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Messages - tanqq

General Discussion / Re: PLEASE HELP ME TO DOWNLOAD!!
August 25, 2011, 01:48:10 PM
Quote from: spystone on August 25, 2011, 01:42:18 PM
You Malaysian? Which mirror did you use ?
I used the first mirror.
General Discussion / Re: PLEASE HELP ME TO DOWNLOAD!!
August 25, 2011, 01:38:14 PM
That's weird. I am also a Malaysian and it works fine for me.
I will get to the requests as soon as possible.

UPDATE : I will be adding +3 parts to the shop along with the +4 and +5 available. Hope you can find the items you want in my shop!
Quote from: BonzoDog on August 25, 2011, 09:58:36 AM
do you know what I find funny about this game?


I say selling halloween set for 80k bs so you do quite the opposite and offer me gigas for ONE of the parts? your a waste of space and I hope in future you read threads.

+ FYI the arm is the most valuable part and sells for 35k bs. to prove my point I actually put it on the market for 35k bs last night and it sold so within 10 minutes. shortly followed by the body selling for 25k bs.

so if you think i'll accept your offer of 50mil for the most valuable part your wrong. 50mil = about 20k bs now soooooo please feel free NOT to ever post on my threads again. thank you.

Calm down dude. He did say he don't have any bs left...
Quote from: thekompostas on August 24, 2011, 04:36:29 PM
are you selling kowbot for bs?
Depends on the amount you're offering. But I prefer gigas over bs.

EDIT : Sorry for the inconvenience but the 14 day Kowbot is sold to thematic for the price of 95 million. Shop is also updated with more E.Fs, Guns, Shields, Shoulders and other items.

NOTE : The E.F's are available from +1 - +3. Guns are only available in +3. Shields and Shoulders are only available in +1 and +3.
Normal Server / Re: Tanqq's Arms Dealer !!
August 24, 2011, 10:53:56 AM
Okay guys. I will grind for these items. I will inform each of you by PM when I found one or more of these items.

Meanwhile you might want to check out my shop a bit, as I updated it with a few more items including an extremely rare 14 day Kowbot trans which is unavaible in the store now! The price can be negotiated.
BC Events / Re: The Gods
August 24, 2011, 09:58:12 AM
[ Tanqq's Arms Dealer ]
   '' Best arms for the best bot. Come on in and take a look at our finest ! ''

I will update the shop with new items everyday if possible. So please visit the shop often to check out the latest and best items I have to offer.

The prices are according to my valuation so please feel free to offer on any item you're interested in. If the price isn't suitable to your liking, please post here so we can negotiate and make out a deal.  ;)


1. All Parts for Any BOT Type is available in only +3, +4 and +5. If you want +1 or +2 parts, please request the item using the format  below.

2. All MiniBots are available in +1 - +3. For the information, +1 gives CRT, +2 gives TG and +3 gives SP.

3. All Guns are available in +3.

4. All Energy Fields ( E.Fs) are available in +1 - +3. +1 gives CRT, +2 gives TG and finally +3 gives SP.

5. All Shields and Shoulders are available in +1 and +3. +1 gives TG, +2 gives Range Attack and +3 gives TD. I did not include any +2 Shields and Shoulders in the shop due to the low request. But feel free to request them though and I will grind for them.

6. All coin items are unused.

[ Coins Section ]
As I don't know what coin items you may want, I set up a Coins Section to fulfill your needs. I currently have about 1.5m coins to spend. The amount  of coins will vary from time to time as I update the shop.

If you want to request a coin item, use the format below :

Items wanted :
Amount of Coins needed :
Offer :

[ Item Request Section ]

Feel free to request items wanted which is not available in the shop. I will look for the items you want and PM you when I found it. Bear in mind I only grind from lvl 1 - lvl 172.

Use this format to request items:

Items wanted :
Lvl to obtain item :
Payment :

Thank you.

Normal Server / Re: Sell some +4 ef and minibot.
August 24, 2011, 08:54:04 AM

stats of swirlon ef+4 please.
BC Events / Re: The Gods
August 24, 2011, 08:05:35 AM
I challenge Jura. IGN is tanqq.
GFX / Re: First one posted in awhile
April 02, 2011, 08:03:22 AM
You improved a lot since I last saw you ;)
GFX / Is this good?
February 04, 2011, 04:24:19 AM

It looks better when it's big...
Blazer head+5
Normal Server / Re: Piggy's Advanced Levels Shop
February 04, 2011, 04:19:31 AM
IGN: Tega
Item(s): Blazer TA+5 body, Blazer TD+4 arm
Offer(s): 3m
GFX / Re: cnc my ugly sig please
February 03, 2011, 02:27:39 AM
Quote from: NoS on February 02, 2011, 04:28:48 PM
If I could make out what I was supposed to be looking at I might've just entertained the possibility of considering it creative
Well...it's a dancer.

Quote from: Optimism on February 02, 2011, 04:49:02 PM
That actually has some amazing flow going on. Sadly, the tag is so low quality it detracts from its over-all appeal. Very creative and in its own right (aside from the low quality) very impressive.
Thanks opti. It actually looks a lot better when it's bigger.
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