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Messages - Allie

With very little community interest in the last thread, I've decided to move forward and see where it goes.
In order for this tournament to take place, at least eight teams (minimum, not maximum) must sign up by Saturday, June 28.
Keep in mind the date has been changed to Saturday, July 5th for the first day, Saturday, July 12th for the second day.
These dates are potentially still up for change if too many people cannot make it.

General information:
  • Date: Saturday July 5th, Saturday July 12th
  • Time: 1PM EST
  • Location: BOTS Zylon
  • 2v2

  • You will be allowed to choose one partner to participate with you
  • A second backup partner may be chosen if they are not part of anyone else's list
  • At least two partners must be on at the start of the tournament, or you will be automatically disqualified; No Leniency
  • You will be allowed to communicate using voice chat if you so choose
  • All participating members will be given a boosted level 100 with your choice of bot type and gear to use for the tournament; these accounts will not be able to trade, or participate in any sector games and will be auto-locked when your team loses (or wins the grand finals)
  • You will be given this level 100 to practice on Saturday, June 28, if the tournament begins on Saturday, July 5th
  • All countries, english or not are welcomed to join, as long as you can communicate with myself
  • Only requirement is having BOTS installed and ready to go when the tournament begins

Fight Conditions
  • No map restrictions
  • No item restrictions except for II skills of any kind
  • Best of 3
  • Best of 5 for Semi-finals and Finals
  • First game will always be random
  • Loser picks map

Grand Prize:
  • 5,000 coins on BOTS, each
  • 2,500 Zylon Coins, each
  • [ONE] Permanent Membership for any account of your choosing - whether or not it is yours
  • If you choose to decline one or both, you can choose to accept an additional 2,500 Zylon Coins per decline

Second Place:
  • 2,000 coins on BOTS, each
  • 1,250 Zylon Coins, each
  • If you choose to decline the BOTS coins you can choose to accept an additional 1,250 Zylon Coins instead

This is planned to be a two-day event, with brackets automatically created using Challonge Brackets. The first round or two (dependent on how many teams participate) will be completed the first day, with the remaining fights completed the second. This means you may leave when your fight is complete if you choose to.

If you would like to participate, please list your team, with a team name below. Both players must confirm for your team to be listed. Registration ends and brackets will be created on Wednesday, July 2nd. The tournament will be scrapped if we're left with less than eight teams by Saturday, June 28th.

Do not sign up if you will not make it. Players who are not present at the start of the tournament will automatically be disqualified. If your group has at least two, it may continue.

Good luck!

Remember to re-read the rules in its entirety. The rules have changed since the last thread.

Current teams
Team #
Team Name
Unknown Yet
Team AA
FM Vish
General Discussion / Re: 4th of July. POLL/question
June 19, 2014, 11:05:32 PM
There is a fourth of july event planned.
Off Topic / Re: Went on a battleship today.
June 17, 2014, 08:06:58 PM
it was easy for me at 5'2.
but, *shrug*
GFX / Re: Cookys Pokemon Sprites Shop V5
June 17, 2014, 07:40:49 PM
oh noes, I thought I was being original.
Off Topic / Re: Went on a battleship today.
June 17, 2014, 07:39:30 PM
I went through the USS New Jersey last july.
Interesting stuff, battleships. Took two hours to go through it, still felt pretty small.
GFX / Re: Cookys Pokemon Sprites Shop V5
June 17, 2014, 06:55:17 PM
mix cooky and iri
Quote from: Epic xD on June 13, 2014, 02:15:58 AM

the most uncool thing u ever tried to start wow lol lmAO
Quote from: Pokeh on June 09, 2014, 09:30:46 PM
Quote from: Allie on June 09, 2014, 09:20:38 PM
Quote from: 123bomb123 on June 09, 2014, 09:09:13 PM
can someone fix the little lag spikes in bots!! that doesn't happen in BC..

fix ur computer, cause no such thing happens in BOTS.
"it's not me, it's the community"

btw when are we getting our accounts? I'm hoping we get some time to practice with them beforehand. Sooner the better cuz then bots will be active and get more people to play

Don't plan on giving them out until tourny day. You're welcome to come on BOTS and practice. It's not hard to level at all anymore.
Quote from: 123bomb123 on June 09, 2014, 09:09:13 PM
can someone fix the little lag spikes in bots!! that doesn't happen in BC..

fix ur computer, cause no such thing happens in BOTS.
Announcements / Re: BOTS [Zylon Gaming] Update
June 09, 2014, 02:05:57 PM
Quote from: qolderman on June 09, 2014, 01:53:40 PM
Quote from: xFrith on June 09, 2014, 09:40:28 AM
Just out of curiosity how does the weekend doublexp work cause the last weekend I played on bots there wasn't any, is it gonna be like bc now where it's all weekend or?....

It was here last weekend, it's just more specific than BC.
On BOTS, it's only x2 from 6-8PM EST.
General Discussion / Re: [BOTS] An important poll
June 09, 2014, 04:20:43 AM
due to no one caring, I've decided to make my own decisions.
Announcements / BOTS [Zylon Gaming] Update
June 09, 2014, 12:45:41 AM
QuoteLevel 98 has finally been released. You can play it in-game now.
It gives a base XP of 62 (88 gives a base XP of 60), and has a similar drop table to 95, with level 98 parts slightly more common.

In addition to this, all XP across the board has been increased by 300%. This means the maps that give 25 exp, now give 75. The ones that gave 50, now give 150. Etc for higher maps.
x2 on weekends between Friday/Saturday/Sunday have not been effected. This adds up to 600% base rate XP, or 150 xp from a 25 XP map or 300 XP from a 50 XP map.

We hope to see you in-game.
General Discussion / Re: [BOTS] An important poll
June 07, 2014, 04:51:21 PM
Quote from: droid zylon1 on June 07, 2014, 04:45:49 PM
oh yeah and maybe double exp weekends? i know in 2008 the exp rate was a little higher. like 60-70 and on weekends 120-130.

These are indeed already a thing, but it is proposed to increase xp rates a bit.
Also, please take this to the other forum to make less spam on BC plz.
Quote from: droid zylon1 on June 07, 2014, 02:13:49 PM
what if the 2 winners of the event won there level 100 bot on ZYLON BOTS!!??
that wud be kewl

As interesting an idea as it sounds, that's just not possible. It'd be unfair to players who spent all their time and effort reaching it.

I've also decided I'll be entering with GM Blade from over on BOTS. Hoping to have some fun in the tourny.
General Discussion / Re: allie :/
June 07, 2014, 01:19:23 PM
The issue that we found (and would still find) with reimbursement is that we have no idea who had it before it was wiped.
We searched through logs, but none were up to date enough. We can't take people's words for it.

I be sorry man. I dropped everything on that one. Even zylon coins aren't a fitting reimbursement because you have no way of proving you had four and I have no way of proving you had zero.
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