignore my posts
GFX / Re: Me me me
December 07, 2011, 07:39:10 PM
Quote from: Meta on December 07, 2011, 07:37:24 PM
Quote from: CyberSox on December 07, 2011, 07:34:07 PM
lawl, idc, I don't have all this fancy software to do all this sigs on an I wouldnt know how to use em if i did..plus im kinda bored so i might as well..anyway seriously calm down a bit k? plus the success of someones life isn't determined by their skill to be bothered making a proper sig rite?

i don't like being told what to do by a random, k? i am calm, trust me, i am.. if i wasn't i'd be "flaming" you
btw, cool story, and dont take shit srsly on the net

No but your ability to make useful posts does show a certain level of your functionality in the real world. Also Meta who made your mario sig?
General Discussion / Re: Reguards to Ban
December 07, 2011, 07:36:52 PM
I swear on a regular basis without it being directed at anybody O-o
General Discussion / Re: Official Awards of 2011
December 07, 2011, 07:35:36 PM
Quote from: Yz on December 07, 2011, 02:20:30 AM

Most deserved for modship:
1st- Killerpig with 5 votes
2nd- Tie between Muncay & Meteor 2 votes each

In-Game Awards:

Best Patch Pvper/BvBer of '11
1st- KamiBot with 5 votes
2nd- Starscream with 3 votes
3rd- Muncay with 2 votes

Worst Clan of '11:
1st- Silence with 6 votes
2nd- Sanctuary with 2 votes

Best Rivalry:
1st- Redemption VS Silence with 6 votes
2nd- Tie between Muncay VS Lyric & Meteor VS Hawk with 3 votes each
Updates / Re: New Forum Rule: No signature ripping
December 07, 2011, 07:27:18 PM
Quote from: KillerPig on December 06, 2011, 08:28:57 PM

look at muncay wrongly correcting kaos' grammar lawl

I was right o-o"
Quote from: AWERLORD on December 05, 2011, 09:24:57 PM
Wow I didnt expect that this thread woul still be alive, looks like some people like my idea, maybe it's not bad at all, but obviously not for everyone.Well I just offered an Idea and asked oppinion about it.I will still keep my current possition, and think that this idea is good for one player side.I know, you can't please everyone, some would quit, some would play, this happens everywhere.You just can't please everyone.

This isn't a "You can't please everyone" moment, this is a "Let's screw over the majority to please the minority" moment
Quote from: Yz on December 06, 2011, 08:22:21 PM
lol what are you gonna do about it bro report me ?>!

Yeah, you're harassing poke ofc
Normal Server / Re: The Alts guild!!
December 06, 2011, 08:23:36 PM
I'll apply with an alt this weekend
Quote from: Yz on December 06, 2011, 08:18:23 PM
is your comp small and cant see it maybe? i tried to shrink it, it's lulzy so i wore it

but if some people can't view it or something then that sux

nono I can see whole thing, sigs of that size irritate me though >:|
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