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Messages - Allie

Announcements / Re: The long awaited
March 03, 2014, 04:28:41 PM
Quote from: MuzzaFuzza on March 03, 2014, 10:31:59 AM
random people without telling what too do and running round like headless chickens everywhere

This short guide contains spoilers about raid. While I will not spoil the boss, I will spoil every block unto the boss, including the boss block.

List of monsters:
Nimba: Untransed, weak, can be single combo'd by any one player, or group combo'd for fast kill
Sircam: Untransed, strong, should be group combo'd by a group of players
Bubbleboy: Transed, medium, can be single combo'd by a patch, or group combo'd by a group of players
Chernobyl: Transed, medium, can be single combo'd by any bot type if using a safe spot, or group combo'd by a group of players
Codered: Transed, strong, can be single combo'd by a patch, or group combo'd by a group of patches
Kowbat: Transed, strong, can be single combo'd by a patch, or group combo'd by a group of patches
Melissa: Untransed, very strong, will kill you if not careful, can be single combo'd if avoiding special ability, should keep away from raid at all times
EliteWazzu: Invincible, will try to shoot at you to knock you off platforms or take spread damage
Cannons: Untransed, medium, should attack from range to avoid shots
Invincible cannon: Invincible, will try to shoot you while you're in the area
Base: Invincible, will AoE the area of the player closest to it
Invisilaser: Invincible one shots if you touch it
Fans: Untransed, should attack from range to avoid fans

The first block consists of two melissas, three cannons, and an invincible cannon
 -Melissa's line the left side, the Melissa on the left will respawn
 -On the right side, three cannons make a triangle around an invincible cannon
 -To beat the block, the Melissa on the right and all three cannons must be defeated

The second block consists of two melissas, two cannons, a base, two elite wazzus, two invisilasers, one sircam, one bubbleboy, one nimba
 -Melissa's line the bottom side, the melissa on the left will respawn
 -On the top of the ship lies a sircam, bubbleboy, and nimba
 -On the left side is an invisilaser, followed by two elite wazzus and a base
 -On the right side of the base is another invisilaser, and two cannons
 -To beat the block, the Melissa on the right, both cannons, the sircam, bubbleboy, and nimba must be defeated

The third block consists of a melissa, a kowbat, a chernobyl, three fans, two nimbas, a cannon, a base, multiple invincible cannons, multiple elite wazzus, fire
 -On the top platform is a kowbat between invincible cannons
 -On the bottom platform is a chernobyl between invincible cannons
 -Multiple invincible cannons, elite wazzus, and a base line the middle
 -Three fans are at the right-most edge, past the invincible cannons and elite wazzus, protected by a fire
 -Melissa spawns in the middle of the middle platform, and will immediately aggro the closest player
 -Chernobyl and Kowbat must be killed within 15 seconds of each other
 -To beat the block, chernobyl, kowbat, the right-most nimba, the right-most cannon, and all three fans must be defeated
  -Chernobyl and Kowbat can not be pushed, else the game will end

The fourth block consists of two melissas, a codered, a chernobyl, a bubbleboy, two elite wazzus
 -Everything will spawn near each other on the cannon block
 -The right melissa, codered, and bubbleboy must be killed within 40 seconds of each other
 -To beat the block, melissa, codered, and bubbleboy must be defeated
  -The right melissa, codered, and bubbleboy can not be pushed, else the game will end

The fifth block consists of two melissas, many bubbleboys, four bombs, a base, multiple chernobyls, multiple elite wazzus, multiple cannons, multiple invisilasers, the boss
 -Everything is a mess here, spawning near the boss
 -There will be one bomb directly next to the bosses spawn
 -There will be one bomb directly next to an invisilaser and a base
 -Two bombs are back in block 2, far left of the ship on the wings
 -5-10 bubbleboys will spawn near the lower wing
 -Chernobyls will line both wings
 -Two melissas will spawn near the base, above the bubbleboys
 -The bombs will go off after 40 seconds
 -Once one bomb is defeated, the others must be defeated within 20 seconds
 -To beat the block, all four bombs and the boss must be defeated

Our strategies were pre-nerf, and may or may not be outdated. We never beat the fifth block, so take our strategy for it as you will, you're likely on your own

Skills used: Leech, Digidragon (required)

For the first block,
 -One person distracts the left melissa while the right melissa is pushed by another person
 -When the right melissa is pushed, someone stun locks the left melissa using stun attack while the rest of the group burns the cannons
 -The left melissa is either pushed or killed (it's easier to kill now, post-nerf) a second before the last cannon is destroyed (this requires communication!) so that it's down for the next block and will not respawn

For the second block,
 -The raid stands back to not aggro anything by accident
 -One person runs down to the bottom wing and takes both melissas, pushing the right one, stun locking the left one
 -One person runs to the top wing and pulls both sircam, and bubbleboy to the spawn area for the group to kill
 -The group heads for the right cannons moving along the top wing
 -One person kills the nimba, and then stands directly to the top-left of the base to move the base in its direction
 -The group transforms into digi dragon and destroys the cannons from a safe spot on the top-right
 -The left melissa is either pushed or killed (it's easier to kill now, post-nerf) a second before the last cannon is destroyed (this requires communication!) so that it's down for the next block and will not respawn

For the third block,
 -The melissa handler moves onto chernobyl's platform and aggro the melissa, bringing it back to the starting area for stun lock
 -You should split into two groups for this one: rams/surges with one patch on the bottom, patches on the top
 -The bottom group's patch should aggro the chernobyl on the bottom platform, bring him to the second block area, then crit him up, bringing him to the lower wing
 -Bottom group's patch should keep the chernobyl on the upper wall of the lower wing, but not crit him up, while the rest of the bottom group stands on the block safe spot and combos
 -The top group's patch should aggro the kowbat on the top platform, bring him to the second block area, then crit him up, bringing him to the top wing, if he runs away, run directly to the left, if he's too far, gun from an angle at the top wing for aggro
 -Top group should beat on kowbat, leeching any damage they may take
 -The chernobyl and kowbat must be defeated within 15 seconds of each other
   -In our group, chernobyl was always done first, so we'd get chernobyl to very low red, then wait for kowbat's death, and finish off chernobyl
 -When chernobyl and kowbat are defeated, the team (we only sent our most skilled because it's very dangerous) must make it past all the gunfire to the fans
 -On the bottom platform, use digi dragon to destroy the cannon and nimba
 -On the top platform, use digi dragon to destroy the three fans

For the fourth block,
 -We use a second melissa handler for this block
 -Both melissa handlers should aggro a specific melissa, the primary melissa handler on the left one, secondary on the right one
 -Bring both melissas individually to the starting area so they are not mixed, and out of the way
 -Secondary melissa handler should kill the second melissa while the primary one stun locks the first (post-nerf, this player might have to just dance with it due to melissa's incredibly low hp)
 -Patches should handle codered and bubbleboy, making sure to only reduce it to very low hp, and not finishing it off
 -When codered and bubbleboy are low hp, the patches should wait until melissa is low red, and all three should be killed within 40 seconds of each other
 -Rams and surges can use a safe spot right above the lower platform to safely leech off chernobyl, this round is a break for anyone that's not a patch or a melissa handler

For the fifth block,
 -Keep at least one player at the starting area for the bombs
 -We had most of our raid stand back while the melissas were aggro'd
 -Same as block 4, pull them individually, the left one respawns
 -Send a patch to get all the bubbleboys under control, they are at the top of the center platform
 -Avoiding the obstacles, aim for the bombs, else they will wipe after 40 seconds
 -The player in the back should weaken, but not destroy, both bombs while waiting for the raid up front
 -When one bomb has been destroyed, the player in the back should destroy both bombs and run up for the boss
 -The remaining bomb should be destroyed

I cannot spoil the boss for you, but I don't have a strategy anyway - this is as far as we've gotten.
Good luck to anyone attempting, please help correct any errors as this was written in one short hour from recollection entirely.
Announcements / Re: The long awaited
March 02, 2014, 08:35:38 PM
Nerf has been released.
Announcements / Re: The long awaited
March 02, 2014, 08:26:27 PM
Included nerf specifics in first post for those interested. Already got a few questions of what nerfs I did.
Announcements / The long awaited
March 02, 2014, 07:55:32 PM
235 nerf has been released.
This is not a faceroll nerf, it will still require coordination. I have withdrawn the full 235 set for the world first as it will be dramatically easier now.

As of now, I do not plan to nerf it any further else it might aswell be as easy as 221. 250 will not be receiving a nerf yet, but it is expected to receive one in the future.

For those of you who have experience in 235, here are the numbers I used to nerf it:
40% base damage/health nerf on everything that is not invulnerable or intended to one shot you
20% further damage reduction on bases.
85% health reduction on melissa
20% base TD reduction on all mobs
Removed a couple mobs that cluttered blocks 3 and 5.
Melissa's special ability will be used less frequently, but will still inflict massive damage.
Melissa can no longer block.
Cannons can no longer block.
Suggestions / Re: default server
March 01, 2014, 10:07:36 PM
Quote from: Scythe on March 01, 2014, 10:04:18 AM
and create millions of threads saying "how to connect to low server/high server"

not saying I'm interested in doing this, but that could be easily solved by making it a checkbox option next to the server to auto-login to it.
That way, those who want the feature can have it and those who don't know about it won't be confused by it.
Off Topic / Re: Cooky's WoW Screenshots
February 27, 2014, 09:48:38 PM
Quote from: Madprox on February 27, 2014, 07:47:32 PM
Lady Sylvanas looks cool.
Is she a boss?

She's..leader of the Forsaken.
Spam / Re: shoutout
February 26, 2014, 07:18:20 PM
...why was this post approved?
General Discussion / Re: The choice of new staff.
February 26, 2014, 07:01:30 PM
Vish is most likely not permanently demoted. His IP was found on a hacked account yesterday. After we investigate it further, he might get it back.
Off Topic / Re: How much money would 1billion gigas cost?
February 25, 2014, 05:47:32 PM
Quote from: Santa on February 25, 2014, 05:42:56 PM
100mil per 100 dollars.

I would be willing to agree to such rate.
General Discussion / Re: "Help Admin"
February 25, 2014, 03:49:43 PM
Send me a PM with the two login names and I can swap them.
Off Topic / Re: post a screenshot of your desktop
February 25, 2014, 12:26:35 PM
Quote from: EnergyCell on February 25, 2014, 12:12:18 PM
I know all of Allie 's icons
Icon1 = Firefox (yea)
Icon2 = Windows explorer
Icon3 = Steam
Icon4 = Skype
Icon 5 = WoW
Icon 6 = Impossible B (bc ofc)
Icon 7 = Bots Zylon
Icon 8 = how could i know?
Icon 9 = Teamviewer
Icon 10 = FileZilla (prob to edit site)
Icon 11 = Navicat (srs? use mysql instead)
Icon 12 = Audio manager
Icon 13 = Notepad
Icon 14 = I know, but forgot it's name.

1. Who cares
2. You said you knew them all, but only recognized the common ones, so i question why you decided to post
3. I think I have more mysql experience than you, I'm perfectly fine with navicat
4. What's with the spam post
Off Topic / Re: post a screenshot of your desktop
February 25, 2014, 11:13:00 AM
(click to show/hide)
Off Topic / Re: i love my job!
February 24, 2014, 04:06:03 PM
I'm like halfway up the bulletin board.
short 5'2 allie.
Off Topic / Re: This is outrageous
February 24, 2014, 02:54:53 AM
There are 83,401 accounts that have at least 1 exp in-game.
That's at least 26% that aren't spam bots. Way, way higher than your thing.
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