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Messages - Yz

@Roy As this is in Feedback/Rants I'll leave it open for discussion, it can be as endless as we want it to be.

@Aln Actually hacking is perm. bannable because of the advantage it gives you and nothing more. Hacking a room won't bug out the server itself, you're misinformed on that one. Unless you mean hacks designed to directly target the server, then yeah - either way they're both bannable. Hacking to oneshot mobs and Hiddenware are both tools out of a regular players reach to give access to a lot of advantages. Illegal. Both bannable. Very comparable. Dupe glitches and other gamebreaking bug abuse will always net you lengthy bans in every game out there.
There is a fair solution. If you break the rules and proof is found of it you'll get banned. If we can't find proof you won't get banned until we get proof. It's there in the rules. And as Godz said, it's time to stop comparing Hiddenware with glitching.
No worries about your grammar mate it's easy to understand. I'm not gonna change the rule to "Glitching = Perm ban" but I might add in stuff like Hiddenware (which it was - not glitching) which is almost equivalent to hacking.

By the way, that thread says that repeating the process can lead to a permanent ban, so it would make sense even if Aln was merely glitching and not using Hiddenware. Again, just speculating half of this to justify Max's decisions.

@Aln well, you were proven I think, unlike any other suspects, and I don't think you'll be perm banned.
No. Other players who exploit gamebreaking glitches are usually banned for a month or more - you won't find a case where they were merely banned for 3 days.

Consistent duping, for example, would get you a longass ban. If Max really did ban Aln just because it was 'personal' then the rest of the staff wouldn't agree with what Max has done so far. But we do agree. We would all do the same or something very similar.

As for this-
Quote from: anaroy50yz , if glitching is same like hacking , well u guys(the admins) need to change the rules.

It's very clear. There is file-editing and harmful glitches that set you well above other players and simple glitches where you glitch to the top of the map in PvP. < That's worth a 3-day ban. Glitching yourself a few million EXP is not a 3-day ban. Nevertheless I'll add some clarity to the rules on glitching, thanks for spotting the oversight. Can ya tell me where it says glitching = 3 day bans? Can't find it.
Quote from: anaroy50 on January 07, 2015, 05:06:20 AM
I Agree With Aln. im sry max but i think it is personally.
it doesnt matter if the glitch he done is "almost" hacking, cuz its not hacking.
in the rules, glitching is 3days, and it doesnt matter wut glitch it is, or wut it does.
he doesnt used any program, well its glitching and not hacking.
I Think that because aln was in Utopia , and max was very angry that he had a glithcer in his guild, he got perm banned.
i heard that his alt banned too.
if he glitched in his alt well I Agree with max(reapting), but i didnt saw any proofs or topic about his alt Glitching.

I wouldn't even call it glitching. You're changing game files to give yourself a direct advantage over other players. Hacking is 3rd party software giving you a direct advantage over other players. Glitching is exploiting a game mechanic or bug for gain(definitely banworthy)/fun, but fileswapping should be considered the same as hacking imo. If I know the situation correctly (I don't think I do but here's what I know atm) Aln swapped map files to complete the maps faster. That's actually called Hiddenware, not glitching - Hiddenware netted you perm bans in Bots and it's very, very gamebreaking. I would compare Hiddenware to Hacking personally.

Sorry if I'm wrong about it being Hiddenware or not because I'm not familiar with the situation 100%, just noting on what I've heard.
You were already proven guilty weren't you? The people in Prestige were merely suspected so they were a way more pressing issue. I'm not 100% about this but that's as far as I know.
Quote from: Corr on January 05, 2015, 06:45:30 PM
As long as it's base related and done right, base community is in it for the biscuit.

u guys can help that front
Off Topic / Re: Happy bday grim!!
January 05, 2015, 01:43:08 AM
Spam / Re: anyone got the skype of Matt/RedShadow?
January 03, 2015, 06:49:30 PM
Quote from: Corr on January 03, 2015, 06:32:37 PM
He don't skype anymore I think

he got anthing else like kik or something?
Spam / anyone got the skype of Matt/RedShadow?
January 03, 2015, 05:12:03 PM
let me know, or any other IM
Normal Server / Re: Ω.: ::Redtopia:: :.Ω
January 03, 2015, 04:12:07 PM
Just wanted to say good job to everyone. Rank 3 is around the corner for Utopia and then there's one obstacle left to bury. There's no stopping it~
with lack of content and missing coder me and GM max are planning the next event for BC. it will most likely be staff sponsored and we have some ideas already, but anyone who wants to contribute ideas to the event please PM me them - we want to make a fun & interesting event (maybe with some pvp to it as well) for the whole game to take part in.

Important: although we're trying to make an event we still have no coder. it's gonna be like a player sponsored event but instead admin sponsored (most likely)

to Koreans-
I will make an event in some days with GM Max. Thinking of ideas. Tell all Koreans. Love from Yz :-*
Suggestions / Re: hai dere dis be a suggestion doe
January 02, 2015, 11:08:48 PM
chances are low
ay thas because you recent i didn't save a load of em from way back when
Suggestions / Re: hai dere dis be a suggestion doe
January 02, 2015, 10:26:03 PM
i approve, but i asked allie to do this when the guild wipe happened and she said it'd take a really long time to implement
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