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Messages - JustRK

Off Topic / Re: favourite actor/actress?
February 22, 2014, 11:01:32 PM
Olivia Wilde & Emma Stone  ;D

Off Topic / Re: New avatar.
February 22, 2014, 02:01:19 PM
reminds me of my old bots acclaim signature which was this   :P

Spam / Re: i guess this is my new nickname given by RK
February 21, 2014, 06:15:51 PM
Lol damn. I was on break at my job when I typed that up on my iPhone so I didn't catch the autocorrect in time
Off Topic / Re: Quitin
February 19, 2014, 10:02:00 PM
 :'(   peace out girl scout

Thanks to you, mat and the other GM's for being there for me ever since my return  ;) you will not be forgotten sir
Off Topic / Re: Poke's Music Topic
February 19, 2014, 06:39:09 AM
I listen to a lot of hip hop, but this is my favorite edm song to listen to when I walk around my college campus  :P

PeaceTreaty feat. Anabel Englund - In Time (Singularity Remix)
Off Topic / Re: Cookie Clicker...
February 19, 2014, 06:14:34 AM
Quote from: HyperShadic6 on February 19, 2014, 04:54:35 AM
Quote from: ghostkid17 on February 18, 2014, 06:30:37 PM

................... I call auto click.....

why auto click when you can just use your browser console  8)

yeah sure ruins the fun of clicking, but changing things around is fun and it definitely kept me from being addicted  :P

Off Topic / Re: sooo...
February 19, 2014, 04:40:24 AM
well I'm a little late to this party :3

Building computers:

ChooseMyPC.net   as you may or may not know only certain groups of computer parts will be compatible with one another and this will give you a starting point with a preset configuration.  From a starting prefabricated build point you can search the tools you need and get a grasp of why parts are compatible and how they fit together.


There is usually a small debate as to whether someone should start to learn C & C++ before they learn Java. Though if you're not the type to handle a giant explosion of information all at once I'd honestly just start with Java by itself and move up from there (which is how it works at the college I'm attending)


I mean anyone can pretty much set up their own router / home network, but to get into managing / fixing networks you'll have to look this one up as that's as far as my knowledge goes.

hope I helped you nitpick some topics  :P  if you have any questions I at least have some decent knowledge on the first two as I've built a few project computers and studied some java myself.
Off Topic / Re: Cya 'round
February 19, 2014, 04:21:24 AM
Best of luck !

Full time student status is a butt kicker  :P
Suggestions / Re: Detective Faf. Makes a new day record!
February 18, 2014, 07:42:32 PM
Quote from: Rebuck on February 18, 2014, 05:20:48 PM

Egypt isn't the only hack if you what i mean  ::)

We as staff are already familiar with the different methods and sources of hacks if that's what you are implying  ::)
There is no special ability required to download a pre-fabricated hacking software entity and use it because it comes with instructions that a child could figure out.

Anyway, removed your YouTube link.
Suggestions / Re: Detective Faf. Makes a new day record!
February 18, 2014, 12:53:35 PM
I remember when egypt came back temporarily, we had banned like 17 people in one day  ;)  that number included serious hack leechers though.

btw I moved this to player suggestions lol.

also -1 :p  anyone that has interest in becoming a mod always has a chance as long as they don't make it so obvious that they want it and act only because of that
Split some posts out to avoid any kind of future problems.

cheers  ;)
General Discussion / Re: The choice of new staff.
February 16, 2014, 08:20:33 PM
When I was chosen for In-game moderator I had only like 300 forum posts and had no close friends who were active in the game. You just have to let individuals develop into the person they want to be ;) provided you allow them the chance.

This circumstance is like determining a movie is terrible before you even watched it. You should allow it to play first  :P
And as previously mentioned, we got this

Also as the person who recommended kami, he's on during the odd hours when many of us are not online and we need someone who gets in game during that time frame because I like to sleep like a normal person :3
Quote from: medchiller on February 16, 2014, 02:47:55 PM
(click to show/hide)

Yeah most definitely this would be a great idea if we could add the little widget into the site itself, though for the mean time I will make a new sticky topic that cannot be posted in due to the immediate overwhelming success!

this will also help reduce clutter in the report a bug section so that we can further clean that up haha

thank you all for the warming sudden feedback :P big ups to med
me too max (: if it works on my phone the way it should, I will also be on 24/7 unless I'm sleeping

Actually now that we are able to test the user interface.

As long as you use a legitimate name you are able to speak with us as much as you like on there :P
or at least for myself you would be able to speak with me about game related matters (:

thanks for the votes so far  ;) I hope this alleviates some of the gap with us not being able to browse the site 24/7 as we get notifications and can connect fairly quick.
Hello, this idea is currently in the testing phase. It was created by mod medchill and backed by myself thus far.  The idea is that users who have any kind of immediate questions or concerns can instantly connect with us to help you out! This does not require any download on your end  ;)  and for staff like us who are on the go, we can answer your questions even when we are not browsing the game.

1) You must use a legitmate in-game name (bot name): otherwise the chat will not be accepted.
2) Once your is identity confirmed you agree to ask a real question or report someone seriously.
3) All forum rules would apply in the chat.

this is the testing link! do you support this idea? vote now!
for the time being the chat browser is live until we are forced to take it down (:   thank you.

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