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Messages - medchiller

Spam / Re: medchill
February 21, 2014, 09:06:39 PM
Thanks but I definitely have faults. I know I have them and once you do know you can work on making them better :)
Spam / Re: I think this person deserves MOD!!!!
February 21, 2014, 12:38:31 PM
Swearing isn't against the rules but being saying inappropriate things is. When someone does break the rules I tell them to stop. I've told you more than once to stop being inappropriate in the lobby. I was only showing Hersky that everyone has their faults because he had only mentioned positives it made his argument very one sided. I ofc have faults so does everyone that was my point.
Off Topic / Re: Happy Birthday.
February 20, 2014, 11:56:47 PM
Happy birthday :)
General Discussion / Re: help me please
February 20, 2014, 10:02:52 PM
Have your paypal payments been revoked? If they have that's probably the reason.
Spam / Re: I think this person deserves MOD!!!!
February 20, 2014, 09:58:16 PM
He is also inappropriate in the lobby quite often which is against the rules of BoutCheetah. The high staff weighed the options carefully (that's why it took so long) and came up with the best decision. If you believe he should be great! but that doesn't mean he deserves or will get a moderator position.
Tips and Guides / Re: Guide for 258
February 20, 2014, 12:40:29 PM
Thornz is talking about my video that I let him use to get better at 258. He asked me a few times on Skype but we were never on at the same time to have a covo xP There's not really and explanation in the video its just what a general decent round looks like, I mess up a few times but its w/e. Since it's out there sure, you can use it. (inb4 ross says "slow")

@Topic- Good guide :D
General Discussion / Re: When is the next update comming?
February 20, 2014, 02:30:28 AM
Probably on RuneScape 3
Off Topic / Re: Quitin
February 19, 2014, 10:17:51 PM
There are no words that can explain the greatness that you are. You made the game a better place and me a better person. I will always be thankful for what you've done and will not forget you. You are one of my best friends on BC and I would like to keep it that way. I can still remember the time when we first met and we were super awkward and didn't know what to say or the times we stayed up late on apps. Hope you enjoy whatever it is you're doing and hope to still talk to you often.

Code, forever remembered~
Off Topic / Re: Latvia vs Canada..
February 19, 2014, 09:08:53 PM
My school watched it. So many shots on them but only 2 went in, that goalie is amazing. Although he was dehydrated he stayed and saved over 50 goals. When we scored our 2nd goal everyone cheered and the rooms became very loud, xP
Off Topic / Re: sooo...
February 19, 2014, 02:47:55 AM
Depends what part of computers you're trying to get into. If you are tying to do the coding aspect I think there is a few sites that can help you. Code academy is one I think. If you're tying to learn about computers I would say go on some online forums, if you see a word you don't know look up a youtube video on it. Look at some manuals (Boring I know) to find out how it's put together and stuff. My dad was a computer technician so I got a lot of info from him. Hope this helps. :)
For the same reason rare items get sold, he has an extra so he will sell it for more gigas to buy something he may not have or that he wants more. Sorry for stealing your topic. I'll leave :)
Suggestions / Re: Detective Faf. Makes a new day record!
February 18, 2014, 11:05:58 PM
Quote from: Corr on February 18, 2014, 07:30:14 PM
+1 lets make errerybody special in their own little way so they can be satisfied with a title.

Oh hey lets give other people special color text and colored names too!!

lmao nevermind they already did that

Hey why don't we have colored text on the forums so people can criticize others on their faults. Then they can feel special cause they don't use normal colored text when they are criticizing.

Oh wait nevermind someone did that. ::)

Anyways just sounds kinda funny when you use colored text to criticize people having colored text. Back to the topic, the hat idea isn't really a good idea because then people would know to look out for any name with a hat because they are catching hackers. Instead just keep doing what you're doing and help catch hackers ;)

General Discussion / Re: The choice of new staff.
February 16, 2014, 07:56:43 PM
Just let it take its course. If they aren't doing their job properly or you feel like they aren't fit in a few weeks then maybe it would be an option. I'm sure the rest of the staff will also be watching them and helping them along to try to make them better but we can't just take them out without a chance. Not to mention imagine how a topic like this would make a person feel.  :(
Hi, yeah Cooky it's in testing and voting stage atm. Glad to see all the support. You will get your login and password when it officially becomes a thing. So far it looks like it will but its more of just if Allie will hate this idea so much that she won't let it on the site (which I doubt) to make it official. Also if we can get Allie to attach a link to a button (picture) it would make things much easier for players but it's not necessary.
Spam / Re: Due to some problems...
February 16, 2014, 05:28:46 AM
Quote from: Cooky on February 16, 2014, 05:21:56 AM
u can go on teamviewer and delete system32
You could but you would either have to be a fast typer or do a file transfer. There is a block on deleting it through the normal way of right click, delete. Regardless, ya you could ruin someone comp with TeamViewer.
Quote from: nanak tatum on February 16, 2014, 05:17:02 AM
Well that is why you learn about said program before you start using it.
You don't know every aspect of every detail of BoutCheetah and you use it. If someone had the power to do so they could ruin your comp/life using BoutCheetah. People are crazy, they do things that I couldn't even imagine just to make a living or just for some laughs. Not that anyone here is going to be doing that.
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