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Messages - lara538

Im so looking forward to the next update and u said it would probably be released past week.
This week is there a 100% release chance? U changed ur avatar to smthing related :3
Sorry to bother its cuz im REALLY looking forward to it :D
General Discussion / 1280x960 resolution= no full screen?
February 25, 2013, 06:43:18 PM
 ???When i try it dont work D:
Edit: Btw very cool and good to play in high resolution  8)
Normal Server / Re: UnBalanced - Be Remembered
February 25, 2013, 05:29:45 PM
Ik this isnt grind guild but we recovered rank 7 in overall, good job guys  ;D
Normal Server / Re: S>Attack bot V3 and Jura 200days
February 25, 2013, 05:27:20 PM
Dark Surge E Full Set for both.
Spam / Re: playstation 4?
February 24, 2013, 03:59:32 PM
Quote from: Purple on February 24, 2013, 02:19:50 PM
Quote from: Toast on February 24, 2013, 10:46:30 AM
I'm gonna keep my ps3. It's still pretty good, and it's still new. I'll probably get a ps4 1-2 years later.

Ps3 is like 7 years old and games on it look like shit. Get PC instead of ps4

Do u use drugs bro?

EDIT: Now srsly, it have like 5years and a half, and it games doesnt even look near shit man.  >:(
Tips and Guides / Re: Transes Speciallity
February 23, 2013, 12:19:12 AM
Quote from: Yz on February 22, 2013, 08:42:41 PM
@maxter: jura isn't good at everything. it's op but yeah, not at EVERYTHING. slow combo is its biggest flaw

Well its good for holo,flop and bvb. But yeah not everything i think i would prefer a dk in sector  :-\
Also in BOTS!! i was nolifer and had 2 legits lvl100 and 1 legit lvl85-90 i was 6 to 9 years old +/- so i dont think that i got much experience from that. And BC i only play constantly since october, yeah im lil experienced compared to much ppl ik :P
But even disagreeing with somethings, its cool u say its good but u need to update with this and this, u were being mean with killer,
friendly suggest updates saying it was a good guide would be better.
About my lil experience, i dont think im low experienced im bvb btw, in BC i have more than 300 matches of bvb(im rank 21) and i played a lot of bvb in BOTS!! ik its not that high but its something considerable.From what i see from own experience and seeing others using i recommended the 3 transes and i dont think any1 will disagree.

Bvb example: When Corr is going to bvb if the room take long to get full or at least 4-6 ppl he go to lobby and whisper ppl, and im one of the ppl that he almost always whisper,so he prob see that im not that bad at bvb and he asks this mainly cuz i play a lot bvb when there are ppl up to play with me. MfxPounder,friend that bvbs 90% the time he is on he bvbs and that when we both are on, we spend 80% of the time bvbing together in the same room. I love bvb and i always work hard to improve and get better in this mode, way more(in love and hard work) than pvp.

Sorry for any grammar errors.
Off Topic / Re: Obama's Q&A Finally Answered!
February 22, 2013, 11:57:42 PM
Quote from: paranoia on February 22, 2013, 11:41:46 PM

Sorry but now i have to agree, bumping a off topic session thing like this, and also in the same day u posted,thats attention seeking :-\.
I wasnt really agreeing with Zom,but as i said i WASNT.

I dont understand english clearly when its talked by ppl so i cant say if it was good or bad or if it was funny or not  :P.
I also dont know much about Obama to have more fun even if i was understanding.
EDIT: Well if its really good at least u are seeking for ppl attention in a funny video u made  ;)
Spam / Re: Quitting
February 22, 2013, 11:50:23 PM
VISH SANTA WAS HERE HOHOHOH     :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Cya vish,u coming back or not,was nice to meet u bro :)
Normal Server / Re: Maxter_Gundam Shop DS E SET AND MORE
February 22, 2013, 09:36:11 PM
Bump!  ;D
Suggestions / Re: Suggestion for multiple things
February 22, 2013, 08:47:32 PM
Quote from: Thornz on February 22, 2013, 02:06:03 PM
Quote from: NathanXDC on February 18, 2013, 08:44:32 AM
13). maybe you could make membership be bought with gp.. like 50-100 mil for a month rather than trusting others to make a mem trade cuz after all everyone is gonna do that

I kinda think this is a bad idea, because Zylon would lose a lot of income if tey made it possible to buy membership with anything but real money.  Perhaps making membership tradeable, instead? Like a membership coupon that, once activated, grants you membership for the designated time?  This could be added to the Zylon Shop.  And that way, Zylon still makes money off of memberships, regardless of who winds up with the membership in the end...

In zylon shop there are the extra zc so it wont be added i think unless they put more than 550 zc for a month,more than 1250 for 3 months or unless they wanna reduce member price. Btw if when u bought membership a membership coupon appears in ur gift list would make intense membership merch i think.
Suggestions / Re: Suggestion
February 22, 2013, 08:39:50 PM
Quote from: Thornz on February 22, 2013, 02:17:49 PM
Actually guys, you don't really need your own credit card. Here's how it works:

Step 1: wait for you parents to fall asleep
Step 2: steal their card and buy perm membership
Step 3: get grounded for 6 months
Step 4: at least you have a perm membership once you're not grounded!

Please note, length of being grounded depends on other deciding factors, such as pissed-off-edness of patents and extent of credit card debt on parents account, but besides that, it's completely fool-proof!

Ps: I'm joking. Don't do this xD

Look what ppl in forums here teach  :P
Tips and Guides / Re: Transes Speciallity
February 22, 2013, 08:37:03 PM
@war: Some transes sucks in everything and dont have specialties.And jura is good 4 everything in my opinion :P
I think i kinda agree with this.
I would recommend to bvb one of those 3:
Digi Dragon
(excluding kow/jura and hallo trans ofc)
ScreenShots / Re: LOOK AT THAT LEVEL! O_O
February 22, 2013, 08:32:20 PM
Quote from: Dillh on February 22, 2013, 07:28:35 PM
SO pointless....

Thanks for your time :)

Dillh why are u making questions about what ppl are doing, being non-friendly by a certain way and still putting  :) in the end?
Quote from: Yz on February 22, 2013, 07:03:07 PM
Quote from: Thornz on February 22, 2013, 06:58:14 PM
Which trans, overall, is the best?  I would assume Jura, but aside from that, which one?

lanternman for ease of use in all modes honestly. i'd say overunner is better than lanternman at pvp though.

Dark Knight for sector is very easy to use and very good :P .
For sector: Dark Knight(what i recommend) or superkhanZ
PvP: Lanterman,overruner,white ninja????
Bvb: Lanterman,Overruner,digidragon
In my opinion its basically that.
General Discussion / Re: Quick question about guns
February 22, 2013, 01:43:55 PM
Quote from: spiderstar on February 22, 2013, 02:45:02 AM
Quote from: Thornz on February 22, 2013, 02:42:30 AM
So, I remember back in BOTS days that shooting the boss lowered the chance for a box drop.  Does the same hold true for BC?

But no, shooting the boss does not lower your chance of getting boxes.  
U forgot the , and this changes what the phrase means lol  :P :P :P :P
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