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Messages - JustRK

Suggestions / Re: Korean translator.
January 10, 2014, 02:40:38 AM
Korean does not use the same sentence structure as english so if you were to try and use an auto-translator like google translate it would come out sounding crazy.

Example (using google translator as the test subject)

can you please help me translate this sentence =  당신은 내가이 문장을 번역을 도와주세요 수 있습니다

translate that using the program back into english and

당신은 내가이 문장을 번역을 도와주세요 수 있습니다 = You will help me i can translate sentences
Report A Bug / Re: ?
January 09, 2014, 03:03:13 AM
Tends to  happen from time to time and it usually occurs for me when I am on my phone while experiencing iffy internet service  :P

a refresh usually does the trick so this isn't a troublesome bug  8)

GFX / Re: Angrod's Signature Shop
January 09, 2014, 12:20:01 AM
(click to show/hide)
Size (if preffered):
Colors (if preffered):  GM colors (dark orange) :P
Style (if preffered):
Matching avatar with the signature (yes/no):  no
Borders (yes/no):  yes
Paying method (Gigas/Coins):  gigas
Text (Yes/No, if yes, what text):  HGM RK 

Off Topic / Re: Favourite fantasy creature.
January 08, 2014, 03:17:26 PM
Quote from: nanak tatum on January 08, 2014, 03:57:00 AM
Quote from: JustRK on January 08, 2014, 03:46:06 AM
undefeated champion of all creatures

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In all seriousness:  Phoenix - life span of hundreds to thousands of years then lights itself on fire and a new young phoenix is born.
come on now how cool is that.

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So it kills itself and becomes a baby?

Yes pretty much it incinerates itself, but because it is closely associated with fire / the sun it becomes reborn and depending on which folklore book you read it either becomes a young baby version of itself or a completely new baby phoenix.  ;D either way still cool to me.
Off Topic / Re: Favourite fantasy creature.
January 08, 2014, 03:46:06 AM
undefeated champion of all creatures

(click to show/hide)

In all seriousness:  Phoenix - life span of hundreds to thousands of years then lights itself on fire and a new young phoenix is born.
come on now how cool is that.

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Spam / Re: loosen please.
January 08, 2014, 01:54:45 AM
해킹 =   영원히 금지

죄송합니다  ,
다시 계정을 만들 제발

topic locked.  any questions can be pm'ed to me.
Grats  8)  this is an epic milestone
Quote from: JustRK on January 05, 2014, 12:14:06 AM
I think most people can understand why he's banned.

Also your title is very intrusive, I will give you one more page and I'm most likely going to lock this mess of a thread if someone doesn't do it before me lel.  It's not fair to other players to have this spam the recent posts  ::)

heh locked.  If anyone remakes this thread or one similar to it they will automatically receive a warning.  8)

most questions about this matter have been answered anyway and this is already the second thread of this matter.
Bombz will eventually be able to earn his chance fairly, but due to the repetitive nature probably not any time soon.
Quote from: opuiq3 on January 05, 2014, 01:59:47 PM
I saw him in-game, he's back.

He's been having an alt in-game. He's just banned from forums for the most part.  :P

also damn I said I was going to only give this topic one more page on page 2, but I fell asleep.

I will allow one more post then I'm locking this bad boy up  8)
Quote from: Cooky on January 05, 2014, 12:15:32 AM
Quote from: JustRK on January 05, 2014, 12:14:06 AM
Also your title is very intrusive

? what do u mean

If you're title doesn't fit inside the recent post section, it's probably a little too much  :P

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Quote from: JetSurge on January 05, 2014, 12:15:48 AM
But......but......but.................Rk..........................i thought we were pals.......................you know.....................like bro's  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I'm pretty nice about things, but for infractions that numerous I have to leave it to the admins 8)

we can still be pals though  :P
I think most people can understand why he's banned.

Also your title is very intrusive, I will give you one more page and I'm most likely going to lock this mess of a thread if someone doesn't do it before me lel.  It's not fair to other players to have this spam the recent posts  ::)
Suggestions / Re: Update drop List
January 04, 2014, 06:07:49 PM
It's to my knowledge that the new maps all have the same exact drop table as 239  :P

though I'm sure they would situate something for the new maps when they have time.
Future Updates / Re: Purple Text - Member
January 04, 2014, 01:45:26 AM
I'm pretty sure it would be yes  :P I agree with it being a tad darker in shade.
Suggestions / Re: Locked items
January 02, 2014, 11:51:59 AM
Quote from: DevilzDemise on January 02, 2014, 11:47:55 AM
Quote from: Cooky on January 02, 2014, 04:25:03 AM
I will point out that permanent items purchased from the zylon shop (jura, dark meto, jack, etc) can be transferred to your other accounts by asking an admin

not sure if you are allowed to transfer to other peoples accounts however

Oh for real? i've tried private messaging staff countless times asking but never got a response. So just took it as either they are busy, your not allowed or that it was a stupid question aha. Well thanks for letting me know, hopefully if it is true that is.

Yes, it might take a while if an admin even agrees to do it, Though it's true and it's been done before to my knowledge.

also dorry I normally respond pretty quick to PM's as I read them all, but I was pretty busy yesterday.
ScreenShots / Re: Scammer stupid or noob?
January 01, 2014, 08:26:24 PM
Alright. I think it's fair enough that I lock this thread and if any of you have questions or problems regarding this matter you can PM me or another staff member and we will assist you.  Otherwise amongst the hypocrisy from original poster, there is nothing going on here but harsh criticisms (though it may be true).

topic locked to avoid this from flooding the recent posts which is not needed.
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