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Messages - Yz

Normal Server / Re: Ω.: ::Redtopia:: :.Ω
December 18, 2014, 09:49:53 AM
i'm making a temporary return to catch Sosa, all my other comebacks have been on my Red acc but this time ill be playing on FML. i'll stay 'til we've finally finished what we've been trying to do for so long. redtopia will be undisputed #1.

i won't be as active as baggie ofc, but still, see you guys ingame. let's get it done and realize the 4 year dream.
Realizing Redemption was disbanded in the guild wipe of 2012 in Low, I went ahead and got Robo to make Redtopia. I probably won't play much like I haven't been on High, but since people have been wanting to play on Low and we didn't have a guild there.. well we made it.

Some things from the main post to note-

We have EXP buff, Luck buff, max co-leaders and max slots.

Redtopia is the only planned guild to be made on Low.

Rank 2 is still the goal for Utopia on High.

Also might make a little return to the game after Christmas.

Redemption art on the High server thread

Ω Redemption Ω
we are Redemption. the people deprived of any type of soul or conscience. products of cynicism and apathy, spreading those very sentiments daily. Redemption is the hardened war veteran of BoutCheetah. We do not forgive or forget. we have seen things that defy explantions. heard stories that would make any god-fearing, law abiding citzen empty their stomach where they stand. we have experienced them multiple times and eagerly await their return.

here you will see a state of mind that exists in most human beings, but is rarely if ever shown. Redemption is alive and constantly changing. We are a subculture, a self-governing sect of the world. rich in history and foundation. to become one of Redemption is to speak a different language. to leave behind any methods of conventional thinking you once knew.

there are things here that you will not understand and things you never will understand. if you cannot accept this then GTFO now. because there is no turning back.

☀.: :: Utopia :: :.☀

☼ Utopia is spearheading the takeover of Low Server ☼

☼ Utopians all have 6 packs male and female ☼

☼ Redemption will sit tight in High, Utopia is the main and only planned guild for Low ☼

☼ Leaders ☼
Yz [mia]

☼ Utopia's Allies ☼

☼ The Rules ☼
-Be nice
-Be respectful
-Spread love
-No hacking
-No hack leeching

☼ Application Form ☼
:Are you an alt?: ( if you are u won't get in )

☼ Via PM ☼
Send a PM to Rez with the info from above

☼ Guild Events ☼
None for now

☼ Guild Players ☼

Guild Name: Redtopia
Guild Created: 2014-12-18 06:36:32
Guild Master: temp 2 Yz
Guild Points: 1365587
Guild Members: 16 out of 20

RDT Dab128551
GM Max46344
RDT WiFi27281
T Z E13399
temp 2 Yz378

☼ Utopia Userbars Art ☼






Lazy Lime Member

Voila Violet Member

T-Sizzle Teal Member

Rowdy Red Member


☼ Utopia Signatures Art ☼

Groundhog Grayscale Member

By Nucleaon

By Zomzom

By Muncay

By Max

By Angrod

By Meteor
Off Topic / Re: welcome back Yz
December 17, 2014, 10:12:14 PM
was cool i got a tattoo while i was there
Off Topic / Re: Free Game... the choices >.<
December 17, 2014, 01:29:09 AM
zelda's the obvious choice if you're a nostalgic nintendork who hasn't enjoyed any new games since you turned 9 and your first games became old

monster hunter 3 is best game there
Normal Server / Re: Ω.: ::Redtopia:: :.Ω
December 17, 2014, 01:17:22 AM
Quote from: panteramas on December 15, 2014, 11:15:05 AM
idk why u all don't agree with aln for what he did.

Calvin Klein did that too on 266. and he also cheat on raid 235......I was woundering how CK get those good times in survival 219 but now it all make sense

I don't hate or anything but its not fair at all that some players abuse glitchs and buggs while the rest is trying so hard to make gp.

(click to show/hide)

idk about the rest of the drama but i personally looked into the logs of every active 219 grinder back in the day and CK was legit
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday Yz
December 06, 2014, 03:07:01 AM
thanks again BC fam, 19 now
won't have net, just a heads up for the people who mighta been wondering where i was/have been pming me, cya then
Introductions / Re: Anyone remember me?
December 05, 2014, 02:35:52 AM
Quote from: krazeekiller on December 05, 2014, 12:16:05 AM
Quote from: Yz on December 03, 2014, 10:31:31 PM
uh, vaguely - I was MiniTricky. some dudes from ZeaL hang around the forums here

I think I was in the guild HolyPaladins. This was what, like 7 years ago? A long time to forget. Even I can't remember anything else to hep identify me.  I'm honestly surprised my name is even vaguely familiar still.

yeah, some of us have been a part of this for 8 years now.. 2015 will mark the 9th year of bots starting up
Introductions / Re: Anyone remember me?
December 03, 2014, 10:31:31 PM
uh, vaguely - I was MiniTricky. some dudes from ZeaL hang around the forums here
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday Yz
December 03, 2014, 10:30:18 PM
Thanks BC fam, mucho appreciato to the dudes who've been a part of my life as long as some of my closest friends irl lol
Off Topic / Re: Happy Birthday Max
December 02, 2014, 02:54:26 AM
Feedback/Rants / Re: What don't you like about the game?
December 02, 2014, 12:35:55 AM
Quote from: qolderman on December 01, 2014, 01:48:11 PM
Quote from: FalseProphet on December 01, 2014, 03:37:49 AM
People leaving pvp because they can't take nearly losing and/or cry about op armour/items.
that's what  he said
Quote from: Corr on November 30, 2014, 04:26:02 PM
People leaving during a PvP match cause they gettin their butts wooped.

they didn't even say the exact same thing
Off Topic / Re: Sympathy Dead, Leader Locked Perm
December 02, 2014, 12:26:22 AM
Way to overreact to a situation that's been present for the entire lifetime of BC which affects GP the least of all modes, then praise the people who have paid the most to this game to gain an advantage, then praise Kenny who has only ever cared about money in the past and would go to the extent to take the game down at times (yet he was still a good guy?) and then say that "rank 1 guilds are just no-lifers".. yeah man, the whole point of GP is to play for an extended amount of time lol. That's what grinding is and it's the same in every other game.

So your friends do everything you complained about.

Everything you complained about has been relevant for a long time, in other games as well.

..Aaaand then you say that people who have grinded more than anyone else are just nolife grinders, which is the point of GP and they're also your friends lol

Idk just seems like you quit out of anger for being banned then said everything you could think of that might make the game look worse. Cya.
Just to clarify the last page a bit

Quote from: Cooky on November 30, 2014, 12:04:52 PM
Quote from: english on November 29, 2014, 08:42:10 PM
What about me? could i be mod?

Quote from: english on November 30, 2014, 11:48:48 AM
i wasnt directly asking to be a mod.

lol seems legit

Quote from: english on November 30, 2014, 11:48:48 AM
i see that they were saying you needed more mods in game to help out.
i was simply offering my services to try help you guys make this game better for everyone.
im well know and trusted by many players on this game.
i like this game alot and was just trying to help you guys.
you cant get noticed here cos all staff are un active. but good luck too all  :)

nice mod app bro

if i were you i would just not mention it again  :D

I don't think he was asking to actually be promoted to Mod, but was asking if others of his renown had a chance to become one in BC's current state. He's not wrong about it being hard to get noticed nowadays, most of the staff who looked out for candidates like myself, RK and Selene (even Zero way back when) have all stopped going ingame.

It's probably a bit frustrating for the part of the playerbase who feel unsatisfied with the staff team right now as they don't see a way for it to get any better without hiring some new staff. Baggie's my boy but without being bias it's easy to see why the most active well-known player right now is curious about a position when the game itself isn't in a state of utopia right now. I'll talk with some people (Allie included) and let you guys know if any changes will be planned for the staff team and what's happening with updates.
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