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Messages - Yz

it doesn't matter what you guys do or don't enjoy. when something is broken it gets nerfed, and 258 is broken.
Spam / Re: What Rank is Yz?
October 19, 2014, 02:19:09 AM
Spam / Re: What Rank is Yz?
October 19, 2014, 01:47:42 AM
plat 3
ah, i thought you were saying the t-bot transes were crappy looks-wise, i can agree that they are too slow/weak and don't really have a place in this game

and about before the guild wipe, any time, we were close but oh well
Suggestions / Re: GIVE US OUR MAP 172 BACK!
October 16, 2014, 06:01:42 AM
gigas were easy to get back then, but since then we've had taxes added and other giga sinks. so imo old 172 wouldnt be unhealthy for the game or anything
Quote from: Encorith on October 14, 2014, 04:27:54 PMKeeping players waiting too long for new content is one of the factors that caused the downfall of Bots Acclaim, after all.

as always when someone says something like this i just wanted to clarify/call you out on it

that is not at all why bots died, not even a top 3 reason

1) bots had no updates, sure, but the real problem was no hotfixes/patches. hacks were destroying that game and they couldn't fix any cuz n-log went bankrupt

2) full corrupt staff team that shat on the voluntary staff team and entire playerbase

3) account hacks/server hacks ontop of all the gameplay hacks from reason 1

sure you said it was 'one of the factors' but it's not like either company is choosing it or why players ultimately left bots acclaim, it was moreso that they were simply a publishing company and the main dev company from korea was entirely bankrupt and shut down. that opened up the doors for a chain reaction of a shitstorm of things to go wrong for the game, and people who were still willing to play bots even with updates were just too obsessed - that game was done

Quote from: Encorith on October 14, 2014, 04:27:54 PMThis may also help you find a programmer that can make new content for the game that doesn't suck like the crappy transformations you ripped from T-bot.


they aren't really crappy, they are remodels and allie would likely have to pay someone for higher quality remodels then that. right now hiring a new staff member with some coding/modelling/other useful skill is not ideal, maybe when player count is a lot higher
Spam / Re: hehehehheheheehe
October 12, 2014, 01:32:08 PM
Quote from: anaroy50 on October 12, 2014, 12:18:40 PM
lol 1 name detrek 1 name qolderman...

if that's it then i still don't get it
Spam / Re: hehehehheheheehe
October 12, 2014, 12:12:28 PM
i dont, no one does, hence 25 views and no replies that get it
Quote from: Corr on October 11, 2014, 12:15:58 AM
Quote from: ghostkid17 on October 11, 2014, 12:06:41 AM
Quote from: Corr on October 10, 2014, 11:58:31 PM
Give rewards for beating certain people in PvP/Base.

For those who maintain their win streak, give them an incentive, everyone loves to beat the **** outta erreryone, let em get rewarded for it. Erreryone likes the underdog who miraculously beats the pro, give em a reward for his efforts.
This sounds like a good idea but people would probably just farm it.
They wouldn't farm if you and I were those people they have to beat. lol

yeah and neither of you probly would be, there's be too many scenarios where it could be farmed by the guy consenting or something for a friend
Quote from: Rossbach on October 09, 2014, 11:33:17 AM
Honestly Ross is not a fan of making leveling harder, if anything there should be no levels. Have everyone, and sector levels based upon the same level point. Make E parts the new top sets. If everything is at the same level it is more easy to balance armors, maps, etc. This game should be more on enjoyable content.

oof the potential this has...

should do it like league of legends/warframe/level cap games where you can only go to a certain level cap then you have hidden levels based on your gear or something, but that's way too big of a change to happen i think unless a lot of ideas are sketched up

would be cool for lv cap to be 100 and every map can be done for exp/parts
Quote from: qolderman on October 09, 2014, 08:05:59 AM
bring back 172 non member cap, 300 member cap and make raid armor only for members, because almost everyone has it.

worst idea anyone could think of
Off Topic / Re: happy birthday cooky
October 09, 2014, 07:18:34 AM
hbd cooky sorry i didnt make the thread in time
If we're trying to get the game active then I suggest a welcome back gift to players who haven't logged in for 3 months or so. I don't think unbanned players should be able to get these though to encourage good behaviour but doesn't matter in the long run. You could do the welcome back gift two ways.

1) Randomized decent item. Could be gigas, coins, a +5 part within the players level area (would be better if you could sell armor for gigas if we do it this way) 30 day items perhaps? 1 day rare cosmetics?

2) This is the way I think it should be done. Welcome back old players with all the necessities they need to get back into the game.
7 Day Coin Head
7 Day Wings
7 Day Mercenary
7 Day Trans
10x use RB Pack
1 Day Event Flag of some kind?
General Stuff the community has asked for recently, in order of popularity

Guild Alliance
"Allow the two guilds to communicate via guild chat (Your guild's text would be green like usual, and your allies would be red)
Able to see both guild messages (Green/Red again) that the guild leaders set."

I think this would be a great idea to coordinate huge events, that's what I'd personally do anyway - back in the 50 guild member days we could set up multiple leech rooms for randoms with lucky auras or get huge pvp rooms going. It's mostly focused on quality of life for guilds but I think it could help the games activity in the long run, I'm really for this idea.


- Making higher level armors giga items (so people can sell Elektra)
- Gigas Lottery
- Starting Package system for new players / bots
- Merging Different items together (cosmetic change / keep highest stats)
- Mystery box prize item
Normal Server / Re: Ω.: ::Redtopia:: :.Ω
October 08, 2014, 01:40:48 AM
i dont know any info about it, you can make the decision baggs
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