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Messages - NeoKiller

cause his memebership run out. orhe quit it.
Low Rate Server / Re: Zylon's Warriors Rank # 1
December 22, 2010, 08:39:55 AM
good job Cesar.
but change the co-leaders to co-leader^^
delete the "s"
Off Topic / Re: What's this.
December 21, 2010, 05:53:57 PM
i played WoW p-server and i rlly have to say. this game sucks lol.
dont understand wh its so famous i rlly played better games then WoW.
Off Topic / Re: What's this.
December 21, 2010, 05:20:46 PM
you dont know how rich i was so how youc an say you were richer?^^
maybe i farmed this zamorak whines all the day?^^ ( i didnt but maybe :D )
Off Topic / Re: What's this.
December 21, 2010, 05:16:25 PM
if you are no member this game sucks until you wear full rune.(even with this gold thing)^^
i were lvl 60 or sth with full rune and epix rich in this game. its just to booring.

try this epic game^^:
Quote from: tanqq on December 18, 2010, 12:29:00 PM
Did I ever said anything about you being unloyal? I never even mentioned the word Zylon_Warriors anyway >.>
I just stated that Redemption members need to be more active in grinding,fulfilling what they promised weeks ago.

i dont say  or think you said that.
im just not sure if im welcome if the leader thinks im unloyal.
so nothing against you
Quote from: FireyDevel on December 13, 2010, 11:58:41 AM
Ya know? All this guild seems to show me is how unloyal people are...

Some of the Redemption members who were stoked that we were #1 in High have ran right to Ice and his guild in this server, as they get first, they claim it to be the best guild...

Loyalty cannot be taught, enjoy being rank one guys. Imma enjoy my "non-number 1 guild hopper" friends like meaty and the other half of redemption.

For the record, this post is deemed relevant due to the fact that it is warning ICE that his members are using him to leech for their own personal gain... believe me, they'll befriend you soon enough.

i know he means me with that.
he is saying im unloyal cause im in ladys guild. i would only go to the best guilds altough i joined it when it was rank 3.
also im not claiming to be in the best guild. i just want to have my fun.
number 1 guild hopper?
im in redeption since im lvl 50 or sth. i never changed the guild. so why im a number 1 guild hopper ?
i didnt even ask if i can join redemption, no, i got invited to join it !
and no i dont use him to leech, i oplay the most games without him or cause im searching for my parts in different lvls then they play.
im really not sure if i want to stay somewhere where  ppl accusing me not being loyal.

to answer your question tanqq.
i woulda grind with you all but im not sure if im welcome.

If I said something wrong please let me know firey.

Tips and Guides / Re: Drop List
December 18, 2010, 11:09:16 AM
allie it would be cool if you can make a drop list for low server. cause the drops in the servers arent the same.
thx in advance.
General Discussion / Re: this is sh1t....
December 18, 2010, 11:04:18 AM
Sector rankings doesnt say who is the best in sector.you could  play 300 times lvl 1 as lvl 150. then you are rank 1 but it doensnt man your best.
sector rankings just showing how active someone is in sector in my mind.
and 25aZz8eL31 idk you in game but i dont think you are as good that you can get sector king or sth. otherwise i woulda know you :D
so this 1 loss doesnt rlly make a difference.
Tips and Guides / Re: ~~Cyber's Ultimate Guide~~
December 18, 2010, 10:11:19 AM
QuoteRecommended gameplay mode : BvB

i would say yu can use it in sector as well.
and pvp sometimes too( depends on map)
General Discussion / Re: this is sh1t....
December 18, 2010, 08:30:39 AM
OMG lol.
dont cry because of 1 loss lol
robo look in shop i got now +5 head, too.
if you want it make a new offer :D
General Discussion / Re: what is with lvl 172 ?
December 18, 2010, 08:13:50 AM
Quote from: Surgeypurgey on December 17, 2010, 11:55:15 PM
Dont play 172. The exp got lowered to 40 cause it was too easy.

exp is back to 440.
@25aZz8eL31 dont let the mobs run there it sometimes happen then you cant do much.
you got a dark protector +3 ?
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