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Messages - frog

GFX / Re: my 1st sig
September 27, 2012, 01:47:31 PM
i knew that :'( but idk how to make a kewl text
GFX / my 1st sig
September 27, 2012, 01:39:42 PM
if you see it sux much don't post and don't embarrass me plz

Solved Bug Reports / Re: DragonClaws is hacking now
September 27, 2012, 11:14:17 AM
im my opinion he hacks cuz his {S} game was there for like 20-25 min. and i don't think he can survive all that time alone , and i tried to lure him to tell me how he hack but he refused and flammed me , btw this is wronge section should have been in report a rule breaker
September 25, 2012, 02:11:07 PM
lol after i gave you the link xD okey nvm :P
September 25, 2012, 02:03:14 PM
wasn't able to download the one from the website you include in your post so i searched for another link and uploaded it

edit : tell me if it works
Normal Server / Re: HalloweenY's Little Shop
September 24, 2012, 11:04:17 PM
400m Perm Jack & 130m Lvl 1 +7 & 150m +7 elek & 100m Digi (E)
370 Perm jack
nvm not selling any more i will lock the topic
Off Topic / Re: This time isn't like everytime!
September 24, 2012, 09:17:26 AM
iam back topic closed. "reason kenny gave me back 1b gigas back"
Announcements / Re: In spite of recent events...
September 23, 2012, 11:13:28 PM
Quote from: Allie on September 23, 2012, 11:05:21 PM
consider the well being of the game more so than personal gain. The game needs this.
Announcements / Re: In spite of recent events...
September 23, 2012, 11:11:19 PM
whenever you do this i may think to comeback
Off Topic / Re: This time isn't like everytime!
September 23, 2012, 10:03:00 PM
Quote from: jinhongzhu on September 23, 2012, 09:58:06 PM
u quit ill find u and kill u  ::)
og rebel said the same thing & btw og rebel is the best friend i have ever seen <3 he offered me all his gigas & his darksurge (E) set to sell them and re-gain my gigas & OG Kush  bro you are da best don't let the guild down plz :S
Off Topic / Re: This time isn't like everytime!
September 23, 2012, 09:57:02 PM
Quote from: Yz on September 23, 2012, 09:50:16 PM
I'm confused. You quit but you're still running Silence?
yea i quit i won't go online excpt for guild favours (accepting members / kicking members / putting co leaders) etc cuz i can't make
-echotank- guy run a guild like silence
Quote from: Selene on September 23, 2012, 09:52:42 PM
You won't quit.
yes i will
Off Topic / This time isn't like everytime!
September 23, 2012, 09:48:44 PM
i will just quit due to some reasons some of you know , most of you know it from outside not detailed and you don't have to know it & i just felt so oppressed , so i just quit if you saw me online then you are lucky cuz i will be running Silence as i am ,i am not quitting silence cuz if i quit the guild will have a bad leader don't need to know it , and i will form a bit if you need anything PM me here , nice to meet you guys it was fun & i know alot of people hate me nowadays , so i am sorry for whoever i made him sad of me or mad at me & nother people loved me thank you soo much for you guys , have fun & peace :) , btw people who say he will be back as always just STFU!
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