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Messages - tanqq

Off Topic / Re: Who saw Man.Utd. vs Arsenal?
September 03, 2011, 02:55:49 AM
Quote from: thekgb on September 02, 2011, 07:47:01 PM
i do sopport soccer! :)

i trained as a midfielder in my club.

i also play soccer games on my ipod :)

and who is barcalone?
Barcelona is a club.

I play soccer on every game console I can get  :P PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3, Iphone, and computer.

I play in various positions, mostly in midfield too. I can play fullback, centreback, winger, defensive midfield and centre midfield.  My finishing is bad so I usually focus on the passes.
GFX / Re: OMG WHAT IS THIS??!??!?!!
September 02, 2011, 03:10:54 AM
Thanks Meta <3
Off Topic / Re: Who saw Man.Utd. vs Arsenal?
September 02, 2011, 02:48:48 AM
Quote from: Bubu on September 02, 2011, 01:37:35 AM
Btw HAIL TANQQ! :D Dunno about City. Seems to be getting better with the time. But ya.. I aggre that the best Champions final is Barça vs Man. U., If Rooney keep playing that good the match will be epic. Messi vs Rooney. The last 2 years Barça won somehow easy.. =/
Ohwell i also h8 Real cuz of Mou he is like a complains machine, losing is never his fault, he always blame whatever he thinks about, until the point that is just stupid.
Rooney has the talent, if he utillises it to the full potential, he could surpass Messi. And I have to admit, Barca did won pretty easily the past two years. But it's better than to lose to the likes of Manchester City or others.

And yeah, Mourinho played a few tricks lol. Like how he poked Barcelona's coach assistant's eyes. But he is a good coach like what he shown at Inter and Chelsea.
GFX / Re: OMG WHAT IS THIS??!??!?!!
September 02, 2011, 02:38:43 AM
Name: Da Tank
Color: Light blue
Off Topic / Re: Who saw Man.Utd. vs Arsenal?
September 02, 2011, 01:04:40 AM
Quote from: Bubu on September 02, 2011, 12:36:47 AM
Masherano is now in Barça, and well, Arsenal sold really good players and bought some young players that seems to have a good future but needs experience. Will take a lot of time until those new young guys get as good as Cesc and Nasri, probably they will be even better but will not be soon. And yea.. Man U. is like a family guys stay there like all their lives, like Scholes. They just play so good. I think the only team that will have the chance to win barça will be Man U. Probably in the Champions. =/
I dont like Real.. they got like infinite money and buy every player they want while Barça doesn't need to get all their players from other clubs. Barças players get epic there. (Puyol, Pique, Messi, D.Alves, Busquets, DosSantos, Pedro, etc...)
Mhm. Barcelona have the best youth system in the whole world. Most of the players have great teamwork and it's a spectacle just watching their passing game. Their players are world-class too.

I sure hope the 2011-2012 Champions final will still be Manchester United vs Barcelona. This year's was just awesome. Pure football. With Scholes, Gary Neville, Edwin Van De Sar retired, I sure would look to the new boys to replace them. Scholes looks just right to be replaced by Tom Cleverly. Neville can be replaced by Rafael, Smalling or even Fabio. VDS can be replaced by De Gea. United start their players young like Barcelona, but not all of them stay though.

I stay neutral against Real Madrid but I dislike Manchester City. City have the money like Real, but the players they bought are just crap. Real buys the top plaers, City buys the second-string ones.

GFX / Re: Creature of the night
September 02, 2011, 12:21:45 AM
Both are equally awesome <3
Off Topic / Re: Who saw Man.Utd. vs Arsenal?
September 01, 2011, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: antisickness on September 01, 2011, 05:13:29 PM
I gotta add MC have a badass team this season. ;o I'm scared of their line up.
But they aren't young like our players.
I kinda miss old man u, I can't suit the new change
As long as they keep banging in the trophies, I don't care if they're old or young :P But to be honest, I like the new team better, they pass better. When C.Ronaldo was around, all they did was pass the ball to him and let him solo.
Suggestions / Parts Transformation Coupon
September 01, 2011, 03:49:14 PM
I suggest a Parts Transformation Coupon. As the name implies, it works just as the usual Transformation Coupon. But the Parts Transformation Coupon doesn't change the whole BOT,, it changes just one part. This way, players don't have to spend too much money on 2 Transformation Coupons just to use one part.

For the price, I think since Allie wants to reduce the amount of gigas in the market, how about making the price same as the usual Transformation Coupon? This way, players get to save money and Allie gets to fulfill the objective of reducing the amount of gigas. It's a win-win situation, right?

Example of a common problem :

- Player A is a Patch with Plasmodium+5 arms and body and no head. And just recently he obtained a Bladium head+5. He likes Patch so he use two Transformation Coupons to trans into a patch back (One to change into Surge to wear Bladium and another one to transform back to Patch). But he realised he only have enough gigas for 1, so what to do?

The above problem can be solved by introducing a Parts Transformation Coupon. The usual Transformation Coupon is used when a player is bored of playing a BOT type and wants to switch to another.

But that's in my opinion anyway, so if there's any flaw in the suggestion, please state it.

Normal Server / Re: I Buy +4 illu arm :)
September 01, 2011, 03:37:45 PM
I don't have any Illuminium +4 arms but I do have a few +4 Bladium arms in my shop if you're interested.

Here's the link : http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?action=marketplace;channel=0;ma=viewshop;shop=27333
Normal Server / Re: My FFA Shop
September 01, 2011, 01:22:50 PM
General Discussion / Re: Best Bot Type !
September 01, 2011, 11:09:30 AM
Quote from: deathraper on September 01, 2011, 10:27:36 AM
Lol patch isnt awesome Ram is the best looking and really awesome
Best-looking doesn't mean best at PvP XD It depends on what player. If a nub uses Ram for PvP it still sucks. But if it is used by a pro then it could be the best.
Off Topic / Re: Who saw Man.Utd. vs Arsenal?
September 01, 2011, 11:06:10 AM
Quote from: antisickness on September 01, 2011, 10:34:11 AM
Yh I wachted an interview about park and he said he's only staying for 2 years which is plenty to open up.
Arsenal are also gettin someone overseas (I forgot his name i think andre santos) who looks like a replacement for Nasri, LM skills and all - looks dangerous :S.
I agree what you said about man u and I saw that late last season and in the lastest game it looks like Rooney is getting better at FKs, that, or szchesny (spelling?) seriously sucks.
But thats why fergie has been our manager for a really long time, he is just so good at his job.

Also livepool lost Raul Mireles which is a big blow ;|
Which Park? XD

Well, after the thrashing by United, Arsene finally opened his eyes but he is just too late to get any good talents. If it's Andre Santos, never seen him play but I heard he's good. Rooney also admitted that he practised his FK's with Nani and Ashley Young. But Arsenal's GK still sucks anyway.

Even is Liverpool lost Raul, they still have some good players like Suarez, Carroll, Kuyt, Mascherano etc. They are hitting top form recently, and Suarez is just awesome, hands down.
General Discussion / Re: Best Bot Type !
September 01, 2011, 09:54:15 AM
I personally am a fan of Surges since that's the first BOT that I started out. Surges have speed and if used at the hands of a master, it could possible own the PvP metagame.

I also have a soft spot for Patches since I sector more than I PvP or BvB. Patches have TA, TD and CRT which is awesome for sectoring. But on a personal note, I voted for Surges anyway  :P
Off Topic / Re: Who saw Man.Utd. vs Arsenal?
September 01, 2011, 09:19:13 AM
Quote from: antisickness on September 01, 2011, 07:28:55 AM
What you meant to say is "Arsenal suck now because Wenger made a stupid decision of letting off Nasri and Fabregas ;o"
They are in terrible condition and they think getting Parks cousin(Whom can't even speak english) for a limited time with Benayoun will help. lulz I wanna see how that turns out.

WOO MAN U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's Park Chu-Yong. Besides, they are not even related by blood...

But to be honest, you need time to build a team, you need time. Look at Manchester United, they raise their players since they're young. Ferdinand, Vidic, Giggs and co. will be replaced by the likes of Phil Jones, Chris Smalling, Johnny Evans, Tom Cleverly and Danny Welbeck. Manchester United have depth in their squad compared to Arsenal. Even without Vida and Ferdinand they still managed to keep Arsenal from getting too many chances. De Gea also made a few fine saves including a penalty by Van Persie. Without Fabregas, Nasri or Clichy, Arsene's team just looks weak. Fabregas is the team's main man and Arsene haven't found anyone to replace him yet.

I expect this year to be a two-way race between the two Manchesters with the likes of Liverpool and Chealsea competing for 3rd and 4th respectively. I just can't see Arsenal into the top 4, or even the top 8.
Quote from: Misa on September 01, 2011, 04:31:34 AM
IGN : Misa
Items wanted : Ultrabash +4 full set, will take any of the +5 pieces if it drops as well.
Lvl to obtain item : 133, i'm not exactly sure.
Payment : 4m gigas, and 10k coins.

Okay. I just got an arm btw. It might take some time to get all.

@ Zylon - I haven't got all the items yet, but would you like me to gift you the first +5 set first? You only need to pay me the price of the one set. About the price please offer.

@ Other requests of lvl150 +5 stuff - I am still on it, though I mostly got +3 and +4s. So sorry that your requests isn't done, I promise I will finish it as soon as possible.

Shop is also updated with a few more +3 and +4 stuff. Also included a few more coin drops and HP packs.
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