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Messages - ZxEnvyxZ

General Discussion / Re: does pvp give coins ?
October 12, 2012, 06:40:38 PM
No coins in PVP!? WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ._______________________. How will you buy wings and flags and heads and stuff!? :O PVP has more reason to give coins than sector =/
Can you add Jura 335 Days left ATM 
Check the rankings and go to Guilds, then Hall of Fame, the top 5 guilds got a guild flag. There isn't a way to get them if you weren't in the top 5.
godz your not even that rich and you trying to show off your rares lol
i didn't say you weren't i just say nty :P
such great offers but nty
OK LAST THING IM GONNA SAY LOL, you can't even beat cyberdog, IK he is OPer and everything than you and lags like sht, but I can beat him with hallo and the same stuff you have, we 1v1ed alot those 3 days i lost member, so yea, you can't even beat him with full halloset, s ef, and v3, i can and i had all the same stuff...nonmember,halloset,s,ef,and v3.
Aln, prove all the wins please, take your time and show me all the 1v1s we had, either your lying, or i cant remember a single time u beat me besides this when i was ram AKA huge disadvantage.

and aln like i said, once i get my alt to 172 hopefully i can refresh your memory that i can beat you, anyways im pretty confident that people who known me for a while and pvp me often know i can beat you.

IKR but I pvp on full screen and I didn't know how to make screenshots >.> now i do so yea, once i get 172 on my alt, we will 1v1 again, obviously 2 out of 3 cuz atm your probably gonna say I get lucky or something

EDIT: fak this im never gonna 1v1 aln with a huge disadvantage like being a ram when im a surge guy, cuz in my perspective atm he just a bragger, like how he said he could beat imag in the lobby one time. anyway I'm going to sleep because I gotta go somewhere tmmr.
dude when did that story ever happen? here is my story.

Ram vs Surge : You win with low red
Like a week after we did surge 1v1: I won with atleast orange i think. and i cant remember anymore 1v1s cuz i think we only did a few, your lucky I didn't know how to take SS's back then :/ but yea change the title, you make me look like im bragging or something when im more OP, I know I'm more OP vs a 172, I never say anything when I win, I KNOW when Im more OP, I didn't brag or say anything and you start QQing :/
But what started this argument if any of you want to know, was that we were 1v1ing he was 172 and I was 221, I won with high orange, and Aln said I was too OP, so I said, I beat you when you had 221 so yeah, why are you trying to say you can beat me if I wasn't more OP? Then this happened, anyway, once I get my alt to 172 we can do a 1v1 because you said you won't buy member agian, I'll take SS this time now that I know how.
Okay, Lol w/e you say. Gz and Mat thaught me how to SS without windows mode so I don't need to suffer people lying about beating me in a 1v1 when I won, but maybe you just forgot about the surge 1v1 when you lost. Anyway I don't feel like arguing because I myself know that I can beat you, and you just mad ****y like how you said you can beat imag (a month ago or so in the lobby you said this).

And if you want to continue this argument, please take it to PMs because I think its against the rules and you can get banned but if you wanna flame me about how you won when you didn't, just PM me.
I didn't say I was good, I don't ever brag :/ but u said i was too OP so please give me a SS of surge 1v1 because I won that won, this was I was playing around with ram, so yeah. Please post a surge 1v1.

PS: Your acting like tze saying I couldn't beat him then we did a 1v1 with guildies watching so yeah, the truth will always find its way out so I'll just wait for it to come out.
Announcements / Re: Scheduled Game Server Maintenance
October 07, 2012, 03:14:53 AM

I assume your quitting because your selling every single rare  :'( anyway, S EF Get online now,
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