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Messages - Optimism

Suggestions / Color Schema
May 03, 2011, 12:35:14 AM
Kenny, if you see this, I believe we were going to take a look at the forum scheme and try to make similar it to the main portal page.

Just a reminder :P.
GFX / Re: GM Gun mod
May 02, 2011, 10:33:04 PM
Sick gun ^.^.
Quote from: Allie on May 02, 2011, 10:22:31 PM
Opti I quit a bit after you quit.
I'm not ****ing joking, ask everyone around here.


I love you and missed you. Auto promotion to GM, Allie style :).

If I get time, I'll probably come in-game for a while. THING IS, I'm really busy this quarter, so it will probably have to wait till summer :P.
I'd only take this position if needed. By all means, if this community is inactive and not in need of assistance, then I would be more than happy not taking the position.
I'll do my best to bring Kelvin (Lyric_) back as well.
I'm going to return to the forums. Allie, if you wanna throw me a Forum Moderator position, I'll help clean up where needed. I miss this community too much to leave entirely; however, I won't be returning in game until this summer, most likely.


Hella' good to be back my babies :).
Off Topic / Re: My time has come.
May 02, 2011, 09:52:41 PM
I'll drag his ass back here this summer, most likely. :).
Off Topic / Retirement has finally come (yay)!
March 30, 2011, 03:01:30 PM
I'll be taking a permanent break (retiring, finally). Real life is just far too real now-a-days.

My sincerest best wishes to everyone. Try not to take this game too seriously, all.

Thank you list:

Star (Wes, need I say more?)
Xrow (Homo erotic poo poo sex)
Allie (I could write a page -- thanks for keeping me busy in PvP for the last year)
Kenny (We've [you mostly] improved the site quite a bit from its beginnings. I won't forget the epic lulz over TV)
Lyfe (*** traitor is still a good guy deep, deep down  :] -- epic base matches back in the day)
Gavin (You're one of the very few guys who has a head on his shoulders that isn't part of the Cerberus that is that other server :P. Great baser and overall character. Pc brotha)
Lyric_ (We'll be keepin in touch ova FB, I'm sure. For the sake of your future children, START WEARING CONDOMS.)
Jewric (no need for me to say much -- we've been fighting the system since day one. I'll be seeing you on FB as well :P).
Gramps (Sean, you the same. We'll keep in touch over FB).
Firey (Chad, SAME TO YOU...sheesh, gettin repetitive :P).
Corr (We've had our share of ups and downs. More ups than downs, however. Take it eZ guy).
S_A (Luke, if you ever stop by here, just know this -- I'm betta than you ***** :P).
Nitex (My Muslim buddy [with comparable stupidity to Xrow] -- When I first entered this game, you were the first guy I looked up to. Epic matches since day one and by far the funnest guy to PvP with. If you still play smash, good luck XD).
Tokxilshitstain (Good luck to you as well Dave. Honestly, we probably had more commonality than you realize. Its a shame we couldn't get passed the outer shell).
Jrharbort (You've lost quite a bit of weight, I think [gratz]. Keep it up bro and marry rich :P).
Tricky (meh, :P)

To anyone, I've forgotten, my apologies. It goes without saying (except for the fact that I'm about to say it), if you were in any of my former guilds on the former BOTS!! or here, then we certainly knew each other well and I could write a paragraph, if not more about you personally rather easily (love you guys, :P).

Lastly, I can only hope the bitterness subsides between servers, so that you guys can make the best of what is left of this great game. Its been real boys. I probably did myself a bit of an injustice here with such a short exiting thread, but, meh.


Keep it real guys and gals and...Sanctuary FTW! Allie, I give you permission to commandeer the guild. Do with it what you want (kill it, revive it, lock it down, etc.).

As Joe Tuber would say,

Updates / Re: Server updates
March 24, 2011, 05:41:58 PM
Quote from: Corr on March 22, 2011, 10:57:00 PM
Quote from: Iridion on March 22, 2011, 06:58:47 PM
Sector King
Sure, he can be a king, but he'll never be a Sector God (That belongs to ****'s Jrhar).

Humans can't be gods, silly.
GFX / Re: Sigs i made.
March 24, 2011, 02:12:04 AM
Spam / Re: Locked
March 24, 2011, 02:11:11 AM
Piggy wiggly had a toenail.
ScreenShots / Re: A modded Crash Bolt set
March 23, 2011, 11:47:02 PM
We should call him, rapist.
Off Topic / Re: Who watched this as a kid?
March 23, 2011, 11:21:37 PM
Quote from: GavinGill on March 23, 2011, 09:59:37 PM
Lmao, ya. At times I loved it, and sometimes I hated it. Enzo was so badass.

I HATED adult Enzo. What a newb.


@ Zero: good stuff, lol.
General Discussion / Re: Uhm
March 23, 2011, 10:59:18 PM
Hai Luis :).
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