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Messages - Dillh

Quote from: loewe98 on June 04, 2012, 04:05:30 PM
Quote from: RAUDOG on June 03, 2012, 06:51:53 PM
Well fam we are rank 5 now but i do thank u all that was trying, I want you all to know that it was Gramps and the gm gun that got us, noway in the world Sympathy would have passed us but the use of that gun made it possible.
It's not over get ready for next weekend fam.

Gramps did mutch but before gramps was here we got far to be honest and we could have passed u guys whitout gramps .
We work hard for it like u guys do , and im coming in peace in this guild thread and im here to ask to stop the  guild wars and just leave the Sympathy thread alone if you'r going to say bad things . And goodluck whit the guild and have a nice day .


Yeah Dido leave the GOD_LIKE thread alone, do you know how many ****y shits of your guild have come here saying that we suck etc, So yeah I wish that all this would just quit, and just wondering if you think you could pass us without my dearst friend gramps, why didn't you pass then, I think this big debate would stop, like no more flaming at each other on the forums. I know you can not control all of your members and neither can me and ice with our members,but I think this hole subject should just be dropped, well at least kept Clean. All the best FireY
Quote from: Yz on June 04, 2012, 01:19:49 AM
I wanna join on my low level Ram but I promise I'll get it to 221, it's more of a main than Yz is.
IGN: Buuu
Lv: 21

This is my acc with all my rares on it (attack bot, walker bro, special E.Fs, 1 million games Rush 2 & Mob. Boost) so yeah I'll be on this one.

Hope you accept me :3
You'll have to clear your in-game applications for me to join tho.

Aww yea me boy Trick, well if you will be active I am sure it will not be a problem,I know ur capability, it is very high,

so I say yea boi
That is a shame bro, will you ever get back into BC like fully again, or is school work take over your life like mine lol.
Perhaps get a better time zone lol :)
Quote from: sasuke6548 on June 04, 2012, 12:15:10 AM
MEANS that he will be on at my time so expect him on when I'm on

Which also mean make your time more expandable lol:)
Quote from: MagicXR on June 03, 2012, 11:47:04 PM
bot type:Patch
active (how many hours a day):5+
are u alt (spare account) this is main

Hey man, I am Dillh :) pleasure to meet you, by looking at you application it looks fine to me, Can you tell me what time zone your in so we have an idea when to expect you on. Other co-leader/ players in the guild will vote to see if you meet there standards as well about joining the guild. All the best.
GFX / Re: FREEEEEE: Pokemon Sprite Sigs
June 03, 2012, 06:01:33 PM
Can I have a ekans one plz and if text possible could I have "no.1 Snake guy".
Solved Bug Reports / Re: HELP :(
June 03, 2012, 02:53:52 PM
Erm restart your internet ?
Solved Bug Reports / Re: teamspeak 3
June 02, 2012, 09:54:00 PM
Gramps is it late go to bed bro lol sorry to be off topic bro
Off Topic / Re: See you...
June 02, 2012, 09:07:27 PM
Damn another amazingly cool person is leaving :(. well you take care man, I will not forget you, I hope you can pop in the game just to say hey to me :)

Love you Zero, All the best bro

GFX / Re: Self Drawn doodle
June 02, 2012, 06:16:20 AM
Colour it in will be able to see more of the detail for me .
Errm leave the pvp thing with me I might see if Spoonin is up for some pvp. Ok.
I would like to say a BIG Welcome back to my boi Spoonin Turtles, an ex GOD_LIKE player who has now joined back to complete his goal.
Welcome back bro.

All the best with the Dark Meto event I hope you all none Dark Meto holders are working hard to get this once in a life time prize ( Will not be done again as an event unless we change our minds).Also good luck to the Guild Pvp event, I will help Divine out with a good prize for the winners.
SOTW / Re: The Official GOTM #1
June 01, 2012, 05:43:04 PM
Congratulations Meteor :D . The best GFX'er around. All the best with your future designs.
Off Topic / Re: My official goodbye
June 01, 2012, 04:18:20 PM
You got me in this type of mood to listen to this song.

Give it a listen. :)

Time to say goodbye - Andrea Bocelli & Sara Brightman
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