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Messages - spiderstar

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions for Item Price List :)
February 17, 2013, 09:35:07 AM
Quote from: Cooky on February 17, 2013, 09:27:56 AM
I think it would be a big waste of time but ok
It's his time he can choose what he wants to do.

Back on topic.
Suggestions / Re: Suggestions for Item Price List :)
February 17, 2013, 09:24:43 AM
I actually think it's an okay idea if you really want to go through with it.
I would recommend taking the averages of 10-15 prices that people are selling the items at on the forums and just put that down as the price.  (This way it's not really your opinion on the prices but a collaboration of the community)
However, you would have to update this guide quite often if you want to keep the guide accurate since the price ranges change like crazy.

Edit: You also have to take account of some players who ridiculously price things like a perm jack for 500m.
Off Topic / Re: Glitched Merc Shuffling
February 17, 2013, 09:01:43 AM
Cool vid, how did you do the glitch btw?
Off Topic / Re: Curious
February 17, 2013, 07:11:04 AM
Quote from: Jonathan on February 16, 2013, 11:29:40 PM
I like composing music in my spare time; this is one example of an assignment I had for a class:


If you go to my YouTube channel, you can see a fragment of another song that I've recorded. (Fragment meaning I'm not done with it) Which "style" sounds better? Serious opinions please

This sounds great! 
Do you have sheet music for this?  I would love to try and play it on my piano.
GFX / Re: First Mod I've Ever Made
February 17, 2013, 02:42:58 AM
Quote from: Jeffalo13 on February 17, 2013, 02:17:34 AM
..........holy ****

first time i've ever seen the mana wings modded well.  i thought they couldn't be made better...lol **** that they are already perfect.

but dude this looks amazing.  i'd if it's just the wings match the set, but i bet that set would look even hotter with raptor wings

Thanks Jeff!
I'll mod the raptor wings once I'm done with Selenes sig.
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A: To become a Moderator, you have to earn it by being active and making contributions to the community. These contributions consist of, but are not limited to: 
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GFX / First Mod I've Ever Made
February 16, 2013, 02:42:18 AM
I got bored and decided to make a Mod for the first time.  It's really simple and basically just a recolor I guess.

I didn't realize how time consuming it would take and how frustrating it was to upload the files on w/o the game crashing lolz.  If you have any criticism for the mod I'll gladly take it since I need as much help as I can get.  Also thanks to MedChill w/ the PvP pictures!
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Download Links:
Wing- http://www.mediafire.com/?3zetv7s3tkcnkl7
Head- http://www.mediafire.com/?59eks1axjjkjhn8
Body- http://www.mediafire.com/?mnfscu5iac6v3t8
Arms- http://www.mediafire.com/?5q9jxcwmd7yu78s
Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 10:47:22 PM
Quote from: jinhongzhu on February 15, 2013, 10:41:16 PM
So.. I have to get another 4mil GP? or continue from my current gp? .-.

Continue from your current gp to 4m.
Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 10:20:07 PM
Guys stop fighting whats done is done and I'm not taking my word back.
If you're in the guild just to get the event prize then I'm going to ask you to leave please.  

Edit: We're almost rank 20 guys.  Let's try and beat the rest and go for top 10!
Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 09:57:59 PM
I'll be online now for people who want to grind with me. (Wait one sec finishing up a mod I'll be done in around 10 minutes)

Alright so as a punishment Tze has to get 4m gp instead of 1.5m gp.
From now on bug abusing will not be accepted in the guild.  I want our guild to be a respected guild not a guild known for cheating their way to the top.  
If you continue to abuse the bugs I'll give you a warning but after that warning you'll be kicked from the guild.  
Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 09:48:06 PM
Quote from: Yz on February 15, 2013, 09:45:32 PM
4m br0

Alright cool anyone else has any input? 
Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 09:43:45 PM
Quote from: Yz on February 15, 2013, 09:41:48 PM
Quote from: spiderstar on February 15, 2013, 09:38:28 PM
Wait... I thought he was just grinding 219 on his account...I knew that he bugged his first 350k gp but I thought he got the rest legit.  

If he has been abusing it I'll just deduct his gp by 100% so he'll have to make double the amount of gp to get the event prize.

its ok i forgive but wow 350k thats like 4 hours of grinding so yeh dq

Read dat Edit.
Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 09:38:28 PM
Wait... I thought he was just grinding 219 on his account...I knew that he bugged his first 350k gp but I thought he got the rest legit.  

If he has been abusing it I'll either do one of the following...

Make him get 4m gp instead of 1.5m to get the 1st place prize.

Put him on a ban from the event for 1 month.

Completely disqualify him.

Normal Server / Re: StarLight - The Stars of BoutCheetah
February 15, 2013, 12:32:34 PM
Btw Tze if you stop getting GP after you win the event I'll smack ya.
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