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Messages - NeoKiller

Quote from: Selene on November 15, 2012, 10:45:19 AM
Quote from: BlackSrarz on November 15, 2012, 10:42:49 AM
so... why... more challange?.......... you know that each boxes are sold for zer0 yes 0000,0 if you sel 8 f  them you get 0 money 0 .. a hole lot of nothing... Please make them worth 200 gigas please... i am just.... ZERO0
Okey, this is more like a phsyciatry then a rquest but am desperate for somthing to make sense... but 5 min into telling me why this survival mode is what it is? ZEROOO it means nothing... please Dxx
hehehe :)
Nice spam.
If you didn't understand him you could have asked him to repeat it or don't post at all but not make a useless post like "...?".
Besides I don't see what's so hard to understand he asks to increase the amount of gigas the shop gives you for survival parts as you get 0 right now.
Feedback/Rants / No legitimate reason to lock the thread
November 15, 2012, 09:24:25 AM
Quote from: Allie->bringing the past into this "do you agree with this specific warning, you know, the one I got like 2 minutes ago"

wasn't going to, but seriously just go away, your hate against the establishment is too much for poor old me to handle.
It was just a question as I've accepted the warning already.
You had absolutely no valid reason to lock the thread as we were talking normally without any flame/spam/whatever.
Also I don't get why you're implying I'd hate the establishment. I just wanted my question answered.
For me it just seems that you locked the thread because I was simply right and you recognized you went too far which is not a big deal and can happen.
I just wanted to know if I was right but with locking the thread you confirmed it.

So yeah, you locked the thread for no reason in my opinion.
Before I start any drama or arguing with you I lock this because I just wanted to say this.
inb4 you gonna post here, PM me please since noone will be able to refute your statements in case they're completly.
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 09:07:49 AM
Quote from: Allie on November 15, 2012, 09:01:19 AM
Quote from: NeoKiller on November 15, 2012, 08:23:42 AM
Imagine you talk to your neigbour in school and the teacher gives you the highest punishment without telling you to stop talking once.

are u muted, cause i see a green dot called "Warned"?
k you're right on that one.
Still I remember you muting me and skipping moderation.
Also you implied I flamed a staff member when all I did was a sexual joke.
Why did you just skip moderation, also you didn't remute me when I got unmuted 1 hour later.
I imply you recognized that you exaggerated ?
I'm pretty sure you do.
I'm also pretty sure you're the only one who do..
What's with ingame mods who have no access to that section.
What's with poke's thread where we used to note down those who were warned ?

I mean a list with names is way easier then checking thousends of threads just names "rulebreakers".
General Discussion / Question regarding rule breakers.
November 15, 2012, 08:56:42 AM
Since my question didn't get answered the last time and the staff gave me the advice to make a new thread...

What's the sense of speaking to every spammer?
I mean, I doubt you're noting down every single person you've warned/talked to in order to ban that person if he spams again.
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 08:51:40 AM
Quote from: Selene on November 15, 2012, 08:47:32 AM
I don't give a a shit if you don't follow the rule, I'll just give you a warning.
I understand, Head GM.
Sounds like you don't give a shit about the forum/game and just feel satisfied punishing people.
Glad that you care so much, really nice Head GM there.
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 08:23:42 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 08:11:27 AM
the report a rule breaker section is taken very seriously by some staff
Way too serious.
Instant warnings, rlly ?
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 08:11:27 AM
i guess they expect that everyone should have learned by now

Imagine you talk to your neigbour in school and the teacher gives you the highest punishment without telling you to stop talking once.
I mean everyone knows that that talking during class isn't allowed, still teachers give some warnings first before punishing.

This is still a fkin gaming forum, not a high payed job.
Some staff members here should chill out a bit.
Spam / Re: @monkey
November 15, 2012, 08:17:50 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 08:13:06 AM
Quote from: NeoKiller on November 15, 2012, 08:12:03 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 08:03:59 AM
sad ::) ::) ::) ::)
it is, it really is.

Saying names would start drama so let's drop it  ;D
Spam / Re: @monkey
November 15, 2012, 08:12:03 AM
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 08:09:33 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 08:02:11 AM
i still see it as off-topic, i just ignored it because it's a matter of perspective

that's like one person gets reported for hacking and someone is like HOW DO PEOPLE HACK STILL? you're talking about hacking it's still off topic though

your question was asking and not contributing. it wasn't directed at selene but it could've indeed been a new thread, pretty much anywhere. "how do you deal with spammers" or something like that. it's too many possibilities for me to even type properly .-.

in summary: open eyes, use more buttons the forum gives you, acquire success

+1 hawk

i'll just repeat a point to make sure it's clear, you are supposed to contribute to report a rule breaker topics. i agree your warning was fair based on the rules of the section - whether the rules of the section are fair or not is another story. <that is probably what you should change your argument to being about
Ok I didn't contribute but my thread wasn't that off topic as well.
It was obvious I didn't intend going off topic and a verbal warning would have been enough maybe with an explanation what I did wrong.

I mean that's what warnings are for, right ?
To prevent a person breaking more rules in future.
However the better way is to explain what they did wrong when a staff member notices the person didn't understand, instead of warning him just to feel satisfied that he punished someone.
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 08:02:36 AM
Quote from: Energized on November 15, 2012, 08:00:22 AM
yo neo, ur not gonna get unwarned.
just face it dude
idc about a green dot that lasts for 3 days, i just want fairness on this forum.
also your post was totally off topic.
warn pls.
Spam / Re: @muncay
November 15, 2012, 08:00:54 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 07:53:57 AM
Quote from: NeoKiller on November 15, 2012, 07:47:53 AM
Quote from: Energized on November 15, 2012, 01:58:13 AM
Quote from: KillerPig on November 14, 2012, 08:20:29 PM
ur warned hahahahahaha
pig is a trendsetter and you're just a follower

yeah social status is so important on a gaming forum also

you should feel ashamed energized
it is to some ::)
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 07:58:42 AM
It wasn't only directed at Selene, but to all staff, she was just the one that posted in that thread.
I don't feel like sending a PM to every ingame staff member.

Quote from: NeoKiller on November 15, 2012, 07:54:00 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 07:49:36 AM
the topic is based on the people who are getting reported and how they will be punished
That's what my question was about.
I wanted to make sure they're going to be punished and asked if that's the case.
Also according to your previous statement my post wasn't so off topic ::)
Feedback/Rants / Re: do you agree with that warning?
November 15, 2012, 07:54:00 AM
Quote from: Yz on November 15, 2012, 07:49:36 AM
the topic is based on the people who are getting reported and how they will be punished
That's what my question was about.
I wanted to make sure they're going to be punished and asked if that's the case.

Where else would I post that quuestion?
Tell me a section that fits better for that question please.
Spam / Re: @muncay
November 15, 2012, 07:47:53 AM
Quote from: Energized on November 15, 2012, 01:58:13 AM
Quote from: KillerPig on November 14, 2012, 08:20:29 PM
ur warned hahahahahaha
pig is a trendsetter and you're just a follower
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