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Messages - Allie

General Discussion / Re: source code
March 16, 2014, 02:17:59 PM
to our knowledge, noone outside of n-log and/or orange game have it.
Announcements / Login error
March 16, 2014, 01:26:14 PM
We're currently facing a login error due to swapping the loginserver dedi.
It'll be fixed sometime today. We will extend x3 to friday and saturday this week for the inconvenience.

PS, someone please inform me when they get the error the first time next time, this could have been prevented if I'd known earlier.
Off Topic / Re: How can I do..
March 16, 2014, 11:03:21 AM
Have you tried not riding the miku bandwagon.
General Discussion / Re: source code
March 16, 2014, 11:01:37 AM
You're entitled to your opinion.
It's just unfortunate you don't understand the severe complexity it is to not only make these changes without the source (completely disregarding that none of us model), but to understand how it works in the first place.
We can do a very basic, extremely simple map at this point. Barely worth releasing, but it's there.
That took more than 2 months of progress. Items take a total of 30ish seconds to input, another few minutes of implementing the models.

It's easy to say we're "wasting time" when you're not the one working on a multi-month project that was abandoned in December.
General Discussion / Re: source code
March 16, 2014, 08:49:48 AM
Quote from: Iridion on March 15, 2014, 04:02:53 PM
Quote from: Allie on March 15, 2014, 03:47:14 PM
we do many new stuff but release none : )

We release a ton of awesome stuff we never thought possible even a year ago.
Friends/lobby list gives us complete control on the ui of the game.
We've already created and release new game modes that don't even require tags anymore.
We've even done some innovative stuff in-game to make raid more interesting.

We've proven we can create new models by releasing the headless kowbat and kowbat head. While we do have the technology to create and release new models, none of us have the modelling skill to create anything worthwhile.

In-game maps, we have, in fact, learned to move around nodes and create platforms. However, this is extremely early in WIP, as a project me and Ross abandoned in like December due to the thorn we've had for awhile. It's possible we will bring this project back up now that that thorn is gone.

TLDR this short few sentences,
We don't release unfinished content. Just because the ui update wasn't released a day before we released it doesn't mean we weren't capable of doing it a day before it was released.
General Discussion / Re: source code
March 15, 2014, 03:47:14 PM
Quote from: Iridion on March 15, 2014, 03:43:08 PM
like new maps, new armors, new game modes, new stuff

We actually can do all four of those things now.
Maps is a bitch though. We don't have a modeller or armors aren't completely out of the question. We've done new game modes. Lots of new stuffs.
General Discussion / Re: to much xp at lower levels
March 14, 2014, 01:26:53 PM
I agree.
That's why we hold the high server, low server, and BOTS server.
Unfortunately, people like being a high level. As a result, most servers other than high are low pop and under updated, and almost all content is designed for high or max level.
I sent you a PM yesterday.
Sorry you found it unhelpful, but only Kenny can help with this issue.
I apologize for his..less than helpful attitude lately. Maybe he'll see this thread.
ScreenShots / Re: Not sure what feels more dead...
March 11, 2014, 04:25:36 AM
We've been fluctuating *a lot*.
We were back up to 100 on the weekend. It's the exam time of year.
I'm afk a lot.
Send me a PM or make a post on the forums. I read almost every thread barring report a bug, which is (or used to be) kennys domain.
It'd **** over everyone who currently account shares.
General Discussion / Re: Account "Frith" updated.
March 06, 2014, 11:33:03 PM
Working with scams and hacks are a messy business. It becomes a lot worse when person x and person y are "allowed" on the account, but person z hacked it. It's extremely messy.
Because of this, I banned any form of account sharing/trading for the first 4 years of the game.
I was convinced by tricky to allow account sharing, but on the tradeoff that I will refuse to give support to those who participate in this act.

It's almost the equivalent of breaking the rules and not getting support from it, because I do not want players account trading or selling, and those doing so do so on their own risk.
General Discussion / Re: Account "Frith" updated.
March 06, 2014, 08:51:23 PM
This topic was previously solved.
I'm sorry man, but as I said we do not give support of any kind to those who choose to buy or sell accounts.
If I have the situation wrong, as I did not read the full thread, please correct me. However, if this is in regards to requesting I give you back an account that you bought, or deal with the player who took your items and the account back, I can not help you.
Introductions / Re: Hi guys. I'm Noblem.
March 06, 2014, 04:38:15 PM
im telling zero
Quote from: nemano9988 on March 03, 2014, 04:56:26 PM
Even after the nerf a think is not possible to do it, the thing that you have to kill few or all mobs in 20-40 sec makes this even worse.

We made it to the boss pre-nerf, when the 20-40 sec was actually hard.
I've been saying the entire time that I plan to nerf it so it's infinitely easier, but still require coordination. What's so "worse" about getting mob x to <5% hp, get mob y to <5% hp, then kill both at same time.
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