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Messages - Thornz

Wb CK  :3
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday angrod!
August 24, 2014, 07:11:21 AM
Happy b-day :3
Report A Bug / Re: can buy ZC but no mem?
August 23, 2014, 06:03:52 PM
Quote from: optisum1 on August 23, 2014, 05:45:33 PM
Quote from: JustRK on August 23, 2014, 05:44:07 PM
Not a bug, it's because ZC is a one time transaction while membership is recurring therefore requires a verified paypal and that the card accepts recurring transactions.

I don't get this.... at all :d

When you pay for membership it sets it up as a recurring payment unless you cancel it after you pay for the first month. So if you're using a prepaid card then paypal isn't letting you because the card wouldn't be able to support recurring payments indefinitely. I'm sorry that I didn't think about this when I suggested using a prepaid card earlier. If you talk to Kenny, I'm sure he'd be able to work something out with you, you just won't be able to buy membership directly with a prepaid card
Normal Server / Buying perm liger
August 23, 2014, 04:17:57 PM
My offer is:

200m gigas
5 origin games (ik origin sucks, but I have these games on steam, so that's why I haven't used the codes):

Dead Space
Medal of Honor
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition
Mirror's Edge
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising

This is about $110 USD worth of games if you buy them atm, regardless of how much I actually paid for them.                        

Edit: Cooky says this is within the rules :3
Introductions / Re: Hello
August 23, 2014, 01:26:41 PM
Quote from: -Speedy- on August 23, 2014, 01:24:46 PM
Quote from: Thornz on August 23, 2014, 01:23:26 PM
Hey lsqe :)

I forget when you left, but I'll list everything interesting I can think of within the last year or so:

8 player raid mode, with 3 lvls: 221, 235, 250. Each raid has a set of armor that drops (except 250, which has a set that isn't released). These sets are referred to as rt1, rt2, and rt3. rt1 is pretty easy to get and is twice as powerful as t3 survival armor from 219. rt2 armor is three times as powerful, and a good number of people have it now (though most still only have rt1, especially since 235 box drop is bugged and infrequent). These armors don't give the 40% exp bonus of t3.

270 level cap for members, and 225 for non-members.

New sector levels: 247, 258, and 266. 258 is the most commonly grinded map in the game, due to the fact that players can get the exp cap (65.5k), and the map takes around a minute to complete, making it possible to grind excessively fast.

A few new items, some OP, some not. Miasma head (similar stats to Jack head, except it's ugly and has TA vs TD), Meto Drake mini (not very OP), and Reaper flags (new set of perm flags with good stats) to name a few.

Snowballs flooded the market during the christmas event, and their price has dropped dramatically. They're around 2-5m now.

You can now have 500 friends, vs 10. So basically you can have the entire active population of bc added and still have room for a few hundred more xD.

That's all I can think of atm, but there is probs smth I forgot...

Also Transformations have been taken out of shop and they sell for about 20m each now.

Yeah, this. I think lsqe was around for that tho, as well as coin removal/reintroduction...
Introductions / Re: Hello
August 23, 2014, 01:23:26 PM
Hey lsqe :)

I forget when you left, but I'll list everything interesting I can think of within the last year or so:

8 player raid mode, with 3 lvls: 221, 235, 250. Each raid has a set of armor that drops (except 250, which has a set that isn't released). These sets are referred to as rt1, rt2, and rt3. rt1 is pretty easy to get and is twice as powerful as t3 survival armor from 219. rt2 armor is three times as powerful, and a good number of people have it now (though most still only have rt1, especially since 235 box drop is bugged and infrequent). These armors don't give the 40% exp bonus of t3.

270 level cap for members, and 225 for non-members.

New sector levels: 247, 258, and 266. 258 is the most commonly grinded map in the game, due to the fact that players can get the exp cap (65.5k), and the map takes around a minute to complete, making it possible to grind excessively fast.

A few new items, some OP, some not. Miasma head (similar stats to Jack head, except it's ugly and has TA vs TD), Meto Drake mini (not very OP), and Reaper flags (new set of perm flags with good stats) to name a few.

Snowballs flooded the market during the christmas event, and their price has dropped dramatically. They're around 2-5m now.

You can now have 500 friends, vs 10. So basically you can have the entire active population of bc added and still have room for a few hundred more xD.

That's all I can think of atm, but there is probs smth I forgot...

Welcome, legacy and speedy :3
Off Topic / Re: Wow...
August 23, 2014, 01:30:58 AM
Lol, I forgive you cooky. But consider this your verbal warning >:C

Lol jk
Off Topic / Re: Wow...
August 23, 2014, 12:17:16 AM
Yz has been online almost a year, lul

Off Topic / Re: Favorite smartphone games?
August 23, 2014, 12:15:31 AM
Quote from: Xx Itz Ian on August 22, 2014, 08:58:18 PM
i disliked all the different maps, different characters and the "quest" part they added in the game.
also every clashmob event or however it called sucked.

The thing that made infinity was the endless replay of the same map over and over but meeting stronger enemies and you would get stronger every time, in 1 this was the best shown. in 2 they added more maps and different routes to reach it which was a cool feature but in 3 they went to far imo.

Fair enough, everyone has their own opinion :3

I personally hate how hard battle chips are so hard to amass. Overall I love it tho.
Off Topic / Re: Favorite smartphone games?
August 22, 2014, 08:52:32 PM
Quote from: Xx Itz Ian on August 22, 2014, 07:49:44 PM
Infinity blade 1 and 2 (3 sucked imo)
knights of pen and paper
Black ops zombies
Geometry dash

and spotify but thats not really a game i guess xD

I liked all 3 Infinity Blades, but I listed the 3rd since it's what I have on my phone right now. What was it you didn't like about it? I tried it on my iPhone 4 and it sucked a LOT, but on my newer iPhone 5c, it runs super smoothly. I like it for its replayability, what with all the different maps and such. Plus they have some cool added features, such as fighting as Isa, item forging (my favorite, since it makes all weapons equal end-game, making it possible to use your favorite looking one instead of the "best" one), and Deathless mode. Plus, the Parry All gem from IB2 was way OP lol
Off Topic / Favorite smartphone games?
August 22, 2014, 06:12:28 PM
What are people's favorite smartphone games?

Some my favs atm are:

Infinity Blade III
Asphalt 8
Dead Space
Angry Birds (don't play it much anymore, but still a classic)
Hungry Shark Evo (for lols)

Side note: Angry Birds Star Wars 2 appears to be free in the Apple App Store atm, in case anybody didn't know....
Jet, is your name Josh? :o
Happy day of birthness :3
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